CSPAN: Live testimony by Clinton on Benghazi

I could not believe Durbin turning it into a partisan attack throwing out Iraq WMD's and blaming the funding hold solely on Republicans by blaming the House over and over again.
I guess I disagree that Rand Paul "deserved it." I'm assuming you're talking about the question regarding weapons leaving Libya to Turkey. I think that's a legitimate question and I think he could've been a little more specific regarding the matter, but to say he deserved to have the Secretary of State be an arrogant cunt to him is a bit of a stretch. How did she expect to be treated after all the shenanigans this administration has pulled with this matter? IMO she's lucky she didn't have her ass handed to her as they could've made this extremely embarrassing and difficult for her if they really wanted to.

I think it's laughable she can say with a straight face that she believes in transparency and openness and accountability and blah blah blah when the attack occurred more than FOUR months ago and she is just now testifying before Congress. Her ass should've been in that seat a long, long time ago.
The other part that made me want to lose my lunch was when the Rep from American Samoa was reading a scripted response about how WONDERFUL Billary is and dropped a bunch of not-so-subtle hints about how he hopes she runs for president in '16, then didn't ask her a SINGLE question pertaining to anything about why they were actually there. makes me so fuckin mad!!! That and her smug face and 'What are you gonna do about it?' expression. GAAAAH!:mad:

Losing more and more faith in the big government. For every step forward it's like a marathon backwards.
It was difficult to keep watching. I was so angry to see that when we're talking about a situation where American lives were lost, that thundercunt is sitting there with that goddamn arrogant smirk on her face. :mad:
Agree. And I watched a few different clips today and she's banging on the desk, raising her voice about the 4 American lives that were lost. Maybe if you had demonstrated some of that emotion (and/or acted on it) when the shit was hitting the fan you wouldn't be testifying in front of Congress you psycho hose beast.


Just saw this posted by a kid on my facebook.

  • Chuck Calder i'm glad someone finaly said it.
    15 minutes ago · Like
  • Chuck Calder Had to share. Thanks
    13 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Iassen dude seriously? did you even watch the testimony? probably not, nobody in AMerica did. Just the footnotes. "WHat does it matter?" came in response to when one of the senators was asking if the attack started from an armed protest or an armed assault. it was a dumb fucking question period.
    5 minutes ago · Like
FWIW I was watching live when the "what does it matter" was screeched out by Secretary Clinton. The meme pretty much describes my gut reaction to her statement. I cant even imagine what the families of the dead thought of it.
FWIW I was watching live when the "what does it matter" was screeched out by Secretary Clinton. The meme pretty much describes my gut reaction to her statement. I cant even imagine what the families of the dead thought of it.

Unfortunately (and much to my dismay), get used to it....there will more of her bullshit to contend with in 2016.
But wait...

I wonder if the White House will email the Congressmen a "you will regret this" veiled threat? O_o

Congressman Frank Wolf (R - VA), Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Congressman Jim Gerlach (R - PA), a House Ways and Means Committee member, sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday and indicated that he was contacted by a "reliable source who provided information that there are wounded American personnel, including State Department employees, currently in rehabilitation and recovery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center."

Wolf's letter continues saying that the source told him that as many as seven Americans have been or were given medical treatment at the facility, a number of which were State employees. According to both Wolf and Gerlach, another source corroborated the claim and "indicated that as many as 30 Americans (including State Department and CIA personnel and government contractors) may have been injured in the attack."

The Congressmen told Secretary Kerry they would like to visit the survivors of the Benghazi attack at Walter Reed, "as they have endured much for their country and we owe them a debt of gratitude." They are also requesting from Sec. Kerry the names and contact information to all the State Department employees who survived the Benghazi attack.

Wolf and Gerlach also sent a "dear colleague" letter to members of their conference discussing the wounded individuals who survived the Benghazi attack. The congressman called upon House Republicans to support co-sponsoring H.Res 36. The resolution would create a House Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Jon Stewart really disappointed me tonight...I try to give him credit for at least pretending to be balanced; not tonight, I switched it off.
Watching the replay. This is like watching Cinemax porn.. you know what you want to see happen... but you're not gonna get to.

I give the 3 testifying all the credit in the world for not standing up and throwing their shoes at some of the Committee Members..
The way some people feel about watching the 747 video is how I feel about these hearings. I can't watch. I know the outcome and there is nothing I can do about it. And it hurts; it physically hurts. Watching our government lie and cover up the death of civilian employees as well as former military members makes me literally sick to my stomach. The pain and distrust this whole mess has inflicted on our citizens is just not going to go away. This is worse than Watergate. Four people died a violent and preventable death because our government needed this to be about a "spontaneous demonstration" that just happened to occur on 9/11. Even after other civilians knew this was planned. Sean Smith knew shit was going down. He posted it online hours before it began. There is no way this was not sent through channels once the embassy staff saw the "police" were casing the building and taking surveillance photos.
As disgusted as I am with some of the Committe Members, I'm just as proud of the 3 gentleman testifying. It's a brutal situation but they give hope that there are good people who work for the Goverment that don't wear a uniform.
Events like this touch upon a frightening reality: either partisan politics matters more than the truth (this cuts both ways) or we really are electing some of the dumbest people on the planet to govern our lives.

In a side note and to repeat an earlier post, if this goes anywhere I will be surprised. Fast and Furious anyone?
Events like this touch upon a frightening reality: either partisan politics matters more than the truth (this cuts both ways) or we really are electing some of the dumbest people on the planet to govern our lives.

Or both...
Events like this touch upon a frightening reality: either partisan politics matters more than the truth (this cuts both ways) or we really are electing some of the dumbest people on the planet to govern our lives.

In a side note and to repeat an earlier post, if this goes anywhere I will be surprised. Fast and Furious anyone?
Or both...

This may bite Hillary in the ass come 2016 though.

Republicans should be playing this as Hillary trying to make Obama look bad just before the election.