I apologize in advance if this has already been covered but I did a search and came up empty. Has anyone ordered any custom engraved pistols for their unit? I know para-ordnance has a program, does anyone know of any other company?
Springfield makes good customs. I'd go with them over para.
Just a flip side, never had any problems with my old LDA .40 compact or with customer service or known anyone with a Para to have problems with either.......and ever since they relocated from the Great White North and set up shop here within 10 min driving time of my house, everything is even better.
Just curious as to what you experienced.
Did you end up doing anything about the sights? They were plastic, weren't they?
A few anecdotes that I've read have had Para's CS tell the owner to go buy a new extractor at Brownell's if they don't want to wait 6-8 weeks to have the factory fix it.