Drink coffee, PT, check e-mail, check ShadowSpear, drink some more coffee, yell at students, eat lunch, drink a Red Bull, yell at students, drink pre-workout, PT, go home.
What's the point behind asking this question?
You guys ever see fire supporters from other branches coming over? A lot of JFO's I work with including myself have been looking into switching branches from the marine corps over to the AF for TACP.Drink coffee, PT, check e-mail, check ShadowSpear, drink some more coffee, yell at students, eat lunch, drink a Red Bull, yell at students, drink pre-workout, PT, go home.
What's the point behind asking this question?
You guys ever see fire supporters from other branches coming over? A lot of JFO's I work with including myself have been looking into switching branches from the marine corps over to the AF for TACP.
Why would an individual want to go from CCT to TACP?Yeah. I have seen plenty of 11Bs and a handful of FSOs come over. A couple Rangers, a couple Recon Marines, even a couple CCTs who traded scarlet for black.
That's awesome do guys with pre-existing certs like JFO or JTAC complete the same TACP pipeline as new airmen when transferring branches or is the process different?Yeah. I have seen plenty of 11Bs and a handful of FSOs come over. A couple Rangers, a couple Recon Marines, even a couple CCTs who traded scarlet for black.
Why would an individual want to go from CCT to TACP?
You guys ever see fire supporters from other branches coming over? A lot of JFO's I work with including myself have been looking into switching branches from the marine corps over to the AF for TACP.
Why would an individual want to go from CCT to TACP?
That's awesome do guys with pre-existing certs like JFO or JTAC complete the same TACP pipeline as new airmen when transferring branches or is the process different?
I second this question.
Of the guys I was stationed with, many wanted to continue doing JTAC work. With the 'slowing' of Afghanistan, they could see a shift beginning away from JTAC duties and more toward airfield seizure, and they didn't like doing airfield seizure.
Sounds good. I really appreciate you letting me pick your brain on that one.Not all CCTs get JTAC qualed, and some that do, do not get to keep it current. Our primary mission is JTACery. I only know of a couple cases, but it was guys that were going to be on survey teams, and they just wanted to JTAC.
They complete the same pipeline. No one else trains TACPs start to finish like we do.
Yeah, LOL.Of all the CCTs I have talked to, not one joined to do the doctrinal CCT mission of remote/austere airfield survey and seizure. OEF/OIF was so JTAC heavy, that the CCT community created way more JTACs than they ever had before. It was almost all they did. The young guys coming in these days, and over the last decade, have all gone in believing CCT is synonymous with JTAC.
The doctrinal connection to seizure of airfield or any other piece of real estate did not exist until post 1980 and survey prior to 1980 focused on establishing and maintain current training drop zone surveys. Although it can be strongly argued the second C in CCT is for Air Traffic Control connecting this purpose to only remote/austere airfields is erroneous as it ignores the larger sustaining of continuous air landing or air drop of troops and materiel necessary for projected operations. In this larger operational capability purpose CCT exists to provide the direct ground communications link to aircraft, primarily cargo and troop carrier, flying overhead and or landing, taxing, and taking off.the doctrinal CCT mission of remote/austere airfield survey and seizure.