DeBakey Fisher House Volunteer Work


Nov 12, 2015
I've recently set up a program with my high school to volunteer at the Fisher House near the DeBakey VA Hospital here in Houston. I want to give back to our veterans and get more involved with the veteran community, and I believe cooking/serving dinner and talking to them is a great way to do it. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips on what or what not to do?
Don't ask too many questions of the wounded or their families, once they get to know you if they decide to open up they will. Staying at a Fisher House is a big thing, it means somebody is there for a while. Be a ghost, get things done, but don't get in the way, stay in the background, be invisible - but also be able to help if asked... Do not expect any recognition, do wht you are asked, and more, but don't do it at meal times unless you are cooking for all of the guests...

You'll be humbled at the strength and resilience of the wounded and their families, in the face of fear and pain they'll endure... watch, learn, and help... but for God's sake, don't intrude.
Update: Recently decorated and delivered cookies/cards to the House for Valentine's Day, it was really a great experience. I talked to a disabled Army vet and an older woman, I've never met more courteous people. They were so thankful and it was overall a great trip. I'm hoping to go back and cook for them as my school has done in the past, and I'm currently trying to arrange that with my administration. Thanks again to everyone for the advice, I was very careful to respect their privacy and not intrude in any way.