I'm not afraid of IS, but...
The Virginia Tech shooter was Asian.
Chris Harper-Mercer was half black.
Elliot Rodger was half Asian.
The guy who shot up those TV reporters? Black.
Just off the top of my head.
But hey,that Mayor and his dumbass fanboys would rather single out the evil white man. What is it with white leftists, the kind you see in those comments, and self-flagellation? I'm certain they say this type of shit because they think it makes them look superior. Isn't it enough to just say that you're worried about mentally unhinged killers? Where's the need to specify white people in particular? Sure, spree killers are more likely to be white, but then white people do currently constitute the majority of the population...
Quite frankly, going by FBI statistics alone, you're even more likely to become a victim of violent/discriminatory black-on-white crime than to be shot by a white spree killer. But you don't see mayors going around saying they're more afraid of violent black criminals than they are of ISIS or spree shooters. At most they might say that they're more afraid of being caught up as a victim of a violent crime. No race specified. Rightly so.