Eddie Van Halen - Rest In Peace


Sep 12, 2012
He died today, age 65. Part of my childhood died with him, I feel genuine sadness tonight and am near tears.

Rest In Peace -

From his son:
“My father, Edward Lodewijk Van Halen lost his long and arduous battle with cancer this morning,” Wolfgang Van Halen wrote. “My heart is broken and I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover from this loss”

And he couldn’t read music. From a long ago interview:

I don’t know shit about scales or music theory,” he told Rolling Stone in 1980. “I don’t want to be seen as the fastest guitar in town, ready and willing to gun down the competition. All I know is that rock & roll guitar, like blues guitar, should be melody, speed, and taste, but more important, it should have emotion. I just want my guitar playing to make people feel something: happy, sad, even horny.”

You were successful sir, rock in peace. 😥
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I think I saw Grohl say something similar. EVH was fantastic; I'm learning atm and the more I learn the more I realise how much talent these types of guys have.
In 1964 The Kinks released “You really got me”; and is considered by many to be the first “heavy metal’ song.

In 1999 the song was entered into the Grammy Hall of Fame and Rolling Stone Magazine named it #82 of it’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
I’m sure it did not hurt that Van Halen’s 1978 version of the song was the band’s debut song...and rocked.

I’d encourage you to watch the Van Halen version if for no other reason than to appreciate what this band did for the future of rock music.
Remember, this was 1978, here were your Billboard Top-15 songs:

So when “this” song dropped, it was unlike anything anyone had ever heard before, and was the end of disco and the beginning of what is now referred to as “Glam Rock”.

