EMT/FF getting ready to take the leap!


Jan 16, 2017
Hello All!

Just a little about me, I'm a Nationally Registered EMT (certified people mover) and volly Firefighter, transitioning fatbody, gearing up to take on the greatest challenge of my life. I have been out of shape for many years, but finally after I broke my leg in a training accident in September my eyes were opened to the physical shape I'm in and decided to do something about it.

Since December 1st, I have dropped 30lbs and have completely changed my lifestyle. No fast food, no soda, no pussyfooting around, no excuses. The damage to my leg has set me back exercise wise a bit, but I've been hitting upper body hard since December and next week I should start cardio/legs.

My ultimate goal is to join up and go to RASP; my goal is to be an Army Ranger. Ultimately, I was inspired by a veteran Ranger who works for my ambulance company. His sense of honor and integrity is unmatched, and it is the ultimate honor for me to join the likes of him in the 75th Ranger Regiment.

This seems like a great website, and I hope to learn a lot.

- ByrdA