End Times: Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration


Verified SOF
Jul 22, 2008

Don't agree with everything in the video, and it is of course cut together out of context... but fuck me, this is scary. So let this be a warning to you. Hold on to your guns and protect your borders. Don't listen to anyone who tells you it's not effective. It just has to be done right... ask the Saudis.

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Damn @Rapid , that video reminds me of the zombie movie with Brad Pitt.

Is there any local talk about UK or EU intervention in Syria to stop the flow at the source? How can the EU separate refugees from IS operatives???
How can the EU separate refugees from IS operatives???

They can't. At this stage we're probably flooded. There is literally zero border control.

The hordes push through and we just let them in. Why? Because it would be "racist" and "inhuman" to deny that to these "refugees". Nevermind the fact that they're nearly all coming from safe countries such as Turkey, so they cannot in any way be considered refugees fleeing a warzone at that stage.


If they wanted to apply for asylum, then they could've done so in our foreign embassies in Turkey and such. Instead, they just rush our borders or cross the sea in crappy little boats (and we often end up having to save them). They know European politicians are too spineless to do anything out of fear of, once again, being branded racist or inhuman. Wouldn't want anything like that to affect their reelection chances, would we?

What's worse is that our navies are actually towing any stranded boats to OUR coasts, instead of towing them back to their countries of origin. Everything we're doing is emboldening them and creating pull factors.

But perhaps what's most worrying is just how many Europeans are absolute fucking morons. Many people are actually welcoming this and want to take in even MORE of them. It's like they have no clue about how this is going to affect our cultures and demographics (which have already been tarnished in many places). Why? Partly because they want to give themselves a pat on the back for appearing 'progressive', and partly because these people are living in ivory towers. That is, in areas which have yet to be affected by mass immigration. Basically, this probably won't stop until half of Europe has been turned into a shithole and no one can ignore the issues anymore. But by then it will be too late.

The Germans, in particular, are the worst. They have a massive guilt complex. Being accused of "intolerance" (basically, Nazism) is the worst fate a German can suffer, as it will completely destroy their reputation and social circle. Other Germans will drop them like a hot potato and they will become a modern Leper. The Nazi accusation can be applied to any publicly announced opinion which is right-of-center on the political spectrum. In particular, it's the young 'progressive' individuals who always try to one-up each other in the Tolerance Olympics. There are pages and pages of shared media on facebook, glorifying the refugee situation and showcasing how awesome the Germans are for welcoming this 'cultural enrichment'. Those who don't like and share it are seen as suspicious. Those who try to argue logically in the comments are shouted down by the tolerance police.

This leads to a huge vacuum in the political landscape, because Merkel shaped her formerly conservative party to be a carbon copy of the Social Democrats. She rules with polls and automatically assumes the position of the perceived majority on any issue, meaning her formerly center-right party profile has completely vanished in the process. This leads to a huge, frustrated, center-right demographic (people who would vote Republican in the US) who have no party to vote for at all (except for the Bavarians, who have a conservative party of their own). The only other party on that side of the spectrum is the ACTUAL Nazi party (so to speak) and another independent party which recently got coopted by the real Nazis as well.

As you can see, the tolerance agenda is spread from the top. No politician can afford to mention something which isn't ideologically approved, because their political opponents will immediately call them out on it to profit from it. Merkel rules through maintaining the status quo as long as possible while spewing poll-supported majority opinions provided by advisers without tackling any real problems.
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But perhaps what's most worrying is just how many Europeans are absolute fucking morons. Many people are actually welcoming this and want to take in even MORE of them. It's like they have no clue about how this is going to affect our cultures and demographics (which have already been tarnished in many places). Why? Partly because they want to give themselves a pat on the back for appearing 'progressive', and partly because these people are living in ivory towers. That is, in areas which have yet to be affected by mass immigration. Basically, this probably won't stop until half of Europe has been turned into a shithole and no one can ignore the issues anymore. But by then it will be too late.

The Germans, in particular, are the worst. They have a massive guilt complex. Being accused of "intolerance" (basically, Nazism) is the worst fate a German can suffer, as it will completely destroy their reputation and social circle. Other Germans will drop them like a hot potato and they will become a modern Leper. The Nazi accusation can be applied to any publicly announced opinion which is right-of-center on the political spectrum. In particular, it's the young 'progressive' individuals who always try to one-up each other in the Tolerance Olympics. There are pages and pages of shared media on facebook, glorifying the refugee situation and showcasing how awesome the Germans are for welcoming this 'cultural enrichment'. Those who don't like and share it are seen as suspicious. Those who try to argue logically in the comments are shouted down by the tolerance police.

This leads to a huge vacuum in the political landscape, because Merkel shaped her formerly conservative party to be a carbon copy of the Social Democrats. She rules with polls and automatically assumes the position of the perceived majority on any issue, meaning her formerly center-right party profile has completely vanished in the process. This leads to a huge, frustrated, center-right demographic (people who would vote Republican in the US) who have no party to vote for at all (except for the Bavarians, who have a conservative party of their own). The only other party on that side of the spectrum is the ACTUAL Nazi party (so to speak) and another independent party which recently got coopted by the real Nazis as well.

As you can see, the tolerance agenda is spread from the top. No politician can afford to mention something which isn't ideologically approved, because their political opponents will immediately call them out on it to profit from it. Merkel rules through maintaining the status quo as long as possible while spewing poll-supported majority opinions provided by advisers without tackling any real problems.

Well is sounds like they are going to get what they deserve. Idiots.
Well is sounds like they are going to get what they deserve. Idiots.

Absolutely, but don't worry, they'll find a way to blame someone else until the very end.

These people are more afraid that they might not be 'progressive' enough than they are afraid of dying. It's a sick disease, brought on by years of systematic conditioning from the media and state education.

On the plus side, the video I posted now has nearly 300,000 views, so it's going semi-viral... which is kind of a big deal for anything considered 'right wing' (i.e., sane) in Europe. Maybe more people will start to wake up.
Germany said they'd take 800,000 refugees. Eight.Hundred.Thousand. Wasn't Germany the country who said "multiculturalism has failed?" Yeah, good luck getting that large a block of observant Muslims assimilated into your country.
Germany said they'd take 800,000 refugees. Eight.Hundred.Thousand. Wasn't Germany the country who said "multiculturalism has failed?" Yeah, good luck getting that large a block of observant Muslims assimilated into your country.

Those are official figures, meaning it will definitely turn out to be even more than that. Especially if you were to count all those who have no intention of registering. And that's for one year. One year. Just wait til those million+ start having kids, massively multiplying this already obscene figure. It's bad enough that native Europeans aren't having enough kids as it is, so the latest projections show that we will effectively become minorities in our own countries.

And now Iraqis and people from other shitholes (anyone with a little bit of money saved up) are already flocking to Turkey, hoping to make the trip across the Mediterranean sea. They've heard about the European dream promised to them by Merkel. Who can blame them when we're being such retards? No one's going to stop them at border. If their boats/dinghies get into trouble at sea, we'll even tow them to our beaches. The only thing which could save us at this stage is a series of military coups.


But we're doing... nothing.

The cultural & ethnic suicide is just one aspect of this. Let's not forget that IS and co. have been using these mass migrant movements to infiltrate us as well. There aren't going to be a few American service members around to stop the next train attack... and the one after that, and after that, and after that...

Here's just a taste of what's to come. Note that this is from earlier this year, before there was anything on the scale of the migration (sorry, 'cultural enrichment') we've seen in the past month. You do the math on how this will pan out.

Shit's gonna get real bad in the next decade or so.

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Here's just a taste of what's to come. Note that this is from earlier this year, before there was anything on the scale of the migration (sorry, 'cultural enrichment') we've seen in the past month. You do the math on how this will pan out.

Shit's gonna get real bad in the next decade or so.

Mob violence is bloody scary, I don't see a way out of this for Europe in general unless some very strong nationalist parties come to power, which very well could happen if this continues.
Migrant crisis: Germany 'can take 500,000 asylum-seekers a year' - BBC News

Germany can cope with at least 500,000 asylum-seekers a year for several years, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has said.

What the fuck is going on...

Good news, everyone!

U.S. to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees: White House

President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, the White House said on Thursday.

In a letter distributed to House members and seen by Reuters, Democratic Representative David Cicilline asked Obama to accommodate 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016. Religious groups have called for the United States to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees.

It's merely a drop in the ocean compared to the millions we fucktards in Europe are 'accepting', but hey. Now, select areas of America (wherever these people will be settled) will get to enjoy some of that cultural enrichment too.

I'm sure they'll be quality contributors to your home towns. Oh, wait, what's that? More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps

More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.

According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff of Sen. Jeff Sessions in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

We can't even take proper care of our own citizens and veterans, yet there's money for people who in many cases will never integrate (at best) and may even turn into national security threats in the future (at worse).

Back to Europe now...

Le Pen On Course For President As Migrant Opposition Grows In France

Marine Le Pen would win the first round of the next French presidential election if it were held now, a poll has found.

The Ifop poll puts anti-mass immigration politician Le Pen in first place with 27 per cent, with former president Nicolas Sarkozy two points behind on 25. Incumbent François Hollande would be eliminated in the first round, coming a poor third on just 19 per cent.
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Bingo. They should have hauled em out by the hair, thrown them on a boat back. I would expect someone who wants free shit to behave and try to make a good impression.
Europe seems hell bent engineering its own demise and all because of humanitarian concerns. Nations forget their primary purpose is to take care of that country, not another country's interests.

The day Europe implodes because humanitarian "necessity" matters more than a country, that's the day Hitler won WWII.

ETA: Grammar.
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