End Times: Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration

Very true -- regarding those things not being shown on TV (except the bits where they're made to look like victims). It's disgustingly obvious Western media has an agenda in this.

Media has become the sculptor of the "news", and has lost the idea journalistic reporting. It does not take all that long to figure out what side a "news" agency is. I wonder if editors, reporters, and video are on payrolls we do not know about. Pick any news agency, and they will tell you a story, not report news. That story is what people believe, while the reality could be 180 degrees off. It used to be the format of Pravda, now it is everywhere. If you want to stay sane, limit yourself to an hour or so a day on "news. Vary your sources, and keep your 4 ply tinfoil hat near by;-).
Media has become the sculptor of the "news", and has lost the idea journalistic reporting. It does not take all that long to figure out what side a "news" agency is. I wonder if editors, reporters, and video are on payrolls we do not know about. Pick any news agency, and they will tell you a story, not report news. That story is what people believe, while the reality could be 180 degrees off. It used to be the format of Pravda, now it is everywhere. If you want to stay sane, limit yourself to an hour or so a day on "news. Vary your sources, and keep your 4 ply tinfoil hat near by;-).
Not understanding they will get their heads lopped off in an Islamic Country; or go to jail if we become a Socialist Country. The Media, Like Western Civilization is poisoning itself, and won't understand it until just before the end.
I'm no historian or anything, but didn't such an event play a role in the fall of the Roman Empire? With Barbarians settling in the Empire's territory, the Roman Empire lost alot of it's land and income which affected Romes already bad economy, and with weak politians, and a weak military, were unable to do anything about it, and eventually there were more Barbarians living in Rome then actual Romans? Or have I been taken for a fool?
They want refugees, so have all 10,000 move in as their neighbors.

Honestly, though, I kinda wonder how soon they'd begin to think differently about wanting more.
I'm no historian or anything, but didn't such an event play a role in the fall of the Roman Empire? With Barbarians settling in the Empire's territory, the Roman Empire lost alot of it's land and income which affected Romes already bad economy, and with weak politians, and a weak military, were unable to do anything about it, and eventually there were more Barbarians living in Rome then actual Romans? Or have I been taken for a fool?

One of several big events. They crumbled internally which left them unable to respond to external threats. Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire does a great job of describing the events but you have to make it through 3 volumes written in the 18th century and its accompanying prose. Lots of reasons, but the gist is "internally weakened and unable to stand up to external threats."

This just in: the West/ the world is to blame.

Refugee crisis: We can all afford to be human - CNN.com

Of course it's not enough; nothing will be enough to stop this unless the war ends. Again this week, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated the painfully and shamefully obvious when he acknowledged that the big powers sitting around the Security Council are still failing in Syria.

Few people want to leave their homes, or their land. I covered the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo that led to the last major refugee crisis to hit Europe during the 1990s.

When the West successfully intervened to end those wars, most returned. Most who stayed were a tribute to their adopted countries, as refugees have been throughout history.

Migrant crisis: West reaps what it has sown - CNN.com

What is heartening is the overdue outpouring of public concern triggered by Aylan's needless, shaming death. Perhaps volunteer food bank collectors in Hamburg, emergency convoy drivers in Belfast and local councillors in Normandy are ready to admit what their governments will not: that the West bears primary responsibility for this recurring tragedy -- and that, whatever the causes, common human decency demands Europe do all it can to halt it.

And then there is Syria. Millions displaced, hundreds of thousands dead, the neighborhood destabilized, the war continuing with no end in sight. Is it fair to blame Barack Obama, David Cameron or Angela Merkel for President Bashar al-Assad's genocidal, Russian and Iranian-backed bid to cling to power?

Not really.

But they can all be faulted, along with Arab and Turkish leaders and cold-blooded Vladimir Putin, for doing so very little, in practical terms, to halt the slaughter either through military or diplomatic interventions.

While there's a certain amount of truth in play, we should have done more, laying the solution at the West's feet is absurd. When this fails "we" take the blame, not the bad guys. If we commit troops, we're screwed. If we fail to stop them (impossible without troops) we're screwed. Nicely done, media. Vermin. Everyone take a drink from the fail bucket. We've "earned" it.
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One of several big events. They crumbled internally which left them unable to respond to external threats. Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire does a great job of describing the events but you have to make it through 3 volumes written in the 18th century and its accompanying prose. Lots of reasons, but the gist is "internally weakened and unable to stand up to external threats."
Starting to sound like we in the west are the new Romans.
Starting to sound like we in the west are the new Romans.

Yes and no. My utterly non-scholarly opinion has me cringe when comparisons are made between the US and Rome for example. If you call it the West vs. Rome it becomes more problematic. The former is the different between a 10 lap race and a 100 lap race. The track may be the same, you may use the same car, but the set up is different, you have fuel consumption and tire wear, engine wear, driver fatigue...so they aren't the same race. Rome was around for 500+ years, 1500 if you accept the "other" versions. The modern West is, depending upon one's world view, anywhere from 70 - 150 or so years old. The US is realistically a contender for the title of New Rome for about 70 years, 100 if you're generous. Many of the political upheavals which occurred (the multiple instances of the Praetorian Guard "elevating one to the purple" come to mind) aren't a reality now, so we're forced to find parallels which are a bit oversimplified in our time.

Sure, on the surface the comparisons are valid, but I think you have to dig a bit deeper and that's when they fall apart; almost like comparing the Titanic and the Andrea Doria.
The "news" media plays such a large role in what people think about, and what they do. That card was not in the deck Rome had to play with. Rome began falling apart at the fringes first. Their Legions were more and more filled with locals in the outer regions, England being the best example. Then the region of Gaul began using locals to fill thier ranks too. The Roman Army was more and more made up of non Romans. Rather than Romans in the legions, it was soldiers who could become Romans after time in the Legions. What was happening in Rome was a government removed from the men who made Rome. As time went by, the split became greater and greater; the edges of the emipre were ignored. Hadrian solved the Britian problem by building a wall, which solved nothing. If there was the media coverage like we have today, I think the fall of Rome would have happened much faster. That is the problem we have today, media has so much power, it drives and even shapes so much today. Our media goes so far as to drive changes in education at every level. Rome never had this problem, and I think that is why it lasted as long as it did. I believe we will fall much sooner, and it will be ugly.

Rant over, back into my wee cave here in The Valley.

Look at these idiots.

They must live on opposite planet. And I'm living on a prison on bullshit planet.

Its amusing to see these "flavor or the week-ers."

Did they resolve the lion dispute and fix the world over there? Now they're ready to tackle Syrian immigration? What's next? :-/

I say we allow it, so long as the protestors open their homes with a spare bedroom for each immigrant.
The "news" media plays such a large role in what people think about, and what they do. That card was not in the deck Rome had to play with. Rome began falling apart at the fringes first. Their Legions were more and more filled with locals in the outer regions, England being the best example. Then the region of Gaul began using locals to fill thier ranks too. The Roman Army was more and more made up of non Romans. Rather than Romans in the legions, it was soldiers who could become Romans after time in the Legions. What was happening in Rome was a government removed from the men who made Rome. As time went by, the split became greater and greater; the edges of the emipre were ignored. Hadrian solved the Britian problem by building a wall, which solved nothing. If there was the media coverage like we have today, I think the fall of Rome would have happened much faster. That is the problem we have today, media has so much power, it drives and even shapes so much today. Our media goes so far as to drive changes in education at every level. Rome never had this problem, and I think that is why it lasted as long as it did. I believe we will fall much sooner, and it will be ugly.

Rant over, back into my wee cave here in The Valley.

Yeah and their water was full of lead.
Yeah and their water was full of lead.

The use of lead was rather common. The water had plenty to be sure, but it was appreciated in cooking as well. The lead added a sweetness that the Romans came to enjoy, even savor. I imagine lead was found in the cooking pots, and most certianly in the pottery used to serve the food from. I am not sure if free lead was actually added food as it was prepared, I rather doubt it. What you say about lead, @TLDR20, is very true.
Rotterdam train suspect held by Dutch police after ‘bomb threat’

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Fucking piece of filth refuses to even stand up or walk for himself (he's not unconscious or hurt; see the vid) and has to be dragged around by far better men than himself. Quite accurate depiction of the situation as a whole.

We can expect more of these 'fake attacks' as more and more people find out that they might risk being deported/not granted asylum. Hey, life in a European prison is paradise compared to where they might have to go back to.
Fortunately, Germany has some unused land and buildings for the refugees.

Germany is housing refugees within Holocaust-era concentration camps

On Tuesday, the world remembered the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi death camp Auschwitz. The same day, the German city of Augsburg decided to turn a branch of the former concentration camp at Dachau into a refugee center. The asylum seekers were slated to live in a building where thousands of slave laborers suffered and died under the Nazi regime.

The Dachau outpost is not the only concentration camp site that is being turned into a refugee center in Germany.

In the middle of January, the German city of Schwerte started to move asylum-seekers who had volunteered to be relocated into a branch of the former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald. Regional integration secretary Guntram Schneider had previously criticized the plan, saying that the city's intentions would be misunderstood abroad.

You cannot make up this stuff.
Fortunately, Germany has some unused land and buildings for the refugees.

Germany is housing refugees within Holocaust-era concentration camps

You cannot make up this stuff.

I don't even know where to start because it's a lot worse than that.

They're evicting people from their own homes, as well as seizing commercial properties, to house all these migrants. They're doing the same with public facilities such as sports clubs, town halls, even SCHOOLS. Because fuck the natives and their needs, right? Germany's going full extremist but with the left in power this time.

Can't find the story about the school teachers and their pupils being forced to move to another school at short notice, but I did read it.
Meanwhile in Canada: Our politcal party leaders promise to make our economy better then it was before in the hopes of getting elected. Then bitch and moan that we aren't brining in enough refugees. NDP, Liberals call for increased refugee settlement in Canada by year's end | Election 2015 If we allow all these refugees in they are just going to run the economy into the ground. Not to mention the short term memories of our politicians. Apparently there isn't any need to screen immigrants. You'd think they would wise up already considering an Air Force Firefighter and an Infantry soldier where both murdered on Canadian soil by IS sympathizers and our parliment was attacked. But "OH NO!" Don't mention threats to national security. Because that's apparently the "politics of fear." Which the leader of the Liberal Party said in a debate when the Prime Minister was mentioning the "Toronto 18" terrorist plot which involved blowing up the CN Tower, blowing up several buildings in downtown Toronto and beheading the PM. But apparently we are being affriad for no reason despite the fact we have been attacked, CSIS and various police agencies stopped other attacks, and we have been named as a target on a terrorist hit list. So please bring these people in with no background checks, and several being members of IS not to mention smash our country into the ground. Keep in up politicians you're doing great work commiting treason.:wall: