End Times: Europe crumbles under the devastating Impact of Mass Immigration

Germany faces 1.5 million asylum claims this year - report - BBC News

The number of people seeking asylum in Germany this year will be as high as 1.5 million - almost double the previous estimate, German media report.

Spread your ass cheeks, Germans. Your government has decided to fuck you over, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Get this though, Merkel is tipped to win the Nobel Peace Prize... so it was all worth it! The cultural suicide, as well as the strain put on schools, hospitals and the benefits system -- not to mention the impending crime waves and heightened terror threats -- will be all worth it.
Germany faces 1.5 million asylum claims this year - report - BBC News

The number of people seeking asylum in Germany this year will be as high as 1.5 million - almost double the previous estimate, German media report.

Spread your ass cheeks, Germans. Your government has decided to fuck you over, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Get this though, Merkel is tipped to win the Nobel Peace Prize... so it was all worth it! The cultural suicide, as well as the strain put on schools, hospitals and the benefits system -- not to mention the impending crime waves and heightened terror threats -- will be all worth it.
Where will the behouse, schools? private homes? hospitals?
Where will the behouse, schools? private homes? hospitals?

Towards the bottom of the previous page I posted some info on how they were evicting their own citizens and appropriating private and public properties. Yep. Fucking insane.
Towards the bottom of the previous page I posted some info on how they were evicting their own citizens and appropriating private and public properties. Yep. Fucking insane.
History repeating itself. The German government oppressing Germans. I wonder who will carry out these evictions? The Stasi perhaps?
A little late now...

Angela Merkel admits she lost control of refugee crisis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wishes she could turn back the clock on her refugee policy, she has admitted.
Ms Merkel took responsibility for her conservative party's second electoral defeat in two weeks in Berlin on Sunday, as voters rejected her open-door policy just a year before a federal election.
"For some time, we didn't have enough control," the chancellor said in a speech on Monday. "No one wants a repeat of last year's situation, including me."
She also said if she could she would "turn back time by many, many years" to prepare Germany for the influx of refugees.

I offer you this video interpretation of Ms. Merkel's announcement -

Damn I hate agreeing with Putin...

Vladimir Putin condemns Europe’s handling of migrants | Daily Mail Online

His comments come off the back of a case in Austria last week, which saw an Iraqi migrant have his conviction of raping a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna overturned.
It came after the migrant, identified as 20-year-old Amir A., claimed that it was a 'sexual emergency' because he had not had sex for four months.
He was originally convicted of the crime but it was overturned because a court didn't prove he realized the boy was saying no.
Damn I hate agreeing with Putin...

Vladimir Putin condemns Europe’s handling of migrants | Daily Mail Online

His comments come off the back of a case in Austria last week, which saw an Iraqi migrant have his conviction of raping a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna overturned.
It came after the migrant, identified as 20-year-old Amir A., claimed that it was a 'sexual emergency' because he had not had sex for four months.
He was originally convicted of the crime but it was overturned because a court didn't prove he realized the boy was saying no.
WTFO?! Are you sure that's a real/legit story? It can't be....right?!
It is.

When you open the floodgates to a polluted river, you get the pollution along with the water. And the filtration system (i.e. screening and security) is faulty, inadequate and overwhelmed. That goes for Europe and the US. Just as an example, look at the expansion and success of MS 13 in the US over the past two decades. Those we deport are back the next month.

Creating a Monster: MS-13 and How United States Immigration Policy Produced “The World’s Most... | Gonzaga Journal of International Law
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That's fucked. Now I have to cross Austria off my list of countries that I still like.
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Eastern European countries are the only ones with any balls left to stand up to this bullshit. Probably because they're not profitable enough to be exploited by those who've brainwashed and ruined the populations of England, France, Germany, etc. A lot of the people in Eastern Europe still hold largely conservative values and traditions.

Hungarian PM vows to resist EU's 'misguided' migrant policy

Hungarian PM vows to resist EU's 'misguided' migrant policy

Eastern Europe -- beautiful women and cheap food/booze. A winning combination.
An insightful article about the Syrian refugee question and what it means to the US as we follow in the footsteps of the EU with regard to immigration.

Nothing has provoked the ire of America’s bipartisan political class as much as Donald Trump’s recent proposal that the U.S. should suspend the acceptance of refugees from Syria and other terrorist-supporting nations until we find a way of perfecting the screening process to ensure that we are not admitting terrorists or terror sympathizers. On its face this proposal was not unreasonable. Most of these refugees do not have adequate documentation, intelligence agencies do not have sufficient information to determine whether or not they have terrorist connections or intend to engage in terrorism, and the heads of our security agencies have warned that active terrorists will inevitably slip through security screening cracks.

Who We Are As A People
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