I wish those guys in 2nd Group would get their acts together and stop making news this way.
(KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN) News that an elite group of Army Special Forces troops have been partaking in a highly illegal endangered species hunting ring threatens to deal yet another blow to already-tenuous relationship between the US and Afghanistan.

Rolling Stone, a magazine long known for its accuracy in reporting matters related to US Special Forces, followed up Ambassador Jawad’s twitter post with a full-length article. In it, they revealed how they tracked down the four individuals pictured in what has become known as the “Lion King” photo, all of whom were members of the 2nd Special Forces Group. Rolling Stone reports its sources confirmed that the hunt took place.
Senator Paul Ryan (R, WI) introduced Senate legislation to make things right with Afghanistan. “We owe it to the Islamic Republic to make this good. So because of this incident, the retirement pensions for any US military member who ever served in Afghanistan will be reduced to create a trust fund to support Afghanistan’s endangered species. This fund will be administered by President Hamid Karzai and will be spent at his discretion.”