Erdogan’s guards clash with protesters outside Turkish ambassador’s D.C. residence

They beat the shit out of those people. Kicking when they were down, going back for more, knowing all the time they were most likely "untouchable" from a law enforcement standpoint.
The small scar on the ring finger knuckle is from where a Turkish individual attempted to stab me with a small screwdriver because his girlfriend talked to me in a club in Wurzburg, Germany. Because SHE walked up and talked to me.

The larger scar to the left is his second stab, where the screwdriver was sticking out of my hand when my band of gentlemen were forcefully disagreeing with his group of miscreants.

Turks are bad at not starting shit.


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Good luck with prosecution. Their probably back in Ankara already, smoking cigars and having a good laugh.
My wife and I have a friend whose brother is a missionary in Turkey, and has been for many years. It was all good until he started inviting some Kurds to his 'services' (or whatever he calls it), then he was arrested for conspiracy to commit terrorism. He is in prison, has been for months, no trial in sight. They fuck with his head...they'll come in at random times and take his clothes and glasses, give them back days later, etc. Erdogan and his people are thugs and if Turkey wasn't where Turkey is, we'd wash our hands of them.

Daughter of US pastor held in Turkey seeking Trump's help to secure release
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The white is to dry and need extra mayo for moisture.

Oh, so wrong, Moose King from the Frozen North. :D It's all about the bird and all about the cooking. White meat can be moist and succulent if cooked and stored properly. Turkey is a regal meat...unlike the half-putrified beaver jerky you folks gnaw on in your dogsleds after wrestling it away from those emaciated wolves.:ROFLMAO::-o:ack:
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So? Mayo makes all sandwiches better. You're Canadian, I don't know why I've even discussing food with you.
Yeah I agree. You lot don't know any food that doesn't have corn syrup or doesn't come out of a high pressure cheese can thing so yeah.

I mean you guys have to import Gordon Ramsay.
Yeah I agree. You lot don't know any food that doesn't have corn syrup or doesn't come out of a high pressure cheese can thing so yeah.

I mean you guys have to import Gordon Ramsay.

1. I'm from the South. We deep fry our food. All of it.
2. You're from New Zealand.
