Yes I would be happy if they kept it secret. For some reason we (not me) as Americans seem to think that we have the right to know every single little thing that goes on in the government. This country has enemies and we are at war. Even before 9/11 we were at war, just no body except the ones fighting it new about it. When you are at war you do not give the enemy your play book so that they can review and prepare for it, even a 10 year old playing football knows this. Our enemies have cable and the Internet, every time some ass clown leaks some information that "the people have the right to know about" our enemies know about it and look for ways to exploit it.
But yet for some reason idiots like the New York times and CNN think that its there job to "break the big story". Who cares if it gets an agent killed, or a Team in the field ambushed. I do damn it, because I still have friends that are in the field both overtly and covertly, and the last thing I want to hear is that they got smoked because some jack ass in the media had to get the big story.
There are things that go on that the average American/ civilian does not need to know about because they can't understand them. That is why we have people like the men and women on this site, because we do understand what needs to happen and why. We understand how real and how close the threat is. I have and would be willing to do things that most people couldn't even think of because I have been trained to do so. Our brain functions in a completely different way then those we protect, and maybe that's a good thing. But those that we protect need to understand just like my wife and most of my family does that there are things that don't get talked about for their safety and peace of mind. They are sheep we are wolves, they don't need to know how we hunt they just need to know that we keep them safe :2c: