Ex-FBI agent: CIA nominee Brennan converted to Islam, visited holy sites

Spoiler alert!!! Damn it, next think you know someone is gonna tell me that Walking Dead is about zombies and not a documentary about a Grateful Dead cover band.

Come on, you learn this in like the very first episode.

You think that's a spoiler? Here's one for you- the blonde female lead, the one that thinks JSOC can do anything? Yeah, she's c-r-a-z-y!!!
There's a little pre-emptive hate-age for you!

I'm surprised you don't already have a "villa" in beautiful foothills of Nuristan to move your current wife and family; then it's just a matter of raising goats to barter for new wives.

When I'm done here I'm not just living off the grid, I'm living off the map.
Ok this too frigging cool. I just joined twitter the other day. I was wondering where the hell is my Senator for this filibuster. I tweeted Pat Toomey and he tweeted back he was heading to the Senate Floor..and is there now. O_o
Ok this too frigging cool. I just joined twitter the other day. I was wondering where the hell is my Senator for this filibuster. I tweeted Pat Toomey and he tweeted back he was heading to the Senate Floor..and is there now. O_o
You wouldn't believe how effective Twitter is for reaching people once considered unreachable.
63-34 he was confirmed.

Of course he was...

"Bozo the Clown" and "Snuffelupagus" could have been put forth by either party and both would have voted them in for fear that with future "lineup" changes their guy wont get voted in. Its all just politics as usual with most of the shitheads who we send forth to do the peoples bidding on the hill. Its truly disheartening...
