Expert: 300 Impostors for Each Real SEAL


Lab Animal
Aug 25, 2007
The article looked way too long to post, so I'll just include the link and the lead in from the article, you can guess the jist of the article, about the multitude of claims to be SEALs and the very few that are actually legit.


Expert: 300 Impostors for Each Real SEAL
February 01, 2010
El Paso Times
EL PASO --- In a culture enamored of superheroes and the glory of war, people unhappy with their status in life increasingly are falsifying claims of military service.

Watchdogs say they cannot keep up with reports of phonies wearing combat medals they did not earn and uniforms implying dangerous duties they did not perform.

"Sometimes I'm getting 20 to 50 inquiries a day," said Steve Robinson, a former Navy SEAL who works to expose false claims of membership to that elite group of rigorously trained sailors.

Nearly all of the inquiries alert him to impostors.

In January 2002, four months after terrorists attacked the United States, a group called AuthentiSEALs received 1,182 reports of people claiming to be SEALs, Robinson said. "Three of them were real SEALs," he said.

Makes you wonder about the amount of people who 1) don't get reported on their claims and could be bogus and 2) if this was the number for only those claiming to be SEALs to this one group for verification then imagine the numbers for people claiming to SEALs for other groups (if there are others groups similar to the one in the article) or who claim to be other SOF.......
I met three 3 SEALs last night, one was female. All three of them where laying in the parking lot of Roosters crying after I kicked them in the nuts. :evil:
I listened to a dude at a shooting range outside of Utica a few years ago. Went with the dad and family. Me and my cousin were messing around after trap shooting while the men talked at the bar. My dad started talking to a guy who claimed he had been a SEAL before going USMC and working into Force Recon. Upon hearing the utterance of "SEAL" I sprinted over.

The dudes story was shit- my dad asked his class number. Said it was secret. Asked his team- said team 15. I walked off- I was 13 and new this guy was full of shit. My dad chewed him out and every other vet at the bar jumped in and he was never seen at the Ithaca Gun club.
Well, if people are catching on to my SEAL claims then I need a new line for the ladies.

Hmm, Bigfoot Hunter, Sherpa, Dea Sea Diamond Miner, Records Custodian at Area 51, Vulcanologist, Biologist looking for a cancer cure in the Amazon Basin, Lobster Farmer, CSI Technician, Bubble Wrap Engineer.....

Hells yeah, Ladies. Call me.
I was a SEAL in the Civil War, SEAL team 1862.

We had a cover story which is why none of you have heard of SEALs in the Civil War before.


Jeb Stuart
I weigh almost as much as a marine mammal, does that count?


Am I sensing some disdain for biologists?

Well, if people are catching on to my SEAL claims then I need a new line for the ladies.

Hmm, Bigfoot Hunter, Sherpa, Dea Sea Diamond Miner, Records Custodian at Area 51, Vulcanologist, Biologist looking for a cancer cure in the Amazon Basin, Lobster Farmer, CSI Technician, Bubble Wrap Engineer.....

Hells yeah, Ladies. Call me.

Where were these "climatologists" for the last 50 years and how did we suddenly have so many experts on the earth's climate? Starbucks managers with biology degrees and geology majors find a way to make a living other than slinging coffee?

Curiosity got the best of me on this one. :p:
Outstanding memoery, formerBrat. No, no disdain for the degree/ science, I've just run into far too many people with a biology degree who wonder why they can't get a job....kind of like history majors. I love history, but I realized early on that a history degree would more than likely result in managing a Waffle House instead of teaching or writing or researching.

It isn't that I have a problem with the degree or career field, but I'd almost view it as a gateway degree to a Master's or M.D./ Ph.D..
Outstanding memoery, formerBrat. No, no disdain for the degree/ science, I've just run into far too many people with a biology degree who wonder why they can't get a job....kind of like history majors. I love history, but I realized early on that a history degree would more than likely result in managing a Waffle House instead of teaching or writing or researching.

It isn't that I have a problem with the degree or career field, but I'd almost view it as a gateway degree to a Master's or M.D./ Ph.D..

I agree with you completely on viewing it almost as a gateway to graduate education, being a person with a biology degree (hits close to home) and having had the issue of finding a job at one time, it certainly can be tough. I can definitely relate to the history, psychology, philosophy, etc. majors/graduates in finding a job or what I call "being doomed" to graduate school. In hindsight I should have double majored in exercise physiology (athletic training) like I had originally planned, would have been easier to find a job right out of school perhaps. What is it they say about hindsight again, if you look out your ass, you can't see where you need to go?

To be clear, I took your comment more to be a knock on snotty hippie tree-hugger types than biologists, but....I almost cried. :evil:

Sorry again for self hi-jack...
I thought I have posted this, So here it goes again. A survey in 1995 showed that 13 Million men served in Viet-Nam, actually it was less than 3 million men and women. Those extra 10 million where sneaky petes, SOG, SF etc. Fortunately for ASA no movie was ever made about them. Damn, we sure could have used those extra 10 million. Most grunt companies always ran under strength. Charlie liked to hit us, when the odds wss 20:1 or more in his favor. So yeah, 300 posers for every real SEAL, seems OK as bad as it is.

Maybe it is because of movies when actors can play who ever, those posers are acting an live stage. There was article that I read, If the facts or off, Oh well. Gunny Hatchcock was in California doing some kind of talk. Someone asked him if he wanted to meet Clint Eastwood. The gunny responded, "Who is he, how many men did he kill?" I think to many people live in Hollywood la la land in their heads. Look at all the people that think Hollyweird movies are true?
I knew a guy, used to claim having been a SEAL in 'Nam. Told me a story once about when he pulled guard duty at the Embassy in Saigon, and no shit -

Stop right there. I try really fucking hard to see the humor in this. He was a security guard. Yeah maybe that's it.
If we could only get all the SEAL posers together, draft them into a special commando unit and drop them into S Waziristan. Then they'd have a chance to walk the walk.
Hey some women have balls, they usually take them from their husbands. <---

I was trying to get into the BUD/s Program but my C.O. was a real prick. I was like 10 or so lbs overweight and he wouldn't even consider it. I told him "but sir, they will knock that off within the first week of of Phase One. But he wouldn't budge....I wanted to kick him in the balls. I knew I could take the mental shit, it was the physical that I dont know if I could have taken. I was a long distance swimmer in HS so the swimming was the easy part, I hated running. OH well, if t was ment to be....que sera, sera. Someone who has to pose really has no self pride, don't like who they are.