Expert: 300 Impostors for Each Real SEAL

I wonder how many SIG Os are real compared to the number of impostors that claim to be SIG Os.

I thought it was the other way around with SIG Os lying, telling people they weren't SIG Os

"No I'm a cook, honest"

"Bullshit, you aren't high speed enough to be a cook, you're a SIG O aren't you?" :evil:

LOL, just a joke to the SIGs out there! ;)
I thought it was the other way around with SIG Os lying, telling people they weren't SIG Os

"No I'm a cook, honest"

"Bullshit, you aren't high speed enough to be a cook, you're a SIG O aren't you?" :evil:

LOL, just a joke to the SIGs out there! ;)

Haha..when I tell some civilians that I am in communications for the Army, they think I am an translator

Women find SIG Os sexy and irresistible.
I too tried to get into the Naval special Ops. I wanted to be a frogman or SWCC. In basic after a class, I think it was like basic reading or something ridicules that USN basic was comprised of, they asked anyone who wanted to be put on a list to be considered for a billet to form a line. Me and another guy went. Waited our turn, the first class asked "What is your rate?" I said " EW" he said "4 or 6 yr? Are you gonna be a tech?" I replied " Yessir, the 6 yr tech program." Then he told me that guys in the AEF weren't eligible. That because the gov was going to pay all that money to send me to tech school they didn't want to lose out by having a sailor go in special operations and not use the electronics training that they provided. Oh well, I thought, so I asked what if I fail outta tech school could I try then? He laughed and said more than likely I will be sent to the deck as a BM. That is where my career in the USN went right instead of left to get me here today:) It is funny how many people pretend to be SEALs. Well not funny but sad. A guy has to put in too much so another guy put in so little to reap the bennys.

Sorry about the long story. I still wonder if I would have made it through thou.

I joined the Corps at 17 went to Boot camp at 17 1/2. I went open contract and the recruiter told me I would go to the Infantry then apply for Recon, no sweat... Hummm well I thought all Navy guys were SEALs, every soldier was SF and every Marine was Recon. Funny thing I must have been the only Cook in the Marines and support puke in all the services. I was wondering...
I joined the Corps at 17 went to Boot camp at 17 1/2. I went open contract and the recruiter told me I would go to the Infantry then apply for Recon, no sweat... Hummm well I thought all Navy guys were SEALs, every soldier was SF and every Marine was Recon. Funny thing I must have been the only Cook in the Marines and support puke in all the services. I was wondering...

The kid who works the front desk at the gym I go to had something similar going on, recruiter handn't even offered him a MOS option yet. I set him straight, told him to DEMAND a 03 contract if that's what his heart was set on. Gave him a heads up, though didn't mention Chinese field days lol, thought I heard they can't even do those anymore...sigh....
Hey it was one of the real life lessons on trust. That was a long time ago... Humility, ego control and sarcasm usually don't come in life until much later. I deserved a little awakening and got it by the boat load. The Corps was a real slap in the face literally and mentally, the best thing that ever happened to me. If I would have had a real career, spoiled and something I enjoyed then I wouldn't be where I'm at today. In retrospect if it wouldn't have been for "Devil Pups" and the USMC I would be in prison or dead. I was headed for both fast. I'll tell you this, when I signed on for the Army I wasn't buying any used cars or taking any woof tickets. It really prepared me to never give up, don't quit, don't be a fucking pussy and stay in the fight.

Semper Fi!
IIRC, in 2000 here was about 1 million RVN vets left. According to the census takes there where 13 million males claiming to have been in RVN. Thing is they did not claim to be MT, cook, poques, regular legs/grunt etc, they were Sneaky Petes, SOG, SF, SEALS, I am not sure many claimed RECON. Probably the movies had a lot to do with it. SEALS were almost a unknown to me in RVN, I knew about UDT. Then the movies about SEALS came out. Probably if they done the survey prior 1991, the number served would probably be less than those who actually served. RVN vets were sort of a social pariah until the Gulf War.
I was at the Avi resort on the Colorado river boating and diving for a week. I met a very distinguished gentleman who was a SEAL. He had the cap, t-shirt and neck-less. He was in the casino at a black jack table. He was a SEAL from 1964 to 1975. Tours everywhere and many secret places and he had two silver stars he couldn't talk about. He was one of the first SEALs ever. He was in class 362 (in 1967), he knew every guy I knew even four I made up. I of course not being a SEAL ever or knowing anything about it listened intently on his every word. He even bought me four beers (Dos XX amber ice cold) a shot and one Auturo Fuenta cigar. His name was Jim Dunahay. A real American hero and SEAL... It was really cool just to hang around such a warrior and drinking free beer.
I joined the Corps at 17 went to Boot camp at 17 1/2. I went open contract and the recruiter told me I would go to the Infantry then apply for Recon, no sweat... Hummm well I thought all Navy guys were SEALs, every soldier was SF and every Marine was Recon. Funny thing I must have been the only Cook in the Marines and support puke in all the services. I was wondering...

Platoon 1088, November 1985. Every Marine in my platoon that was open contract got cook for an MOS... :ROFLMAO:
Platoon 1088, November 1985. Every Marine in my platoon that was open contract got cook for an MOS... :ROFLMAO:

Platoon 2103, Nov 17th 1978, Senior Drill instructor SSG Shelton. I can't remember my damn birthday or anything else but that one I got. Yea it was the real hose job from hell. Hence the reason I went to the Army. Love the Corps but damn that left a mark.;) As a side note I can make some really wonderful Gumbo!