Fayetteville, NC History Teacher Stomps on U.S. Flag in Classroom

Fuck that POS. You want to stomp on the flag, do it on your own fucking time. If any of my kid's teachers had done this, I would've gone apeshit with about a thousand other parents. You hate America, asshole? Then GTFO.
What's interesting is that I remember Massey Hill being the "reform school" when I was going to high school in Fayetteville. My understanding is that it's now kind of a magnet school for high-performers. And for this ass clown, apparently.
Fuck that POS. You want to stomp on the flag, do it on your own fucking time. If any of my kid's teachers had done this, I would've gone apeshit with about a thousand other parents. You hate America, asshole? Then GTFO.

Mr L. Francis, I challenge you to take your freedom of speech show to Ft. Bragg. When the colors come down some afternoon, express yourself the same way at the foot of the base flag pole. I am sure you will get plenty of comments before your are dragged off base. It's pretty easy to stomp the flag in a classroom full of teenagers who have to be there. It is quite a different matter to do so in front of a group of soldiers.

So then.....Mr. L Francis, "COWARD" will be your name until you take your dance on base.
Mr L. Francis, I challenge you to take your freedom of speech show to Ft. Bragg. When the colors come down some afternoon, express yourself the same way at the foot of the base flag pole. I am sure you will get plenty of comments before your are dragged off base. It's pretty easy to stomp the flag in a classroom full of teenagers who have to be there. It is quite a different matter to do so in front of a group of soldiers.

So then.....Mr. L Francis, "COWARD" will be your name until you take your dance on base.

But he won't do that because he is a empty shell of talk pussy.

"Yeah freedom of speech, the constitution, 2A, beer titties AMERICA"

Someone does something you don't like...

"He isn't American for it standing for the National Anthem"

"He should go to fucking somalia if he thinks it's bad here"

"All lives matter"


""Pussy ass bitch id fucking beat his ass, I fought for his freedom,blah blah blah..."

I'm not sure why he needed to do this. But goddamnit it isn't the end of the fucking world. I don't have a blind patriotism to any object. America is about ideas and the freedom to express them. He was demonstrating that in a fucking lecture about the first amendment and its ability to protect from exactly what happened to him... why are we upset? He proved his own point...

In my opinion the outrage caused here is no different than the intellectual dishonesty so many here claim to hate when it comes to "safe spaces" and micro-aggressions.
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Agree to disagree bro. It's assholes like this that these kids will remember and think it is ok to do. We already have a an issue with kids these days being disrespectful. Now this assholes does it. I see your point but also disagree.


It is a double standard. People in our community getting all constitutional, then get butt hurt when others use those rights.

This guy in the picture is an example of a huge double standard. He is comfortable with violence while being triggered by fireworks?

We are all like "but the constitution says" while we crucify anyone who says something we don't agree with. This ianstance and the Colin K thing are somehow anti-veteran? Because they utilized their free speech. This guy got fired, or at least punished for making a point about the 1st amendment, because people got butt hurt.

We cannot sit back and criticize our "disrespectful kids" and then go on to make the exact point being made by this teacher. The hypocrisy is alarming...
It is a double standard. People in our community getting all constitutional, then get butt hurt when others use those rights.

This guy in the picture is an example of a huge double standard. He is comfortable with violence while being triggered by fireworks?

We are all like "but the constitution says" while we crucify anyone who says something we don't agree with. This ianstance and the Colin K thing are somehow anti-veteran? Because they utilized their free speech. This guy got fired, or at least punished for making a point about the 1st amendment, because people got butt hurt.

We cannot sit back and criticize our "disrespectful kids" and then go on to make the exact point being made by this teacher. The hypocrisy is alarming...

But, at what level do we stop the disrespect. It's ok for these jerk offs to disrespect the flag, BLM to say "death to whites and cops" but if I say the "N" word, I am racist. Where does free speech stop and turn into being an asshole to make a point, like "the U.S. Flag stands for oppression we endure". It is a double standard bro, on BOTH sides. I get called a fucking honkey cracker when I am working the projects as a medic because I am bald, have ink on my arms and look like I am in the KKK. If I call them out, I am the jerk off. Talk about DOUBLE standard bro.

I don't like what he did...but I'm not about to call for his job. What gets to me though, is that if one of the students had a confederate flag on his pickup truck , claiming his right to free speech, this teacher would be first in line to see him expelled for his racist believes.

See also: Double Standard

To add: I was looking for a picture of a specific rebel flag to make my point and could not find in Google Images. I tried "Shopping" instead. Do you know that the primary search engines have actually filtered that out?
Both Google and Yahoo give you no results found, only BING would actually give you a list of websites to buy a rebel/confederate flag.

Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.16.19 PM.png
But, at what level do we stop the disrespect. It's ok for these jerk offs to disrespect the flag, BLM to say "death to whites and cops" but if I say the "N" word, I am racist. Where does free speech stop and turn into being an asshole to make a point, like "the U.S. Flag stands for oppression we endure". It is a double standard bro, on BOTH sides. I get called a fucking honkey cracker when I am working the projects as a medic because I am bald, have ink on my arms and look like I am in the KKK. If I call them out, I am the jerk off. Talk about DOUBLE standard bro.


Point by point:

It is okay to disrespect the flag. Period. It is free speech firstly, and secondly it is a fucking flag.

Show me where people say death to cops and white people in great numbers, or do you mean individuals? Either way that isn't ok, and it isn't right...however it is protected speech, as long as it isn't actively targeting or threatening individuals.

If you call someone the "N" word you are racist, that is the end of the discussion. We all know what that word entails, the history, and the racism behind it.

Equating a white person being called a "honkey" with a black person being called a "nigger" is absolutely false equivalency.

Trying to then equate the 400 years of racism to being called a honkey in the ghetto is disingenuous as shit. It isn't the same.At All.
I don't like what he did...but I'm not about to call for his job. What gets to me though, is that if one of the students had a confederate flag on his pickup truck , claiming his right to free speech, this teacher would be first in line to see him expelled for his racist believes.

See also: Double Standard

To add: I was looking for a picture of a specific rebel flag to make my point and could not find in Google Images. I tried "Shopping" instead. Do you know that the primary search engines have actually filtered that out?
Both Google and Yahoo give you no results found, only BING would actually give you a list of websites to buy a rebel/confederate flag.

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You have an example of a student being expelled for having a confederate flag on their car?
It is a double standard. People in our community getting all constitutional, then get butt hurt when others use those rights.

This guy in the picture is an example of a huge double standard. He is comfortable with violence while being triggered by fireworks?

We are all like "but the constitution says" while we crucify anyone who says something we don't agree with. This ianstance and the Colin K thing are somehow anti-veteran? Because they utilized their free speech. This guy got fired, or at least punished for making a point about the 1st amendment, because people got butt hurt.

We cannot sit back and criticize our "disrespectful kids" and then go on to make the exact point being made by this teacher. The hypocrisy is alarming...

What I see from Mr. Fireworks, is miles apart from the teacher stomping on our flag in a classroom full of students.

I don't know much about Mr. Fireworks, he may or may not be a combat vet, but he is just asking folks to take their stuff down the street some.

Mr. flag stomper is cramming his free speech down the throats of a captive teenaged audience. They can't really discuss the subject with him on equal terms. If a, or several students, express their feelings and leave his class, they get nailed for cutting his class. Mr flag stomper holds all the cards with just the kids in the room. Now, if you bring the kid's parents in the room and he expresses himself in the same way, things become more equal. At least that is the way it seems to me.
Point by point:

It is okay to disrespect the flag. Period. It is free speech firstly, and secondly it is a fucking flag.

Show me where people say death to cops and white people in great numbers, or do you mean individuals? Either way that isn't ok, and it isn't right...however it is protected speech, as long as it isn't actively targeting or threatening individuals.

If you call someone the "N" word you are racist, that is the end of the discussion. We all know what that word entails, the history, and the racism behind it.

Equating a white person being called a "honkey" with a black person being called a "nigger" is absolutely false equivalency.

Trying to then equate the 400 years of racism to being called a honkey in the ghetto is disingenuous as shit. It isn't the same.At All.

Disagree again. But I see we will not understand each other. No matter how far we both go with this, we will not agree.
