I would like to thank all, SOF, marines and all others who have contributed and given me an earful and that the advice is well heeded.
Centermass hit it on the nail.
And to the couple of wisecracks that feel I need a touch of humility:
Take a look in the mirror if you can honestly say that YOU are feel so humble in your ass pedestal. If you were, you would not be in the forum. But whatever. It's a free country, and God Bless this great nation.
Anyway, I take 100% responsibility for not reporting it in a timely manner. Lesson learned for me. Next time F the FTX, I will let them make that call.
And to all a good night.
Louis, look, you're being a complete idiot right now. The more you write, the more certain I am that you don't deserve to hold an officer's commission.
That said, as a professional courtesy from one officer to another, I'm offering you this final suggestion: stop talking.
In this thread you demonstrated very poor judgment, contempt for authority and procedure, and a complete disregard for the very sound advice that people with a combined 100+ years of experience have offered you.
Worse, you also publicly trash-talked your commander multiple times, which puts you further at risk of being relieved for cause and also makes you vulnerable to Articles 133 and 134 of the UCMJ. And you did it while you're under investigation. What do you think would happen if your chain of command were to stumble over this site, or if someone here were to send screen captures to them? Would that make things better, or worse, for you and your NCO?
You're showing indications of being one of the worst types of officer: too inexperienced to know and follow the rules, too dense to understand why we have them, and too hard headed to admit when he was wrong.
If your NCO "burns," that's on you. If you would have done the right thing right away, you might not have recovered the lost sensitive item, but the situation wouldn't smack of incompetence and a cover-up like it does now. The great irony of this situation is that by not doing your job, you made things worse for the guy you're trying to protect.
You mentioned that you were contemplating resigning... I think that's a good idea, both from the Army and this site. You clearly know more than everyone else, everyone is out to get you, and you're smarter than everyone in your unit and on this forum.
You should go. I'll just be over here... in my "ass pedestal."