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Believe it or not I am loathe to lock threads, but this one....

I'm going to do the OP another solid. The mountain of absolutely great advice, advice I NEVER had as an officer, in this thread is staggering. Highly decorated O's and NCO's, a cumulative decade+ of deployments (and not the Al Udeid type), well over 100+ (probably 200+) years in uniform... this thread is solid gold.

To the OP, you may not see it but we do and that is your attitude. I won't belabor the issue, except to say you could use some humility. I'll make two semi-informed observations:
1. Whether your CO is indeed out to get you, you haven't helped your cause.
2. Your 15-6 will obliterate you.

Go to bat for your NCO, fall on your sword (I am blown away your SOP's weren't immediately changed), and make the most of any future opportunities. That or quit. Your call.

One final observation, a number of us are blown away by the pouch ripping. I don't know who made your gear but a good MBITR pouch is cheap. Hell, SF guys with 3-4 deployments using the same pouches without a catastrophic failure like you described isn't uncommon and they tend to beat the hell out of their nylon. That part of your story doesn't jibe with our butt-ton of experience, but that's water under the bridge.

And with that we're going to Brexit this thread.

ETA: An MBITR for under $500? As a former 25A I am dying at this notion. 30 seconds on Google or WebFLIS would crush that price.
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