

Nov 17, 2009
Pearl City, HI
Well, I just got off the phone with my 1sg... my conditional release from the Guard has finally been approved. Called the recruiter to let him know I'd be in tomorrow with all appropriate paperwork to get a MEPS date scheduled. We'll see if I'm still lucky when I get to MEPS though, as prior service only gets offered the jobs that are on the "needs of the Army" list for that particular day.

So with any luck, I will sign up for 35n, 35p, or 18x.... I will take any of those jobs on the spot if offered. If more than one are offered, it will be decided in the order that I have written it. The only reason 18x is at the end is because I can always go to selection after training for one of the other MOS's, and won't have to default to 11x if something unforeseen happens in the pipeline. I still hold "P" and "S" SQI's as well, so I should at least be able to get back into a SOF unit.

I'll keep you guys updated. :)
Hmmmmm.......let me know how that goes.

35N with a language...................trying to get into into your head

Damn, dudelero, seems like you're walking into the REC office with your eyes wide shut. If They're offering you those options, then you can get whatever you want. Don't let them sell you sell you a bad car........

Call me before you sign anything .... and remember that it whatever you sign doesn't matter until you say the oath.
Hmmmmm.......let me know how that goes.

35N with a language...................trying to get into into your head

Damn, dudelero, seems like you're walking into the REC office with your eyes wide shut. If They're offering you those options, then you can get whatever you want. Don't let them sell you sell you a bad car........

Call me before you sign anything .... and remember that it whatever you sign doesn't matter until you say the oath.

Damn, replied to your PM before I read your post here. 35N(L) is the pinnacle, I'd be stoked. I'm taking my DLAB results with me too, in case it helps. But from what I've been told (yeah yeah I know, all heresay...) prior service gets no extras, no bonuses, no frills. I have no idea what they -will- offer, only that I know what I -want-. I'll call you whenever is best for you, it's a 5 hour time difference from me to you I believe, based on your area code. The more info the better!
I don't understand it, if anything they should be offering bonus'es to prior service because it's less training they'll have to do with regards to re-incorporating them into the service...

The Army has already met recruiting goals for FY10. If I needed any waivers to get back in, I'd be fucked. I believe another reason is the "too many chiefs, not enough indians" concept. It's very likely I'll have to take a reduction in rank down to E3 just to get back in. It doesn't make sense to me, as I'll have 7 years TIS... so I'll just get my E4 back anyways. With PLDC complete too, I should have no problem getting to an E5 board relatively quickly too. (I got out as an E4(P) ). Hopefully all the stories that I'm hearing are from people that just have different qualifications than I do, and somehow I'll magically just get the job I want. Apparently MEPS is just a crapshoot, and if you call their bluff, you can get what you want (granted you meet the prereqs.) I also have a recruiter that knows my intentions, and is still willing to work with me, after going through 3 that were not.
Step 1 complete... Recruiter has all my info complete, to include clearance packet. Next step, wait. Have to see if a) MEPS will require more documentation on my PRK surgery and b) if I will require a physical, as I've had one within the last 12 months. I'll have an answer Tuesday of next week. If it's all gravy, I get a MEPS date to talk to the job counselors.
Just came back from MEPS. I was offered three options. 31E (corrections personnel), 18X, or get the fuck out of the office. I called the wife, and after a short discussion, I signed the papers to an 18X contract. We've talked about it in depth before, and she said that if that's what I get offered, to take it. I'm pretty stoked about it, and she is warming up to it the more she finds out things. So, here I am.

I ship April 12th of next year.
I have to repeat basic training from Day 1, to complete 11b/OSUT.
I -do- get to keep my rank (E4).
I'm already Airborne Qualified, so I will skip that phase. (I have a feeling I'm just gonna be a holdover somewhere for a while.)
Everything else will be determined by heart and not being a quitter.

So if you gentleman (and ladies) will excuse me, I have a ruck to pack. I'll be walking around a lot for the next few months. And by months I mean years. :)