Why not just go with a handgun at that point?
dude, are you smoking something bro
let's see... she's got the handgun department covered consideirng she's got her pick of a USP .45 compact, 45 expert or 45 tactical depending on whats left after I decided what was a good fashion accessory for the night on the town
She has a lever gun, she wants an assault rifle. She can shoot my M4 with the stock collapsed, but for the size, ammunition count, and general wounding characteristics versus our intended target audience (pun intended) a P90 isn't that bad of a deal.
Even with the ballistic tip rounds, it's still definately not something you would want to get hit with.
Now, since you're bringing up other off the fucking wall MP5 MP7 and variations thereof:
Let's look at the checkbook on this one. For me to build up a UMP-45 I would have to buy a USC-45, then get a FBI lower, then this then that. For a real deal HK MP-5 civilian version, I'm looking at at LEAST 4 grand. I'm not talking knockoff, I am talking HK. I had a Hesse Cetme HK91 and I want the real german shit after experiencing that abortion of a lead thrower..
Not to mention I don't see a MP-7 being sold to me anytime soon.
CIVILIAN market CIVILIAN purposes. I can get the LEO ammo... that's not a big frigging deal.
Wonder if Lemas makes anything for this? LOL