For all the SEAL wannabe's...

The SEALs are the most over exposed SOF component within the SOF community.

Say what you will, but they have a nack for exposing themselves as the "Best in SOF" operations. :rolleyes:
The SEALs are the most over exposed SOF component within the SOF community.

Say what you will, but they have a nack for exposing themselves as the "Best in SOF" operations. :rolleyes:

Again since I'm on the outside please excuse any ignorance on my part, but does that really matter as long as it does not breach opsec/persec and such. I mean back in the day wasn't SF that everyone was concerned with thanks largely to John Wayne. Seems to me like its one of those trials of time. In another 10-20 years who says it won't something that gets all the press.
Again since I'm on the outside please excuse any ignorance on my part, but does that really matter as long as it does not breach opsec/persec and such. I mean back in the day wasn't SF that everyone was concerned with thanks largely to John Wayne. Seems to me like its one of those trials of time. In another 10-20 years who says it won't something that gets all the press.

I thinks it's largely a supply and demand issue. The public wants to know and that's what they get from NSW, rather intentionally or unintentionally. The issue is how the public views one Special Operations element over another and it's almost alway's that SEALs are the premier SOF force in the entire U.S. Military spectrum of Special Operations. Their secretive, clandestine, covert, hard as nails, never fail, slip in at night unnoticed, etc. Tom Clancy style of super warrior, Jedi Knight stuff.

It often appears that NSW is ready and willing to sign off on self promotion, perhaps for recruiting purposes, but ask any kid age 16 who the baddest military unit in the world is and he'll generally utter the word "SEALs" before considering that other Special Operations units and personell have mission requirements that equal or exceed that of the Navy SEALs.

This is certainly not a knock or criticism of the SEALs mission requirements or their abilities, rather an observation of how much we see of them and read of them. Again, it seems to be a supply and demand issue dating back to the day's of Marcinko's ""Red Cell" and other writings.

Rambo did for Special Forces what computer and tv gaming did for SEALs.
i do plan on becoming a SEAL, but NSW's recruiting hasn't done anything for me. I feel that all SOF should not do any advertising or recruiting in any way. being apart of SOF should not be something you decided on when you saw a commercial, but more of a subconscious feeling. i've also read multiple accounts by SOF members who claim it as a 'calling' and less of a choice, or decision.
There has always been something about the SEALs I have been drawn to, maybe it was all the commercials or ads in magazines. I looked into becoming a SEAL only to find out my vision barely disqualified me, yup that was a sad day six years ago as it is still today.

Don't get me wrong the ads and things of that nature are great, but I think they are going to do a lot better with research they are finding now.
There has always been something about the SEALs I have been drawn to, maybe it was all the commercials or ads in magazines. I looked into becoming a SEAL only to find out my vision barely disqualified me, yup that was a sad day six years ago as it is still today.

Don't get me wrong the ads and things of that nature are great, but I think they are going to do a lot better with research they are finding now.
What about corrective eye surgery?
No eye insurance, and I'm a full time college student. I think I might look into getting some insurance, but I don't want just broad health insurance but just eye, I have no clue if it is possible. I am going to google it right after this and find out if I can.
I just checked out a few different sites for LASIK prices one was $850, a few others were around $2,200. I think this is something that I don't want to skimp on. Some offering different payment methods, some sites said that insurance will not cover LASIK. Which is interesting since I thought insurance companies would cover the cost.
Why not ask your insurance guy? Also, does the Navy refund such things? You could enlist and get your eyes fixed, and then try out for BUD/S.

I want to be a Officer, but yet again there is a pro for enlisted, I heard it was hard to do a transfer to get to BUD/s from the Fleet.
I want to be a Officer, but yet again there is a pro for enlisted, I heard it was hard to do a transfer to get to BUD/s from the Fleet.
Yeah, I was going to say join and get it done for free- or at least save up money and get it yourself. I'm in the same boat. My eyes are disqualifying but I would definitely need glasses at the range. Where did you hear it was hard to transfer? I've always heard if you want to go to BUD/S, you'll go. Showing up to BUD/S with a few years on the fleet can't hurt as far as experience and maturity I would assume.
BUD/S was running a program where the Navy performed your eye surgery and then you healed up at BUD/S and once your eyes were GTG you got a class. The downside of that is spending up to 6-7 months at BUD/S without actually getting any closer to leaving. I don't remember any officers being in that program when I was there, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

It is much harder for officers to get a shot at BUD/S, and if you don't make it the first time you're done for good. There's no going back for O's regardless of if you quit or were med-dropped. It can be harder to get orders to BUD/S from the Fleet depending on how supportive your command is. As an officer it is hard to get there either way. Slots for guys coming out of OCS or the Academy are incredibly competitive and the Fleet generally does not like letting good young officers go. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.