Game On! Attacks Signals Start of Taliban "Spring Offensive"


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006

Gunmen launched multiple attacks on heavily guarded Western embassies in the Afghan capital Kabul on Sunday, and a Taliban spokesman vowed there would be more.
The attacks are retaliation for the burning of Korans at a NATO base in February, the murders of 17 Afghans allegedly by an Army staff sergeant and videos that apparently show U.S. Marines urinating on dead Taliban.
Taliban insurgents claimed responsibility for Sunday’s assaults, one of the most serious on the capital since U.S.-backed Afghan forces removed the group from power in 2001.
"These attacks are the beginning of the Spring Offensive and we had planned them for months," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters.

Some of our members and members' family members are serving in Afghanistan right now. Stay safe, brothers.
After hearing about the attacks yesterday I thought they had a lot of similarities with the attacks last year by the Haqqani douchebags. Then there's this today:

The lone survivor in a group of 36 insurgents who carried out a series of sustained assaults in Kabul and across eastern parts of Afghanistan told officials he had been working for the Haqqani network, a ruthless, well-trained organization linked to al Qaeda.

It's time to carpet bomb the border regions.
The Haqqanis involved? Nooo...they would never resort to acts of violence, acts which were mistakenly attributed to the Taliban.

This morning one of my classmates asked me about the attacks, I told him "smells like the Haqqanis to me," he joked "you blame everything on the Haqqanis," um, yeah ;)

Actually, I don't blame everything on the Haqqanis, just the stuff that takes a high degree of coordination and has a potential strategic-level impact. And if it is something that the ISI would want done in order to get us out of the region quicker.
Actually, I don't blame everything on the Haqqanis, just the stuff that takes a high degree of coordination and has a potential strategic-level impact. And if it is something that the ISI would want done in order to get us out of the region quicker.

Slow down. You mean to tell me that our dear, dear allies in Pakistan, allies we've generously given 18 billion dollars to, would actively work to kill US soldiers? The peace-loving people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan would NEVER stand for such a blatant attack on a close ally. You must be mistaken Sir.
Seems the Taliban are purging their vintage supply of rockets this evening...
I'm just going to be pissed if I have to get out of bed to hang out in the bunker tonight. The Taliban have no consideration! :mad: lol

It is funny watching new people dive for the floor and try to crawl into the cracks when the alarm goes off. When they all got down I couldn't help myself "Ahhhhhh! We're all going to die!!!" :D

They must be getting into newer stock by now. lol

Keep your head down. ;)