I’m able to anticipate my being in permissible environments, so shoulder rigs have worked. However, I feel the same way about the 43, it’s a BUG. I’ve never carried anything concealed larger than a Colt Defender, too heavy for my liking though. For these reasons I’m intrigued about a full sized IWB carry, what is your IWB weapon? I like my G17 but it seems like a lot of pistol for IWB.
I’m trying to avoid more holsters being added to the holster dustbin. So, thanks again for your input.
My shoulder rig for my full size SA Milspec 1911. In summer I'll put a large lightweight shirt over it, unbuttoned. It works.

I carried a Ruger Speed Six .357 for almost 20 years in a Bianchi slapdraw butt-down shoulder rig. I just prefer shoulder rigs. But I can put that 1911 in my back jeans pocket, pull my t-shirt down over it and not print.