Going commando

You can bring whatever you want to basic...but they'll take it from you and issue you what they want you to wear until graduation. I'll let someone else speak to SFAS as I've never been.

FWIW, if you're going 11B or 18X you're going to spend OSUT under a ruck so if you're smart you'll probably be free ballin' anyway. Compression shorts for long periods of time = rashes, chaffage, and fungal shit you don't want.
Seriously dude (this may be TMI for some sensitive folks out there) I have not worn underwear a single day since I have been in the army. There is no surer way to get a heat rash or fungus down there than adding another layer of warmth holding fabric.
Sounds good to me. I do know all about gold bond though. When I played lax I had chafing so bad I couldn't go to class but thanks to that magical white powder I was back in action in 2 days
You can bring whatever you want to basic...but they'll take it from you and issue you what they want you to wear until graduation. .Compression shorts for long periods of time = rashes, chaffage, and fungal shit you don't want.

Commando most of the time, but always wore compression shorts on forced marches. If I didn't I'd end up with bruises on my knees.

I might not be all into Marine speak and all, but I thought marches were on your feet not on your knees? It must have been a special unit???:evil:
It depends on which contract you get 11x you will freeball, 18x you will be issued pink spandex
My MTI in basic REQUIRED us to buy compression shorts to wear during PT. And I'm fairly sure he said if we had some we didn't have to buy them as long as they were black and we had enough.