Happy New Year

Monsieur La Poubelle seems to be dans la merde. Or peut etre a fashionable skin treatment?

Let them eat cake with their shit encrusted fingernails. I read that when the dude kicks the bucket, his wife (if any) can take over his "job" as a pity case.
Kinda wish Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs would do a segment on those guys. Imagine being a bluebottle fly in the green room as they discuss compensation.
What kind of job is it? Bobbing for apples? As compensation you get your partners job, but you gotta have it justified. Suweeet! Egalite and Fraternite reigns supreme. It's mebbe the cheap Merlot, but can't stop laughing.:ROFLMAO:
We were in Dubai for our honeymoon and NYE. Here's my video of the light show. It was impressive, but their call to exclude fireworks this year I think was not the best.
