... it takes time to be able to carry those loads. As long as you are in the best shape that you can before you join, it will be easier as you go on in your career.
I thought that the above was already stated somewhere?
Pineapple... 3 points you need to remember.
1. Any Soldier is expected to be self sufficient and have the intelligence and intestinal fortitude to be prepared at all times - nobody will hold your hand on the battlefield or be able to answer all of your questions.
2. Questions are fine - if you have exhausted ALL resources and have not found an answer. Hate to say this, but the military and veterans on this board bite hard when baited with stupid and self serving and lazy.
3. The Search button is your friend.
and a bonus piece of advice...
mouth shut, eyes open, ears open... read, research, watch, absorb... look, listen, learn... formulate questions, research answers, ask for evaluation or post the question in a thread if the researched answer does not seem complete - and never ask about Training, Tactics, Procedures or any other OPSEC violators. (You will get answers like the one in your camoflauge thread)