Help Nick Leotti


Fortes Fortuna Juvat
Verified Military
Jun 12, 2009
cape cod
I just got word from a friend of mine who's working in Afghanistan as a contractor that they're trying to raise money to help his co-worker, a Marine, named Nick Leotti. Nick was involved in that recent helicopter crash which left the Marine OIF Veteran burned over 70% of his body.

Nick is currently under going treatment in Tampa. If you could please send anything you can such as cards, etc...(No flowers due to infection) to help boost his spirits that would be great.

Semper Fi

Nick Leotti
Tampa General Hospital
Burn ICU Room 606
1 Tampa General Circle
Tampa, FL 33606

A picture of Nick

If you can get the name of the fund, I'd rather throw into that then send him a pic of my rock-hard ass.
Hi! I met Nick recently...I have a U2 Flag (from Ops in Al Dofra), and Strike Eagle Flag (flown over Afghan), an ACC SFS Regiment Flag (taken to the field in Iraq) and cards/letters of support for Nick all ready to go, but I can't get them to Nick unless I can reach his father someway? Please have his father e-mail me so I can get these items delivered--his room number has also changed, I believe. Any help, please let me know. Three flags and a whole lot of AF Spec Ops and ACC love await him.
Hi! I met Nick recently...I have a U2 Flag (from Ops in Al Dofra), and Strike Eagle Flag (flown over Afghan), an ACC SFS Regiment Flag (taken to the field in Iraq) and cards/letters of support for Nick all ready to go, but I can't get them to Nick unless I can reach his father someway? Please have his father e-mail me so I can get these items delivered--his room number has also changed, I believe. Any help, please let me know. Three flags and a whole lot of AF Spec Ops and ACC love await him.

You could just call the Hospital and they'll give ya the room # to send cards and gifts.

I did. :cool:
Hi! I met Nick recently...I have a U2 Flag (from Ops in Al Dofra), and Strike Eagle Flag (flown over Afghan), an ACC SFS Regiment Flag (taken to the field in Iraq) and cards/letters of support for Nick all ready to go, but I can't get them to Nick unless I can reach his father someway? Please have his father e-mail me so I can get these items delivered--his room number has also changed, I believe. Any help, please let me know. Three flags and a whole lot of AF Spec Ops and ACC love await him.

If you can't send Nick all that stuff because you can't contact his father... Can I have it? :D That sounds like some cool shit for the office.
I'll be at the hospital on Sunday and I just happened to meet someone tonight who will really be able to help him and his family. Strange how things fall into place like that. One minute I'm drinkin beers and the next my buddies girl friend is texting a general who she just hapens to know. The general is in charge of an organization for wounded vets and wants to help.
Thanks everyone for all the kind words, and the cards, and pictures, etc. Nick is doing well. Eventually we'll be setting up a website so all his friends overseas can get the regular updates without having to wait on word passing through the grapevine. For now, his status is thus:
He was burned, 3rd deg, over about 70percent of his body. Imagine wearing a flight helmet, goggles, and a vest, basically he was burned pretty much everywhere not covered. He lost his right leg below the knee, left arm below the elbow, and all the digits on his right hand. The rest of his hand and the muscles of his thumb are doing well, but by no means out of the woods. He lost about 80% of his triceps muscle on the left arm, and a small portion of his bicep on the same side.

We were told his face was burned 3rd deg, but he's growing back a full mustache, and most of his sideburns and beard, so we've just gotta wait and see. His eyes are intact, as are his eyelids, eyebrows, ears and manhood. Honestly, his face looks great, all things considered. He had a trachaeostomy, and was breathing on a ventilator, but they've got it turned off more than half the time, letting him get used to breathing on his own again. They put in a valve so he'll be able to learn to talk with this trach. in, but it'll be a bit before he's strong enough to communicate effectively. He has been able to nod and shake his head when he's been cognizant enough to do so, and communication has been difficult, but he has unequivocally expressed that he does have the desire and determination to pull through his situation.

Please, those who can, keep the cards and prayers coming. Specifically, if people could pray for his hand and tricep holding together, that would be huge for his recovery potential. Anyone who wants to visit will be more than welcome once he is more stable and the risk of infection is not so critical. We're looking at roughly another month or so before Nick can be declared anything to close to "out of the woods." Once there, we've been informed there are over 800 marines, including a general, at a local base that want to come see him. The support from all over the country and the world that Nick and his family have been getting from people that don't even know us has been overwhelming. Again, we don't know what to say but thank you, and keep it up!

God bless,
Dominic Leotti
Dom, Thanks for the update, I got your PM, and sent you back a PM, I'm down in Virginia for the weekend, but if you can post info on a trust fund, or when it is set up we will do our best to help any way we can. Next month, when I go to my monthly Marine Corps League meeting I'll get the word out there, too. God bless your brother, and you, and your family. Semper Fi - MV

Thanks everyone for all the kind words, and the cards, and pictures, etc. Nick is doing well. Eventually we'll be setting up a website so all his friends overseas can get the regular updates without having to wait on word passing through the grapevine. For now, his status is thus:
He was burned, 3rd deg, over about 70percent of his body. Imagine wearing a flight helmet, goggles, and a vest, basically he was burned pretty much everywhere not covered. He lost his right leg below the knee, left arm below the elbow, and all the digits on his right hand. The rest of his hand and the muscles of his thumb are doing well, but by no means out of the woods. He lost about 80% of his triceps muscle on the left arm, and a small portion of his bicep on the same side.

We were told his face was burned 3rd deg, but he's growing back a full mustache, and most of his sideburns and beard, so we've just gotta wait and see. His eyes are intact, as are his eyelids, eyebrows, ears and manhood. Honestly, his face looks great, all things considered. He had a trachaeostomy, and was breathing on a ventilator, but they've got it turned off more than half the time, letting him get used to breathing on his own again. They put in a valve so he'll be able to learn to talk with this trach. in, but it'll be a bit before he's strong enough to communicate effectively. He has been able to nod and shake his head when he's been cognizant enough to do so, and communication has been difficult, but he has unequivocally expressed that he does have the desire and determination to pull through his situation.

Please, those who can, keep the cards and prayers coming. Specifically, if people could pray for his hand and tricep holding together, that would be huge for his recovery potential. Anyone who wants to visit will be more than welcome once he is more stable and the risk of infection is not so critical. We're looking at roughly another month or so before Nick can be declared anything to close to "out of the woods." Once there, we've been informed there are over 800 marines, including a general, at a local base that want to come see him. The support from all over the country and the world that Nick and his family have been getting from people that don't even know us has been overwhelming. Again, we don't know what to say but thank you, and keep it up!

God bless,
Dominic Leotti
Thanks for the update Dominic! I'll be stopping by Tampa General this afternoon to drop off some cards for Nick.
For all who are interested, here is Nick's website .

From here on out, that'll be Nick central until he's out of the hospital. When I saw him yesterday, he was in great spirits. He has been breathing on his own for almost a week now, and they attached a valve to his tracheostomy tube so that he can talk. The nurses say he's perfected swearing with the valve in.

Again, thanks, and keep the prayers up. Bless you all!
