I didn't know there were names for this. I'm going to toss them around the bar tonight to sound smart. That and "operator". Love that one.
I don't like to do anything that relies on my finger tips. Fine motor skills vs gross motor skills. I've got fat hands that hit the slide release and, consequently, usually have to rack and tap after reloading. If I don't have an accurate round count (which is never), I may not know if I've run dry or if I have a stoppage in the split second that brain realizes that there was no bang after pulling the trigger. My racking motion with my non-firing hand is the same for reloading as it is for clearing a stovepipe or other stoppage. I've had the "Berretta Bite" more than once, but speed and well-fitting gloves usually take care of that.
My palm is close to the slide and catches on the rear site. My hand wraps around. My fingers may or may not grip on the slide serrations. I call it the "aww shit".