Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Senior gov't officials already have a certain amount of latitude in what they keep or discard, even on .gov servers. She's dead wrong on all counts, but even .gov servers don't archive every email. They should, but don't. You and I? We're hosed. High enough in the food chain? You can select or deselect email for archiving.
Does anyone really believe this will impact her election to the presidency in 2016? We all know it's going to happen. Too many sheep believe in her, the democrats give away too much free shit, and the republicans can't get their heads out of each others asses.
Does anyone really believe this will impact her election to the presidency in 2016? We all know it's going to happen. Too many sheep believe in her, the democrats give away too much free shit, and the republicans can't get their heads out of each others asses.

Yep. Plus she's already been annointed by the media as the next in line.
I don't like it one bit. Her whole goal in life is power and upward mobility. Another fucking case of people in power doing what they want.
I don't like it one bit. Her whole goal in life is power and upward mobility. Another fucking case of people in power doing what they want.

Yeah, they make quite a pair. Bill was into power for the fringe benefits, she's into power because she's a power-junkie...

...a carpet munchin power junkie.
Immensely stupid thing to do. To not understand that this would eventually become an issue is staggering to understand.

Will they find any smoking guns. Doubtful but yet to be determined.
Immensely stupid thing to do. To not understand that this would eventually become an issue is staggering to understand.

Will they find any smoking guns. Doubtful but yet to be determined.

I disagree. In her view, it's none of our business what she does. Her actions since her husband was governor of Arkansas demonstrate her lack of regard for the "common man". She truly believes that we are too ignorant and stupid to know what's good for us and we should be grateful for her service.
After the email issues with the Bush administration and now the email games still continuing now. Congress really needs to act and make a law that says you only use your .gov email address period. No ambiguity and no excuses.

Doubtful it will happen even though we will be talking about email through 2016. Clinton probably isn't the only one playing this game today.
After the email issues with the Bush administration and now the email games still continuing now. Congress really needs to act and make a law that says you only use your .gov email address period..

My understanding is that an amendment to the Federal Records act, which would essentially require the things that you stated, was passed in late 2014. However, that would have been years after Hilldog stepped down from the State position. So to my layman understanding, there is no violation of record-keeping standards. The fact that she voluntarily released over 55,000 pages of emails last year seems to strengthen this notion that she was interested in transparency. Though one could respond that setting up a private email server indicates a desire to control the narrative, (at the time) there was nothing illegal about doing that. Do I think that she should have used an official email account? Yes. The use of a private email seems like poor judgement, though not a breach of the law.

However, if the allegations in the article above are true and she stored classified or otherwise sensitive material on her home server, she absolutely ought to be burned to the ground. I would hope that then-Secretary Clinton would be smart enough to use classified networks for the appropriate level of correspondence, but seeing how other government officials have been burned for doing the exact same thing, I wouldn't put it past her.

Another point to discuss is those 55,000 pages of emails she voluntarily released to the National Archives. Was that really everything she sent during her tenure at state? 55,000 pages sure is a lot of email. Over 4 years, that amounts to a little under 40 pages a day. I'm going to assume that that's both emails sent and received. It seems like the head of a major government organization would be receiving more than that daily, but we can't be certain. I'm very curious as to how her numbers compare to Secretaries Powell and Kerry. It might shed some light on what percentage of email those 55,000 pages really represent.

Anyway, withholding my judgement for now.
My understanding is that an amendment to the Federal Records act, which would essentially require the things that you stated, was passed in late 2014. However, that would have been years after Hilldog stepped down from the State position. So to my layman understanding, there is no violation of record-keeping standards. The fact that she voluntarily released over 55,000 pages of emails last year seems to strengthen this notion that she was interested in transparency. Though one could respond that setting up a private email server indicates a desire to control the narrative, (at the time) there was nothing illegal about doing that. Do I think that she should have used an official email account? Yes. The use of a private email seems like poor judgement, though not a breach of the law.

However, if the allegations in the article above are true and she stored classified or otherwise sensitive material on her home server, she absolutely ought to be burned to the ground. I would hope that then-Secretary Clinton would be smart enough to use classified networks for the appropriate level of correspondence, but seeing how other government officials have been burned for doing the exact same thing, I wouldn't put it past her.

Another point to discuss is those 55,000 pages of emails she voluntarily released to the National Archives. Was that really everything she sent during her tenure at state? 55,000 pages sure is a lot of email. Over 4 years, that amounts to a little under 40 pages a day. I'm going to assume that that's both emails sent and received. It seems like the head of a major government organization would be receiving more than that daily, but we can't be certain. I'm very curious as to how her numbers compare to Secretaries Powell and Kerry. It might shed some light on what percentage of email those 55,000 pages really represent.

Anyway, withholding my judgement for now.

I'm not well-read on it, but the Cornell Law School site appears to indicate that the FRA went into effect in 2011. Clinton was SECSTATE until 2013.
There's "legal" and there's "right." Given technology and the importance of her office there is absolutely ZERO bloody reason to house her own server. I won't even speculate on the email address used....

When Petraeus and McChrystal ran Afghanistan they both had hand-picked Comm teams; literal experts in their field at every aspect of IT and communications. SECSTATE's so low on the totem pole she doesn't rate the same or we're to believe it was too difficult to use the provided communications? (All jokes about AKO aside....) She was SECSTATE, not Joe Snuffy National Guard squad leader trying to coordinate a drill weekend... Hell, one of the deputy or assistant SECDEF's came through once and he had at least two NCO's to handle everything for him...with a pallet of comm gear. And she needs her own email server?

Even IF she were legal at the time (not bloody likely) she's still 50 shades of wrong because there's no reason for anyone at her level to do that unless they had something to hide...
My understanding is that an amendment to the Federal Records act, which would essentially require the things that you stated, was passed in late 2014. However, that would have been years after Hilldog stepped down from the State position. So to my layman understanding, there is no violation of record-keeping standards. The fact that she voluntarily released over 55,000 pages of emails last year seems to strengthen this notion that she was interested in transparency. Though one could respond that setting up a private email server indicates a desire to control the narrative, (at the time) there was nothing illegal about doing that. Do I think that she should have used an official email account? Yes. The use of a private email seems like poor judgement, though not a breach of the law.

However, if the allegations in the article above are true and she stored classified or otherwise sensitive material on her home server, she absolutely ought to be burned to the ground. I would hope that then-Secretary Clinton would be smart enough to use classified networks for the appropriate level of correspondence, but seeing how other government officials have been burned for doing the exact same thing, I wouldn't put it past her.

Another point to discuss is those 55,000 pages of emails she voluntarily released to the National Archives. Was that really everything she sent during her tenure at state? 55,000 pages sure is a lot of email. Over 4 years, that amounts to a little under 40 pages a day. I'm going to assume that that's both emails sent and received. It seems like the head of a major government organization would be receiving more than that daily, but we can't be certain. I'm very curious as to how her numbers compare to Secretaries Powell and Kerry. It might shed some light on what percentage of email those 55,000 pages really represent.

Anyway, withholding my judgement for now.
Remember fuzzy math. We can shoot e-mails back and forth all day long, and each one counts as a separate e-mail.

FWIW- A retired 4-star just plead guilty for mishandling classified, how is this different?
I'm not well-read on it, but the Cornell Law School site appears to indicate that the FRA went into effect in 2011. Clinton was SECSTATE until 2013.
You are correct in that it has been on the books for a while, but from what I understand from the smart people who are analyzing this topic, the requirement to use an official email for correspondence was not introduced until the act was amended in 2014.

This article lays it out: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/officials-detail-obama-administration-email-policies/
The former official emphasized that there was no legal requirement for cabinet secretaries to conduct all email correspondence on an official account until the Federal Records Act was revised in 2014. Still, the former official underscored that everyone was put on notice that if they did official work, to make sure it was preserved for federal records.

Neither White House officials nor Hillary Clinton's aides have said whether she was given permission to set up her own system and use only her private email, but she fell into a different category than most cabinet officials. Given her history -- as Mr. Obama's chief rival for the Democratic nomination, a former senator and former first lady -- she came into the post with carve-outs and was given more leeway, allowing her to run a different operation than most of the other cabinet agencies.

I grant that the whole thing is very shady, and does reflect on Mrs. Clinton's character, but it doesn't really look like that's a charge that's going to stick. Really, it seems like the mishandling of classified material has more traction to it.
You are correct in that it has been on the books for a while, but from what I understand from the smart people who are analyzing this topic, the requirement to use an official email for correspondence was not introduced until the act was amended in 2014.

This article lays it out: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/officials-detail-obama-administration-email-policies/

I grant that the whole thing is very shady, and does reflect on Mrs. Clinton's character, it doesn't really look like that's a charge that's going to stick. Really, it seems like the mishandling of classified material has more traction to it.

I am still not clear was she legally required to or not?

You know what gets me still? Words that are used to split hairs. "Legal", "Guidelines", "required" "not required but recommended". :wall: