Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

RUMINT is starting to churn out now that Valerie Jarrett was the one responsible for leaking the information about HRC's email server. How true that is, I don't know, especially considering HRC's emails had already been hacked by Guccifer some time ago (the time frame escapes me at the moment). I'm linking to the search result from Google under the news tab, so that those with the time can choose their sources that they want to read through.
The NY Post seems to confirm that story. The motivation behind this action sounds like some very Frank Underwood shit:

Last fall, during the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections, Jarrett was heard to complain bitterly that the Clintons were turning congressmen, senators, governors and grass-root party members against Obama by portraying him as an unpopular president who was an albatross around the neck of the party.

Jarrett was said to be livid that most Democrats running for election refused to be seen campaigning with the president. She blamed the Clintons for marginalizing the president and for trying to wrestle control of the Democratic Party away from Obama.

And she vowed payback.

That bit about the Clintons trying to marginalize the President seems a little spurious. Several polls conducted in the months leading up to the midterms showed Obama polling unfavorably among likely voters, and the general "feeling" amongst democrats was that successful democrats were going to have to distance themselves from the President and his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act. The winds were definitely not in the President's favor and any (D) with two eyes could see it. Essentially, if Hillary Clinton really saw the need to manipulate congressional democrats against Obama, then she was either incredibly oblivious to the zeitgeist or she executed an INCREDIBLE smear campaign against a politician who was set to retire in two years. In short: for no good reason. It just seems incredibly unlikely.

I have two other issues with this piece: the first is that it comes from the NY Post. That should be enough. The second is the author, Edward Klein. His short Wikipedia page should tell you enough about him. He loves unsourced quotes and anonymous sources. They're the bread and butter of his craft. He's a terrible, thoroughly discredited journalist who in all likelihood should not be taken seriously. I'm not even saying that because he leans conservative. I don't even particularly like Hillary. I say that because this type of garbage journalism is abhorrent and is poisoning the well of discourse. And if this report turns out to contain the same level of falsehood as some of his other works, then Columbia ought to just go ahead and rescind his journalism degree. It may very well be that an Obama staffer deliberately sabotaged the campaign of the likely democratic nominee for some previous slight. That kind of storyline would work amazingly well in the narrative framework set up set up by his most recently-published book. But knowing the history of the author, it's beginning to seem more far-fetched.

I'm going to bookmark this post, and if later details confirm what this story is saying, I will absolutely come back here and say that I was wrong.
The Clintons may bring short term success to the DNC, but they are long term poison at this stage.
I think he did it in an effort to control her. Much easier to control someone who "reports" to you than it is to control a US senator. I think the bigger question is why did she accept and serve? She'd have been much better off to stay a senator IMO.
Agree on the control part.
She took the job to develop her resume.
SecState, U.S. Senator on the resume would (in her mind) put her ahead of any opposition in the primaries (don't believe for a second that she believes she is the anointed one).
It may not matter in the end, JEB Bush or some other RINO will piss off the base and contribute to a Democratic President in 2016 (which is really sad at this point).

The Clintons may bring short term success to the DNC, but they are long term poison at this stage.
maybe not.
He is still likeable and wildly popular.
She isn't likeable and I think the liberal media would love to kill her career (win,win for them).
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maybe not.
He is still likeable and wildly popular.
She isn't likeable and I think the liberal media would love to kill her career (win,win for them).

I agree except that he always has his hands in her business. He mucked up her run in 2008, doing what he wanted when he wanted until reined in. I think the Clinton Show is wearing thin, but the DNC will still go with her in 2016 because she's their best shot right now...otherwise her baggage/ family name could be too much to bear. He's good with fundraising and crowds, but I think her star is burning out and will her ego allow her to admit it?
I agree except that he always has his hands in her business. He mucked up her run in 2008, doing what he wanted when he wanted until reined in. I think the Clinton Show is wearing thin, but the DNC will still go with her in 2016 because she's their best shot right now...otherwise her baggage/ family name could be too much to bear. He's good with fundraising and crowds, but I think her star is burning out and will her ego allow her to admit it?
Agree, but State just lost a court case regarding her travels as Sec State, they now have to release the pax manifests for all her flights. There is speculation that she was taking donors on taxpayer funded airplanes.
Don't forget, she is from Chicago, and I think 8 years of Chicago politics is wearing thin on most people.
I do not see her as a shoe in for the 2016 nomination.
The deep web has a screenshot of Obama's real birth certificate in Hillary's sent box dated 19 Nov 2008. Incredibly, she accepted the position of SECSTATE the very next day.

No doubt, Mr. Finch. You are being watched...
I'm going to bookmark this post, and if later details confirm what this story is saying, I will absolutely come back here and say that I was wrong.

The White House is emphatically denying the Jarrett story, on the same lines that I outlined above for what it's worth.

Ohhhhh boy, here we go
Clinton hit with racketeering lawsuit over emails
Clinton hit with racketeering lawsuit over emails
The conservative group Freedom Watch has filed a racketeering lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that accuses her of failing to produce documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The civil suit, filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, argues that Clinton used her private emails to sell access to other officials in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

It alleges that, during her tenure, Clinton withheld documents requested under FOIA regarding State Department waivers given to businesses or individuals doing business with Iran, possibly undermining U.S.-imposed sanctions.

complaint, which lists Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation as defendants, alleges the Clintons sold access to other U.S. government officials in return for donations to their organization, which they concealed, allegedly, by using a private computer server for her emails operated from their home in Chappaqua, New York.

The civil suit alleges the Clintons “systematically and continuously ... conducted a corrupt enterprise” over more than 10 years, allegedly in violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act, which deals with abuse and misuse of organizations or businesses.

Looks like someone is trying to get in front of this scandal and ride any potential waves. If it turns into something big, this group could make out pretty well, with no repercussions if it fizzles out.

Honestly, I'm starting to lose faith in Hillary. This constant stonewalling has seemingly made her go from an "Okay" candidate to an "Ehhhhh, maybe look elsewhere" candidate. The primaries are still a ways out which will probably buffer the effect of this scandal somewhat. But that's assuming that she gets away with no charges filed. If the Republicans get what they want and find something explosive OR manage to file charges and get her on perjury or obstruction, then it's all over.

Still withholding judgement, but it's getting more difficult.
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Ohhhhh boy, here we go

Looks like someone is trying to get in front of this scandal and ride any potential waves. If it turns into something big, this group could make out pretty well, with no repercussions if it fizzles out.

Honestly, I'm starting to lose faith in Hillary. This constant stonewalling has seemingly made her go from an "Okay" candidate to an "Ehhhhh, maybe look elsewhere" candidate. The primaries are still a ways out which will probably buffer the effect of this scandal somewhat. But that's assuming that she gets away with no charges filed. If the Republicans get what they want and find something explosive OR manage to file charges and get her on perjury or obstruction, then it's all over.

Still withholding judgement, but it's getting more difficult.

Bold face part


Starting to lose faith? She is a mean, nasty, cantankerous bitch.
She is also a product of the Chicago Political Machine.
Ouch! The civil complaint is interesting but got me thinking; RICO standing as a private citizen?

Apparently so and ONLY tried in Federal courts.


The best "prayer for relief":

  1. An order pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2071(b) that Defendant Hillary Clinton be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.
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Hillary Clinton will become President if she is the Democratic Party's candidate next election.
Honestly, I'm starting to lose faith in Hillary.

I worked in WHMO when the Clintons were in office the first time. I sat no more than five feet from her on many occasions. Believe me when I say that 1) you do NOT want her to be POTUS, and 2) she is not a nice person when away from the cameras and the press.

If you believe she would be a good choice for president, that fancy northern education is not serving you well. :wall:

Having said that, she will be our next president. :thumbsdown:
I worked in WHMO when the Clintons were in office the first time. I sat no more than five feet from her on many occasions. Believe me when I say that 1) you do NOT want her to be POTUS, and 2) she is not a nice person when away from the cameras and the press.

If you believe she would be a good choice for president, that fancy northern education is not serving you well. :wall:

Having said that, she will be our next president. :thumbsdown:

Having talked to some EOD types who had to work VIPPSA missions and ran into her during her tenure as FLOTUS, I've heard #2 a number of times.
I worked in WHMO when the Clintons were in office the first time. I sat no more than five feet from her on many occasions. Believe me when I say that 1) you do NOT want her to be POTUS, and 2) she is not a nice person when away from the cameras and the press.

If you believe she would be a good choice for president, that fancy northern education is not serving you well. :wall:

Having said that, she will be our next president. :thumbsdown:

Agreed. I've done protection details for her where I was so close to her we were literally touching. She is neither nice nor suited for public office.
I'm taking bets... Hillary won't be President. In addition she will driven out of town on a rail. Plus she just makes me nauseous...like tequila hangover nauseous.

You're on. What are we betting?

I hope I lose... :-/