Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Her lawyer's letter to the committee is pretty much a "go piss up a rope". Holder (contempt) and Lerner (delete) have taught her well. I foresee the first husband and wife presidents who have both been impeached (she will no doubt be convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors when she occupies the oval office)!
Yeah, I just got a chance to read the letter and I can just feel the smugness wafting off of it. Have to hand it to the Hilldawg, wiping the whole server after furnishing all of your emails to the State Department is very clever, but in the right context just screams "SCUMBAG".

As far as legal ramifications go, can they really hit her on anything? The subpoena they issued was somewhat broad, only requesting emails from a specified time period relating to the Benghazi incident and Libya in general. If the commission accepts the defense's argument that the emails already furnished to the State Department are enough to satisfy the subpoena, and they don't find anything within those emails, what else can they do? I see that the commission already requested that Hillary turn the server over to a neutral third party, but it looks like they won't do that. Do they grounds to subpoena the entire server? That would the smart thing to do, as forensic examiners could see if the servers deletions match up with Hillary's previous statements. But it also begs the question: When did Hillary wipe the server? Trey Gowdy indicated that it was sometime after October of last year, but that allows for a lot of leeway. If it turns out that she wiped the server AFTER the issuance of the subpoena, she'll go down hard. Though I imagine that will be difficult to prove without physical access to the server, so we're back at square one.

It's times like these that I wish we had a lawyer on the board who could answer some of these broader legal questions.

It's times like these that I wish we had a lawyer on the board who could answer some of these broader legal questions.

I have had the same thought MANY times over the years.

Stay where you are and go to law school after you get your MA, and you can be our guy!
Yeah, I just got a chance to read the letter and I can just feel the smugness wafting off of it. Have to hand it to the Hilldawg, wiping the whole server after furnishing all of your emails to the State Department is very clever, but in the right context just screams "SCUMBAG".

As far as legal ramifications go, can they really hit her on anything? The subpoena they issued was somewhat broad, only requesting emails from a specified time period relating to the Benghazi incident and Libya in general. If the commission accepts the defense's argument that the emails already furnished to the State Department are enough to satisfy the subpoena, and they don't find anything within those emails, what else can they do? I see that the commission already requested that Hillary turn the server over to a neutral third party, but it looks like they won't do that. Do they grounds to subpoena the entire server? That would the smart thing to do, as forensic examiners could see if the servers deletions match up with Hillary's previous statements. But it also begs the question: When did Hillary wipe the server? Trey Gowdy indicated that it was sometime after October of last year, but that allows for a lot of leeway. If it turns out that she wiped the server AFTER the issuance of the subpoena, she'll go down hard. Though I imagine that will be difficult to prove without physical access to the server, so we're back at square one.

It's times like these that I wish we had a lawyer on the board who could answer some of these broader legal questions.
Obstruction of Justice is a charge she could be hit with, but won't as long as a Dem is in charge at Justice.
calling @Roguish Lawyer, Esq!

As far as legal ramifications go, can they really hit her on anything?

Current Admin won't do anything and she won't prosecute herself so probably nothing from the USG however, this sure seems to lend credibility to that civil suit alleging RICO violations.

Clintons as a criminal enterprise...best description EVER!
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I'm not a fussy drinker, but if you want to put up booze, I'll throw out a bottle of a local whiskey distilled here in Fredericksburg...

A. Smith Bowman Distillery

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That will work. They are right up the road from me. Tried the Bowman brothers a couple weeks ago, good stuff.

We will revisit this as time grows closer.

Yeah I never said she was the best in the legal way. But she will get more money for sure.

Well I was serious. Infowars is a trash site with an obvious heavy drama slant on everything they put out. The article links to a WaPO article that is actually full of facts, so you could have posted that. Speaking as an admin, keep it to legit news sources. I would be bashing on move on.org or any left wing website as well.
Point taken...I should have maybe found other sources. They are plentiful however.
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Nobody is getting charged with a crime. Nobody got charged with any crimes when 88 White House staffers were using RNC email accounts and RNC provided phone and laptops for their work. No emails were ever turned over from those accounts.

Nobody has established the government can even get their hands on the server so the chance to prove obstruction is going to be hard to say the least. About the only way to prove obstruction is for somebody to produce an email from Hilary that she didn't release herself. That might still happen but probably would have already happened because everyone saw this day coming for quite some time.

SNL did a bit on Hilary and the email issue and kind of hit the nail on the head. They basically said, what do you think I did wrote an email about how I screwed up on Benghazi?

In the end, much will be made about the situation by politicians and the talking class because they need something to talk about and it will last until November of 2016. The people that hate the Clinton's will still hate the Clinton's. The people that love the Clinton's will still love the Clinton's and everyone else in the middle will ignore this whole issue out of disgust for how much people talk about and because they are concerned about other things. Not many minds will be changed one way or the other.
Nobody is getting charged with a crime. Nobody got charged with any crimes when 88 White House staffers were using RNC email accounts and RNC provided phone and laptops for their work. No emails were ever turned over from those accounts.

Nobody has established the government can even get their hands on the server so the chance to prove obstruction is going to be hard to say the least. About the only way to prove obstruction is for somebody to produce an email from Hilary that she didn't release herself. That might still happen but probably would have already happened because everyone saw this day coming for quite some time.

SNL did a bit on Hilary and the email issue and kind of hit the nail on the head. They basically said, what do you think I did wrote an email about how I screwed up on Benghazi?

In the end, much will be made about the situation by politicians and the talking class because they need something to talk about and it will last until November of 2016. The people that hate the Clinton's will still hate the Clinton's. The people that love the Clinton's will still love the Clinton's and everyone else in the middle will ignore this whole issue out of disgust for how much people talk about and because they are concerned about other things. Not many minds will be changed one way or the other.
Nixon's tape recorder wasn't considered off limits.
My brother had a computer taken/replaced by the Navy when they found out he used it to computerize his shop (back in the day).
Gov't can demand access if she was using for official business.
Funny how the Lawyer convinced that Nixon needed to be punished did the same thing, and now wants to weasel out.
An interesting story. I don't have a lot of faith in polls, but I have to think there are some nuggets of truth here.


Voters in Florida and two other swing states have trust issues with Democratic presidential prospect Hillary Clinton because of her email controversy and now prefer Jeb Bush in Florida and Rand Paul in Pennsylvania.
In Florida, in head-to-head match-ups, Bush, the former Florida governor, gets 45 percent to Clinton's 42 percent in the Qunnipiac University Swing States Poll released Tuesday morning, testing her standing as the dominant Democratic prospect. The former First Lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state still holds slight leads on the rest of the field.
Nixon's tape recorder wasn't considered off limits.
My brother had a computer taken/replaced by the Navy when they found out he used it to computerize his shop (back in the day).
Gov't can demand access if she was using for official business.
Funny how the Lawyer convinced that Nixon needed to be punished did the same thing, and now wants to weasel out.

The big difference was the tapes and laptop were government property and the server is private property.

Why I suspect they can't touch the email server is the Republican's haven't tried to subpoena it yet. The House Oversight Committee can issue a subpoena for what ever they want and it has yet to force the issue. Maybe the lawyers are still working on it but I suspect they would have moved on it already if they had the legal rights to do it. I'm certainly not a lawyer but the lack of action gives me pause.
Why I suspect they can't touch the email server is the Republican's haven't tried to subpoena it yet. The House Oversight Committee can issue a subpoena for what ever they want and it has yet to force the issue. Maybe the lawyers are still working on it but I suspect they would have moved on it already if they had the legal rights to do it. I'm certainly not a lawyer but the lack of action gives me pause.

At least one committee has issued a subpoena, for whatever good that will do.


“The Select Committee on Benghazi today issued subpoenas for all communications of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to Libya and to the State Department for other individuals who have information pertinent to the investigation,” according to a statement by committee spokesman Jamal Ware. “The Committee also has issued preservation letters to internet firms informing them of their legal obligation to protect all relevant documents.”

Legal rights?


Then there's this hypocrisy:


The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI believe they don't need a search warrant to review Americans' e-mails, Facebook chats, Twitter direct messages, and other private files, internal documents reveal.
Government documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union and provided to CNET show a split over electronic privacy rights within the Obama administration, with Justice Department prosecutors and investigators privately insisting they're not legally required to obtain search warrants for e-mail. The IRS, on the other hand, publicly said last month that it would abandon a controversial policy that claimed it could get warrantless access to e-mail correspondence

For an added bonus:


The former head of the Obama administration’s controversial clean-energy loan program warned a staff member last year not to include personal e-mail addresses in official correspondence, to prevent the personal accounts from being subpoenaed, documents show.
Jonathan Silver, a political appointee who oversaw the Energy Department’s $38 billion program, sent the warning days before a centerpiece of the program — solar-panel maker Solyndra — declared bankruptcy, pushing a congressional investigation into high gear.

“Don’t ever send an email on doe email with a personal email addresses,” Silver wrote Aug. 21, 2011, from his personal account to a program official’s private Gmail account. “That makes them subpoenable.”
So, why haven't they moved on it yet? No bloody clue.
There's sufficient legal authority to acquire the server. Seizing it isn't the problem. The issue is strategic, in my opinion.

If they seize it and HRC has managed to completely eradicate everything from the drives, they gain nothing and look a little silly. It may even bolster her case, at least in the court of public opinion. On the other hand, if they leave it in place they don't risk much and may still be able to prove what they need to.

Sometimes you have to play it where it lies.
There's sufficient legal authority to acquire the server. Seizing it isn't the problem. The issue is strategic, in my opinion.

If they seize it and HRC has managed to completely eradicate everything from the drives, they gain nothing and look a little silly. It may even bolster her case, at least in the court of public opinion. On the other hand, if they leave it in place they don't risk much and may still be able to prove what they need to.

Sometimes you have to play it where it lies.

I have to agree with that rationale. You obviously have a much greater knowledge of the legal issue.
If they seize it and HRC has managed to completely eradicate everything from the drives, they gain nothing and look a little silly. It may even bolster her case, at least in the court of public opinion. On the other hand, if they leave it in place they don't risk much and may still be able to prove what they need to.

Sometimes you have to play it where it lies.
I don't know. It looks like her poll numbers are taking a beating already (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...s-poll-numbers-crumble/?tid=pm_opinions_pop_b) and that's just on speculation. If they seize the server and get nothing, I feel like the damage has already been done. Of course, if they find something then it would likely be game over. It doesn't seem like the Gowdy committee has anything to lose on this.
It looks like her poll numbers are taking a beating already ...

Good, she should get it out of the way now. By the time the next election rolls around, this will be a dead issue (HRC and the DNC will claim "we've already covered all of this") and won't effect her election. Anyone bringing it up will be castigated by the media for dredging up old news. In the eyes of her handlers, better to get all the dirty laundry out in the open now, so it has time to become old news before the election ramps up.
Good, she should get it out of the way now. By the time the next election rolls around, this will be a dead issue (HRC and the DNC will claim "we've already covered all of this") and won't effect her election. Anyone bringing it up will be castigated by the media for dredging up old news. In the eyes of her handlers, better to get all the dirty laundry out in the open now, so it has time to become old news before the election ramps up.
