Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

News is reporting that at least two (the IG only looked at 40) had TS (edit: not just TS, but SCI!!!) info in her emails. Someone deliberately removed TS data from a very secure network, removed the control markings, then put it out in an unclass realm.


How in hell could the DNC seriously put her name forward to become POTUS?
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News is reporting that at least two (the IG only looked at 40) had TS info in her emails. Someone deliberately removed TS data from a very secure network, removed the control markings, then put it out in an unclass realm.


How in hell could the DNC seriously put her name forward to become POTUS?

I would have lost my clearance if I did that and maybe more
News is reporting that at least two (the IG only looked at 40) had TS (edit: not just TS, but SCI!!!) info in her emails. Someone deliberately removed TS data from a very secure network, removed the control markings, then put it out in an unclass realm.


How in hell could the DNC seriously put her name forward to become POTUS?

So, 5% of a very small sample even using Common Core math. Bet the number increases with a larger review.
Computer security, always compromised. I buried my old server in concrete, but I still don't feel safe.

I think that's what the EPA was doing in that abandoned mine in CO: dumping her server but accidentally release that toxic sludge.

What difference does it make?

#classified servers matter
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News is reporting that at least two (the IG only looked at 40) had TS (edit: not just TS, but SCI!!!) info in her emails. Someone deliberately removed TS data from a very secure network, removed the control markings, then put it out in an unclass realm.
The State Department gave a rather weak explanation for this spillage:

Those two emails were among four that had previously been determined by the inspector general of the intelligence community to have been classified at the time they were sent. The State Department disputes that the emails were classified at that time.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

Just for fun, let's assume that things happened the way that State explained it. Something was mentioned in an unclass email, perhaps a program name or some operational detail, and someone notices the goof later on. Are there procedures in place for retroactive classification and spillage cleanup? Would they have to prove that Clinton was not only cognizant of the spillage, but didn't take actions to contain or report it?

Not trying to give Clinton an out here - I really don't like her, but this might not be the slam-dunk evidence that some are portraying. Gonna go ahead and quote myself from back in March:

However, if the allegations in the article above are true and she stored classified or otherwise sensitive material on her home server, she absolutely ought to be burned to the ground. I would hope that then-Secretary Clinton would be smart enough to use classified networks for the appropriate level of correspondence, but seeing how other government officials have been burned for doing the exact same thing, I wouldn't put it past her.
Does anyone truly believe at this point there will be any consequences/repercussions?

To dovetail on Freefalling's comment earlier: #whatdifferencedoesitmake

It's not going to change the view of her base of followers and no one is going to throw her in jail.
It's sad that the Chinese and Russian security services know more about the Clintons (via her emails) than the American people.
Just for fun, let's assume that things happened the way that State explained it. Something was mentioned in an unclass email, perhaps a program name or some operational detail, and someone notices the goof later on. Are there procedures in place for retroactive classification and spillage cleanup? Would they have to prove that Clinton was not only cognizant of the spillage, but didn't take actions to contain or report it?

Let's say an email hit my desk with something operationally related or whatever, something outside of my area of expertise, it would have to be kind of blatant for me to think it was classified.

I know the in's an out's of what is classified and what isn't where my job is concerned. A one- or two-off event that made it to her desk? I can maybe buy that she was ignorant, but repeated violations and she didn't have her suspicions? She kept using those emails on her unofficial server? With that argument her credibility starts to tank. The next problem is "who spilled the email." HRC either said "Bring me everything on...." or she had a staffer or two who pulled that data and cross-domained it; they should go to jail.

I have an exceptionally hard time believing she didn't know what was going on.

In the end I doubt it will matter and THAT is the real tragedy. Nothing will change, she and her ilk will profit.

Let's say an email hit my desk with something operationally related or whatever, something outside of my area of expertise, it would have to be kind of blatant for me to think it was classified.

I know the in's an out's of what is classified and what isn't where my job is concerned. A one- or two-off event that made it to her desk? I can maybe buy that she was ignorant, but repeated violations and she didn't have her suspicions? She kept using those emails on her unofficial server? With that argument her credibility starts to tank. The next problem is "who spilled the email." HRC either said "Bring me everything on...." or she had a staffer or two who pulled that data and cross-domained it; they should go to jail.

I have an exceptionally hard time believing she didn't know what was going on.

In the end I doubt it will matter and THAT is the real tragedy. Nothing will change, she and her ilk will profit.


Rules are things for those other people to follow:mad:
I have an exceptionally hard time believing she didn't know what was going on.

In the end I doubt it will matter and THAT is the real tragedy. Nothing will change, she and her ilk will profit.


You're missing the point:

Clinton planned, coordinated, and instructed others to exclusively email her on the private domain with the express purpose of isolating the binary trail away from USG servers. There is definitely conspiracy and subterfuge afoot here.:ninja: The cover-up is worse than the crime...so Clintonian.

America needs a deep throat now more than ever.:hmm:

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You're missing the point:

Clinton planned, coordinated, and instructed others to exclusively email her on the private domain with the express purpose of isolating the binary trail away from USG servers. There is definitely conspiracy and subterfuge afoot here.:ninja: The cover-up is worse than the crime...so Clintonian.

America needs a deep throat now more than ever.:hmm:

I'm not missing anything. I'm playing Devil's Advocate, but showing how even the benefit of the doubt doesn't work in this scenario. Even when someone tries to give her an "out" the logic falls short.

Like this:

Just for fun, let's assume that things happened the way that State explained it. Something was mentioned in an unclass email, perhaps a program name or some operational detail, and someone notices the goof later on. Are there procedures in place for retroactive classification and spillage cleanup?

b. Any transfer to and/or processing or storage of SCI on SIPRNET or an unclassified system constitutes an unauthorized disclosure and must be reported in accordance with those procedures. The SSO shall contact and work with the information assurance staff to ensure appropriate and timely resolution of the incident.

DoDM 5105.21-V1, October 19, 2012

Enclosure 5, 1-b.

It's worth noting that DoD Manuals are all restating of parts of USC. Although I am posting the DOD reg, the same information applies to all agencies and is in their manuals almost word for word. I just failed to find the source reg in all the garbage google throws out.

Would they have to prove that Clinton was not only cognizant of the spillage, but didn't take actions to contain or report it?

Yes, but they won't be able to because SoS has the ability to declassify anything unilaterally, just as the Joint Chiefs can declassify any mil documents. All she has to do is make a memo declassifying that material "appear" with a date prior to the emails. There's not even a form, it's just a memo at that level. I'm pretty sure that she took an electronic copy of her letterhead home with her and has a friendly person in the administration to "find" it...

For us Joes, if we notice it, we report it to the SSO and the command makes a determination on whether the leaker keeps his clearance. Either way a 15-6 happens and the IASO is charged with trying to contain the damage and assess the risk of spread of the leak. Been there done that, someone went cross-domain while I was IASO in a contingency area. I had to provide the audit trail for the investigation showing the access and the media used to go cross domain after cleaning up the mess. There was more, but not for a forum. Let's just say it was a giant PITA.