Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

You're honestly part of the problem at this point.

What difference does it make, though?

And as to being in control of her email: SHE PURPOSELY MADE A FUCKING OFF-NETWORK SERVER. That's the MOST control for email you can have, other than actually flat out being the admin for that server.

Yeah you are right, and when she is shown to have been personally in charge she should go down. Comparing this to a sailor knowingly carrying a firearm on government property is apples and oranges to the highest degree.
I may be speaking poorly. If she knowingly broke the law she should obviously be punished. I just think she is less in control of her email and such as everyone is portraying. My "as a voter who cares" argument is because honestly most people(read people not religiously watching Fox) don't know or care about this scandal.


There you go. If she can't manage her e-mail, what happens when it comes to managing our country?

And as far as managing her e-mail, seems she's done a pretty damn good job since being asked to produce all things connected with it. :rolleyes:

All I know is I hate LIARS - to the ENTH degree.

There you go. If she can't manage her e-mail, what happens when it comes to managing our country?

And as far as managing her e-mail, seems she's done a pretty damn good job since being asked to produce all things connected with it. :rolleyes:

All I know is I hate LIARS - to the ENTH degree.

Do you honestly believe that our president, And cabinet level employees are the only ones who look at their emails, have access to them, and respond or mark them in any way? Further do you really believe honestly that Those same cabinet employees are up to date on the latest document marking procedures, and safeguarding procedures?

I'll fill you in, they are not. They have people that do that shit for them. These are people that fly on 757's wherever they say to fly, have their day palanned out to the second, who take a shit at a designated time. These people don't have time for minutiae.

I understand the outrage at some of the things Hillary has done here, the private server is bullshit, the usage of a private email at all is BS, but getting after the marking of docs, and the classification stuff is going to into the minutiae for me.
I can't speak for Lindy's intent, but looking at the "Front pages" for CNN, Fox, CBS News, and ABC News, only CNN doesn't show the story. I tried both CNN's main site and the US regional version....nada.

CNN may carry it on their site, but they've buried the story. Maybe it will appear later today, but as I type this it isn't on the main page.
Spot on!

I can't speak for Lindy's intent, but looking at the "Front pages" for CNN, Fox, CBS News, and ABC News, only CNN doesn't show the story. I tried both CNN's main site and the US regional version....nada.

CNN may carry it on their site, but they've buried the story. Maybe it will appear later today, but as I type this it isn't on the main page.

Correction...they're all over it (at the bottom).

Emoji OMG: Clinton's student debt Twitter push backfires

I don't normally "acquire" from other websites, but when I do, it's a doosey.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

After years of holding herself above the law, telling lie after lie, and months of flat-out obstruction, HIllary Clinton has finally produced to the FBI her server and three thumb drives. Apparently, the server has been professionally wiped clean of any useable information, and the thumb drives contain only what she selectively culled. Myriad criminal offenses apply to this conduct. Anyone with knowledge of government workings has known from inception that Hillary’s communications necessarily would contain classified and national security related information. Thanks to the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, it is now beyond dispute that she had ultra-Top Secret information and more that should never have left the State Department. Equal to Ms. Clinton’s outrageous misconduct is that of the entire federal law enforcement community. It has long chosen to be deliberately blind to these flagrant infractions of laws designed to protect national security—laws for which other people, even reporters, have endured atrocious investigations, prosecutions, and some served years in prison for comparatively minor infractions.
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I am without speech.

If any of us acted in the same manner, with regards to handling, safekeeping and storage of ANY classified material, we'd be strung up by the balls, facing a GCM.

More Revelations

A year ago, Catherine Duval was embroiled in the scandal over former IRS official Lois Lerner’s lost emails.

Now the top government attorney is heading up another document project in the cross hairs of Congress: the State Department’s release of Hillary Clinton’s emails and Libya documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. :rolleyes:
If any of us acted in the same manner, with regards to handling, safekeeping and storage of ANY classified material, we'd be strung up by the balls, facing a GCM.

More Revelations

A year ago, Catherine Duval was embroiled in the scandal over former IRS official Lois Lerner’s lost emails.

Now the top government attorney is heading up another document project in the cross hairs of Congress: the State Department’s release of Hillary Clinton’s emails and Libya documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. :rolleyes:

And still the anointed one for the party. It matters not who they really are, what they have, or have not done. Liars and those blatently distorting facts are a plus, and frankly seems to be a requirement. Emails are good, because you can do anything with and to them. For some reason, the POTUS after President Bush has had little to say on this; wonder what his email system/content is like?

Here's a thought, Why don't we have a requirement, or checklist item for POTUS candidates, that are honest, have a documented history of doing what they say they will do? Lastly, consider only those who take responsibility for what is said and/or does?
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Do you honestly believe that our president, And cabinet level employees are the only ones who look at their emails, have access to them, and respond or mark them in any way? Further do you really believe honestly that Those same cabinet employees are up to date on the latest document marking procedures, and safeguarding procedures?

I'll fill you in, they are not. They have people that do that shit for them. These are people that fly on 757's wherever they say to fly, have their day palanned out to the second, who take a shit at a designated time. These people don't have time for minutiae.

I understand the outrage at some of the things Hillary has done here, the private server is bullshit, the usage of a private email at all is BS, but getting after the marking of docs, and the classification stuff is going to into the minutiae for me.

I am sure you are right. However, that's no excuse. Who does the responsibility ultimately rest with? Her!! A Battalion commander doesn't get to say, "Ah, fuck. Yeah, my junior enlisted guys were the ones really running that op. I didn't have direct knowledge, so it ain't my fault. I'm too busy running a battalion to worry about the minutiae of platoon ops." Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that. It's her responsibility to know what her people are doing and to periodically make sure everything is kosher. That being said, I don't believe for one second she didn't know what her minions were doing. She insulated herself, played the CYA game, and is trying to weasel out of any responsibility. She is absolutely unfit to run a country. She epitomizes everything that is wrong with the political elite and the political status quo in this country. That is why you as a voter should care.
Is the Hillary email scandal Watergate all over again? | Fox News

Will the investigations find any evidence of wrongdoing? Once special prosecutors are appointed, or congressional investigations begun, they always find something. Watergate, Iran-Contra, Whitewater.

Secretary Clinton has gone from saying she never received classified emails on her personal email account, to saying she never received emails that were marked classified. That’s a big leap. If they were classified, and someone deleted the classification, that’s an offense.

We are not at the end of investigations into Hillary Clinton. They are likely just beginning. Once the emails are recreated, which they will be with time, where will the trail lead?
Here's the best story of the day. Suck it, Biatch.
IT firm hired by Hillary Clinton: It's 'highly likely' there's a backup of emails she deleted
The IT firm hired by Hillary Clinton to oversee her private server has told ABC it is "highly likely" a backup copy of the server was made, meaning any emails Clinton deleted before she handed the server over to investigators may still be accessible.

Being able to access the deleted emails via a backup server would most likely make investigators' job much easier, cybersecurity expert Alex McGeorge of Immunity Inc. told Business Insider on Friday.

"The reason you back up a server is fairly straightforward, and it would be standard practice to do so," McGeorge said.

"There's a lot they [investigators] can learn from the server, but not having the backups would probably make that job much more difficult."

Having access to the server's backups could also give investigators "a better timeline," McGeorge said, and allow them to see whether her private account was ever breached by hackers.

ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl said the firm hired by Clinton in 2013, the Denver-based Platte River Networks, said it was "cooperating with the FBI.”
IT firm hired by Hillary Clinton: It's 'highly likely' there's a backup of emails she deleted
The irony of her doing everything in her power to fry Nixon, and then getting caught doing the 21st century version of an erased tape.

I'll vote Bidon.
Hope and Change! Hope and Change! An opinion piece that probably echoes many sentiments of the "silent majority".

The inspector general blasted Deutch for his failure to follow an “elementary practice . . . to separately process classified and unclassified information,” adding that “ecause Deutch’s computers configured for unclassified use had connections to the Internet, all classified information on those computers was at risk of compromise.”

The same could be said of Clinton. Indeed, we know that Chinese hackers successfully penetrated the private e-mail accounts of “many” senior Obama White House officials. If investigators find that Clinton’s private server containing top-secret intelligence was penetrated by foreign intelligence service, she is going to be in serious trouble.

But here is one important difference: While Deutch expressed regret for putting classified information at risk, Clinton is making public jokes about it — joking about wiping her server “with a cloth” and signing up for a Snapchat account because “those messages disappear all by themselves.”

I’m sure the folks at the FBI investigating her e-mail setup found that funny.

An ominous precedent for Hillary Clinton