Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I wish Gowdy wanted to run for higher office such as Speaker of the House, Whip, or even President. He's not a name you hear often, but when he speaks, he really seems to be a no bullshit, doing it for people kind of guy.
I wish Gowdy wanted to run for higher office such as Speaker of the House, Whip, or even President. He's not a name you hear often, but when he speaks, he really seems to be a no bullshit, doing it for people kind of guy.

He's one of the few Rep's that I acutally enjoy listening to. He's also one of the few that talk the least "PC" of them all.
Somehow, even if it was lawful to read classified emails, I don't think she the SA to protect/shield what she is doing. If it's not standing in front of her, with an, "I'm a spy" 4'x4' sign, she would consider anyone a threat. You would not need to hack the email, she would let you read it over her shoulder.
...Someone could roll out a video tomorrow morning showing Bill receiving fellatio from a 12 year old paraplegic after he's just knocked out half of her teeth, Hillary running the camera, and Chelsea acting as producer, and CNN would run with the headline that they were promoting dental health for the underprivileged...

Goddam that is some beautiful shit right there :thumbsup:
He did everything but make her a pitcher of ice tea before they started. Nothing is going to come of this.

Watching her face says everything though, the utter contempt she has for the questioning and process. She doesn't have to GAS about the committee and she knows it. She could bite the head off a puppy and suck it dry without more than a 2 point drop in her poll numbers.
Watching her face says everything though, the utter contempt she has for the questioning and process. She doesn't have to GAS about the committee and she knows it. She could bite the head off a puppy and suck it dry without more than a 2 point drop in her poll numbers.

Indeed! She has a cult following that will vote for her no matter what comes up. She is in their "Voter DNA." They can't do anything about it...they feel "compelled" to vote for her. Numbers don't matter...facts don't matter...she WILL get their votes.
Indeed! She has a cult following that will vote for her no matter what comes up. She is in their "Voter DNA." They can't do anything about it...they feel "compelled" to vote for her. Numbers don't matter...facts don't matter...she WILL get their votes.

Just imagine how she would fair if those voters were actually alive vice having zip codes from the cemeteries!
This segment pretty much sums up the whole mess. Remember, the talking points the administration ran with, starting with Susan Rice, Jay Carney and the rest, blasting the reason all over every media outlet she could get her ass in front of, blaming the attack on this fricking video, and continued to do so, even when everyone else in the world intelligence services, knew full well, right from the start, it was a terrorist attack.

All this after the fluff and buff prior about how great things were, just before a national, presidential election. It had to be a video. Couldn't have been anything else. Otherwise, the pendulum would of and could of, swung in the other direction, come November 6, 2012, for failures and the loss of life on September 11, 2012.

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After re-election, those voters will express dismay when they find out the Russians, Chinese, and Saudi's own her ass.
Then they will vote for her Vice President, the Hispanic guy.

The "Evangelical" morons, err Republicans will whine and cry, until you ask them why they didn't vote that day.
This segment pretty much sums up the whole mess.

So hand on the face/chin is the new middle finger?



- Fucking peasants. Don't they know I'm their next queen? Christ, I have to wait this long for the inevitable? Fucking peasants...

- Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Huh. You think you can do this shit... You think you can do this to me? You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you. SHU program, homie. 23 hour lockdown. I'm the man up in this piece. You'll never see the light of... who the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm a Clinton, I run shit around here. You just live here. Yeah, that's right, you better walk away. Go on and walk away... 'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right, that's right. Shit, I don't, fuck. I'm winning anyway, I'm winning... I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can't kill me.

- Do they have any idea how many Americans I'll kill for this job? I can think of four who believe in "The Process."

- First order of business, ethics investigations for EVERYBODY!!!! I can play this committee game, bitches.
When I see her in the bottom photo...all I can think of is that she is hearing "Charlie Brown's teacher" talking...wahwawanwhawaha....

She doesn't think she did anything wrong and no one can convince her otherwise.
When I see her in the bottom photo...all I can think of is that she is hearing "Charlie Brown's teacher" talking...wahwawanwhawaha....

She doesn't think she did anything wrong and no one can convince her otherwise.
Think, no.
She fucking doesn't care as laws don't apply to her (or any family member).