Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

One has to have an over-abundance of arrogance to do the very thing that someone else at their level is being investigated for.

If true...it's pathetic!
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The latest batch of 3,105 emails includes 275 documents upgraded to "classified" since they landed in the former Secretary's personal inbox. That brings the total number of classified docs found in the emails to 1,274. A State Department official told Fox News on Thursday that two of those emails were upgraded to "secret," while most of the others were upgraded to "confidential."

State Department releases over 3,000 Clinton emails on New Year's Eve | Fox News

As said before, DOS does not, nor has it EVER had the authority to "upgrade" or even "downgrade" the classification of ANY information unless the Department produced it.

Someone within the organization willfully, intentionally, and unlawfully took classified info from classified servers, REMOVED classification and special handling markings, and uploaded it onto unclassified servers in order to email to the former SECSTATE.

Every bit of that is illegal as hell. EVERYONE who came into contact with the information and emails were duty bound to report it to appropriate authority.

This conspiracy and obstruction of justice make Nixon look like an amateur.
I'm shaking my fucking head... Voters don't give a fuck either.

State Department releases over 3,000 Clinton emails on New Year's Eve | Fox News

As said before, DOS does not, nor has it EVER had the authority to "upgrade" or even "downgrade" the classification of ANY information unless the Department produced it.

Someone within the organization willfully, intentionally, and unlawfully took classified info from classified servers, REMOVED classification and special handling markings, and uploaded it onto unclassified servers in order to email to the former SECSTATE.

Every bit of that is illegal as hell. EVERYONE who came into contact with the information and emails were duty bound to report it to appropriate authority.

This conspiracy and obstruction of justice make Nixon look like an amateur.
I wonder if 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi will have any impact on HRCs campaign? Or will the bullets bounce off?
I wonder if 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi will have any impact on HRCs campaign? Or will the bullets bounce off?

Nobody blinked an eye at this shit...so I doubt "it" will be affected.

However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means.

In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure."

Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News

This is what's known as a smoking gun and point to willfully breaking the law. Personally, I hope a Republican wins the WH so they can prosecute her because there's no way Obama will. I wonder what dirt the Clinton's have on him?
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This is what's known as a smoking gun and point to willfully breaking the law. Personally, I hope a Republican wins the WH so they can prosecute her because there's no way Obama will. I wonder what dirt the Clinton's have on him?
Needs to be a poster. With WANTED: at the top and her picture on it.


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Something I've never understood, how could Hillary even do her job as Secretary of State WITHOUT sending classified, secret, or top secret information via email?! She claims none was ever sent through her private email. Well if that's the only email she used how else did she send such information when need me? Did she not do her job or something? I mean a person in her position would undoubtedly be coming in contact with and sending out such information. It honestly blows my mind as to why this isn't being talked about.
Yep, I think that bitch is going to jail...

There was an email released in this latest batch where she told one of her aides that "If you can't get the secure fax working, just remove the headers and send it to my regular email" - That's actually a direct violation of Federal Law and proves willful intent. But... she'll never see a courtroom.
There was an email released in this latest batch where she told one of her aides that "If you can't get the secure fax working, just remove the headers and send it to my regular email" - That's actually a direct violation of Federal Law and proves willful intent. But... she'll never see a courtroom.

How would you remove the headers?
How would you remove the headers?

She was referring to the classified caveats. My quote may be a paraphrase rather than a direct quote. That said, if they were going to send it via email, someone would likely either scan it or retype it into the email. Either way it's easy to exclude the caveats.

here's the direct quote:

However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means.

In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure."
Latest batch of Clinton emails contains 66 more classified messages | Fox News
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There was an email released in this latest batch where she told one of her aides that "If you can't get the secure fax working, just remove the headers and send it to my regular email" - That's actually a direct violation of Federal Law and proves willful intent. But... she'll never see a courtroom.

Yeah, I'd just watched in on fox news, I don't see how she cannot be charged at this point.
She's a Clinton, and the presumptive Democratic nominee for POTUS. She won't be charged.

She has the full, and strong backing from nearly all the media. Compare what Nixon did, with what Clintion has done. Then tell me why Clinton is still considered the Democrat front runner.
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First heard for me but quality nevertheless.

Dick Morris again falsely claimed Clinton said Chelsea "was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11"


Interesting. Obama is definitely n a dilemma. Wonder if THIS is why he won't back a Democrat until after the convention? He'd be screwed to backed a criminal.

Further speculation has suggested that if Attorney General Lynch refuses to file formal charges against Hillary Clinton, it will cause ripples within the FBI that could then lead to all out revolt. Former U.S. attorney, Joe DiGenova recently said this regarding the matter:

“I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable…”


Read more at Hillary Clinton's Criminal Indictment Looms... - DCWhispers.com
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