Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

She'll never get charged much less convicted. If there's a "revolt" inside the Bureau--which I doubt--heads will roll, as many as it takes to quash the dissent. This woman is powerful, she's spent all her political life building her power-base. The international media supports her. The Democratic Party supports her and at least half the nation--if Obama's election and re-election is any example--will support the next Democratic nominee for President. Anything negative about her will be written off as partisan politics. And, on top of all that, she's married to a former 2-term president who's no stranger to arm-twisting and backroom deals.
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She'll never get charged much less convicted. If there's a "revolt" inside the Bureau--which I doubt--heads will roll, as many as it takes to quash the dissent. This woman is powerful, she's spent all her political life building her power-base. The international media supports her. The Democratic Party supports her and at least half the nation--if Obama's election and re-election is any example--will support the next Democratic nominee for President. Anything negative about her will be written off as partisan politics. And, on top of all that, she's married to a former 2-term president who's no stranger to arm-twisting and backroom deals.

Truth. Additionally, the FBI has to forward results of the investigation to the DOJ, and who in their right mind thinks that ass-licker Lynch is going to prosecute?? Even if the FBI in a full-court press delivered unimpeachable evidence to the DOJ, they will table it and it will fade into obscurity.....
A handful of these and I can sigh and move on. It is wrong, but you can explain away something relatively minor like that.

With a total count in the hundreds and even HRC telling her staff to break the law....she should be in jail. Charged. SOMETHING, but she won't see charges. Lady Justice isn't blind, she's on a date with Bill Cosby.
The theory behind "justice for all" is a great theory...I simply wish it was attainable. Unfortunately, it is a lofty goal that is seldom achieved at high levels.
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The theory behind "justice for all" is a great theory...I simply wish it was attainable. Unfortunately, it is a lofty goal that is seldom achieved at high levels.

I sure hope that the law, and ethics, get this one right. If it fails, the writting on the wall for the USA will be pretty ugly.
For those unfamiliar (@compforce , please clarify as necessary), if information that is unclassified, with either the FOUO or SBU caveats, there is NO REASON to remove the headings to send via insecure email regardless if server is private or USG. While it is true that much unclassified info DOES transmit on classified systems, there is ZERO reason to send unclassified via secure means because it ONLY adds an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy...especially when sending unclassified is more efficient.

The ONLY purpose of removing headings is to DEFEAT mechanisms that flag potential spillage from USG servers (e.g. state.gov to .com or in this case prob info that was on state.sgov, which CANNOT be sent outside the network).

Hillary Clinton Says ‘Nonpaper’ Email a Nonissue
Forget anything reported on Fox. True or not it will be shouted down by the overpowering voices of the Leftist MSM.
"“But, oftentimes, there’s a lot of information that isn’t at all classified. So, whatever information can appropriately be transmitted unclassified often was. That’s true for every agency in the government and everybody who does business with the government,” she said."

True, but that is why the government uses Government systems for official emails....just saying
For those unfamiliar (@compforce , please clarify as necessary), if information that is unclassified, with either the FOUO or SBU caveats, there is NO REASON to remove the headings to send via insecure email regardless if server is private or USG. While it is true that much unclassified info DOES transmit on classified systems, there is ZERO reason to send unclassified via secure means because it ONLY adds an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy...especially when sending unclassified is more efficient.

The ONLY purpose of removing headings is to DEFEAT mechanisms that flag potential spillage from USG servers (e.g. state.gov to .com or in this case prob info that was on state.sgov, which CANNOT be sent outside the network).

Hillary Clinton Says ‘Nonpaper’ Email a Nonissue

Pretty much on the head with one detail left out. If an unclassified document is introduced to a secure system (like SIPR). It CANNOT be transmitted and then brought back to an unsecure network without going through a formal declassification process, just as if it had originated on SIPR to begin with. Nothing can be moved down the chain without formal signoff (and accompanying documentation) from the assigned Security Officer.

As an example, if you had a thumb drive (that had been cleared for use on Government computers), brand new, still in the box. You accidentally stick it into the USB port of a SIPR computer and immediately remove it without doing anything else. That thumb drive is now classified Secret//NOFORN until you get a signoff from the ISO/ISM. If you then stick the, still empty, thumb drive into a NIPR computer, you have committed a security violation. More than that, if someone saw you do it, they are required by law to report it to the S2, who then has to report it to the MACOM G/J-2. After which @Freefalling will spend the next several days cursing your name while he does his part of the spillage investigation.

Why in the world would anyone ever choose to send unclass by secure means? It would be less of a PITA to walk to the office next door or go to the nearest place that had a working system. I'm pretty sure there are more than one secure fax machine at DoS.

For Unclass//FOUO type docs, you can send those across personal email all you want as long as the recipient has the requisite "need to know" for the info. The heading should remain in place. NO security caveats are authorized to be removed for any purpose, including public dissemination, without ISO/ISM and PAO approvals.
"“But, oftentimes, there’s a lot of information that isn’t at all classified. So, whatever information can appropriately be transmitted unclassified often was. That’s true for every agency in the government and everybody who does business with the government,” she said."

True, but that is why the government uses Government systems for official emails....just saying

Yes, however the declassification process and documentation still has to be done. If there is one sentence that is classified and 16 paragraphs of stuff that didn't need to be classified, it still has to be declassified and redacted appropriately before it can be sent. If it is wholly stuff that doesn't have to be classified, but it was on a secure network, it still needs to be declassified before it can be introduced into an unclass network.

She's full of crap...as usual
I think the FBI will find more than what they were looking for. Personally I think that's the reason why Obama hasn't fully endorsed her. At least I hope.
I think the FBI will find more than what they were looking for. Personally I think that's the reason why Obama hasn't fully endorsed her. At least I hope.

My mother actually said the same exact thing today. Makes perfect sense.
I think the FBI will find more than what they were looking for.

I think FBI and DOJ will have far more than enough, HRC will claim she was told wrong/she did not know what she was doing/her advisers were at fault, a shitload of people will be fired and possibly have charges brought against her, and she will skate. I believe this only because this is how Clinton, Inc., has operated for the past 45 years.

I hope I am wrong and finally "they" will do the right, legal, and ethical thing. But I am not holding my breath.
She may make those claims...and, they may work for her because of who she is.

But, it will be hard to legitimately make those claims after being the First Lady for eight years and then the Secretary of State. She has been around classified information for plenty of years. If she is allowed to claim ignorance, it is simply because she is "allowed" to.