Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

She may make those claims...and, they may work for her because of who she is.

But, it will be hard to legitimately make those claims after being the First Lady for eight years and then the Secretary of State. She has been around classified information for plenty of years. If she is allowed to claim ignorance, it is simply because she is "allowed" to.

I'd believe she would be accountable for all the yearly requirements of having access to classified system that I have. Hard to pull an ignorance card if you have email directing an aide on how to specifically send classified information by stripping it of the classification headings.

End of the day, spillage is spillage. People have lost their clearance for so much less.
Hillary's Iowa Poll numbers seem to be dropping a bit.
I think a lot of people are getting tired of the Bill and Hill show.
I hope Mr Sanders does well enough in Iowa and New Hampshire that Hillary actually has to start campaigning and making speeches.
I'd believe she would be accountable for all the yearly requirements of having access to classified system that I have. Hard to pull an ignorance card if you have email directing an aide on how to specifically send classified information by stripping it of the classification headings.

End of the day, spillage is spillage. People have lost their clearance for so much less.

Perhaps, but her husband was a sitting President and LIED under oath, interfered with evidence, and tried to influence witnesses but still kept his job (not his law license though).

F'ing 20 years old but written like it was just yesterday.

Essay;Blizzard of Lies

This shit is unbelievable.

State Department Discovers ‘Thousands’ of Previously Undisclosed Clinton Documents
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This has got to start pissing people off eventually.

You would think so. The media is handeling a lot of the exposure, and impact from all this this for their friend Hil. Compare the press coverage with Nixion, and Mrs. Clinton.
This has got to start pissing people off eventually.

I agree, but who? Who would get pissed off? I would like to think it would piss off everyone. The criminality, the unethical behavior, the immorality. But the only people getting pissed are the people who don't like her anyway....certainly not her camp, not her supporters, not the Fourth Estate.

This is all a vast right-wing conspiracy...it was years ago, and that is how it is being portrayed today.
The reason that I know it won't make people mad is because I can pick 10 random people on the street who have no idea about her and her e-mail debacle.

In fact, I was talking about it not long ago with a group of people during the holidays who looked at me like I had an elephant trunk growing out of my forehead. They had no idea what I was talking about.

There are many who are simply walking around on auto-pilot who have no clue as to what is going on around them.
I like where this may lead!

Why Hillary Clinton's legal woes are grave or even fatal: A tale of two smoking guns | Fox News

The charges will consist of some of the following:

1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.

One source told me that “the top floor of the FBI [the leadership] is deeply engaged in the investigation.” And another said the Bureau has “no choice” but to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch for indictments. The FBI’s director James Comey has a reputation for being incorruptible. He wanted to indict General David Petraeus on far fewer charges than his investigators have come up with on Hillary. Now his chief of staff has reportedly said that the Bureau plans to seek indictments of Hillary and her aides despite the politics of the case. One source told me, “the Bureau doesn’t care about politics.” This case is seen as a national security matter.

If it is ignored, the fear within the intelligence community is that it will be impossible to prosecute future defendants being charged with the mishandling of classified information. The intelligence agencies would mutiny if Hillary were given a pass. Said DiGenova last week, “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves basically to revolt if [the Attorney General] refuses to bring charges.” This is apparently one of those processes that takes on a life of its own.

Hillary’s Problems Grow
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I hope she's nuked from orbit, but given the state of politics and generalized apathy in this country I'm skeptical to the nth degree.
The charges will consist of some of the following:

1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.

Hillary’s Problems Grow

FBI Recommends indictment
DOJ Indicts
Obama Pardons

All without a bump in the campaigning
I hope she's nuked from orbit, but given the state of politics and generalized apathy in this country I'm skeptical to the nth degree.

I dunno because there is quite a bit of speculation, starting with Obama not backing Hillary (or any Democrat yet), that this is a convenient way to get her out of the way. Sanders will never get the party's nomination and RUMINT has started that the Democrats will demand Crazy Joe jump "back" in at the 9th hour without campaigning (FDR didn't campaign for a 3rd term). Or Obama challenges the 3rd term because it's clear that he views the Constitution as a living document.

On the opposite end, the Republican establishment will not allow Trump to get the nom so a brokered convention is all but "certain" and that is when the real games will begin in earnest.

This election year will be interesting in American politics and will most likely highlight that our current system is now akin to Halliburton's "operations" in Iraq.
"Hope? Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It's got no use on the inside. You'd better get used to that idea."

@lindy and @compforce both make sense, but I can't see it given our rotten, rotten process and an administration I view as one of the most corrupt in a long time. She's dodged bullets, though not in Bosnia, and lied so much and so often people shrug it off. She's a part of a dynasty, a juggernaut, and corrupt mofos don't charge corrupt mofos. Obama will do whatever the party tells him to do and the only real "out" to not filing charges is if FBI agents stage a minor revolt. Director/ executive level stuff on every media outlet possible. That won't happen, careers are at stake. People will whine and complain, but the Yes Men will prevail and allow a felon to walk. Like the FBI. the Intel community will be ignored or bought off, again unless Director level folks come forward and make some noise.

I think politics and strong arming will delay this, if not stop it, before the elections.

I want to be wrong and I've love for the "I told you so, Free" posts; hell, start a thread. I want to be wrong, but I have zero faith in the system and the people.
The charges will consist of some of the following:

1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.

One source told me that “the top floor of the FBI [the leadership] is deeply engaged in the investigation.” And another said the Bureau has “no choice” but to ask Attorney General Loretta Lynch for indictments. The FBI’s director James Comey has a reputation for being incorruptible. He wanted to indict General David Petraeus on far fewer charges than his investigators have come up with on Hillary. Now his chief of staff has reportedly said that the Bureau plans to seek indictments of Hillary and her aides despite the politics of the case. One source told me, “the Bureau doesn’t care about politics.” This case is seen as a national security matter.

If it is ignored, the fear within the intelligence community is that it will be impossible to prosecute future defendants being charged with the mishandling of classified information. The intelligence agencies would mutiny if Hillary were given a pass. Said DiGenova last week, “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves basically to revolt if [the Attorney General] refuses to bring charges.” This is apparently one of those processes that takes on a life of its own.

Hillary’s Problems Grow

Could he be the first in line to turn the tables, and perhaps shift public opinion. This ship, that is our Nation, is badly in need of getting centered back over it's keel.
Most political pundits agree Obama doesn't want Clinton to be president

Yes, but the DNC owes her too much and don't forget that list of skeletons in the closet that she has from all the years in politics. If they do it the way that I suggested, everyone that's involved wins.

FBI Recommends indictment - clears the FBI of any fallout.
DOJ indicts - clears the DOJ of any chance of being called partisan (over this particular decision). It also avoids the threats of FBI going out of control.
Obama pardons/grants clemency - Repays the debt to Clinton, keeps her out of jail, but makes her unelectable. Win for Obama and the DNC. Clinton goes into retirement with her permanent salary from being a Senator. It also sets up a DNC debt to the Clintons to be cashed in later by Chelsea as part of the deal to keep that blacklist out of the public eye.

It really is a win for everyone involved.
Yes, but the DNC owes her too much and don't forget that list of skeletons in the closet that she has from all the years in politics. If they do it the way that I suggested, everyone that's involved wins.

FBI Recommends indictment - clears the FBI of any fallout.
DOJ indicts - clears the DOJ of any chance of being called partisan (over this particular decision). It also avoids the threats of FBI going out of control.
Obama pardons/grants clemency - Repays the debt to Clinton, keeps her out of jail, but makes her unelectable. Win for Obama and the DNC. Clinton goes into retirement with her permanent salary from being a Senator. It also sets up a DNC debt to the Clintons to be cashed in later by Chelsea as part of the deal to keep that blacklist out of the public eye.

It really is a win for everyone involved.

I'd like to see some defenative ruling for the email security failures. There also needs to be a return to reality, and personal responsibility, that should have been there all long. This insanity of a front running candidate, with all the questionable past behavior is simply mind blowing. The other plus here is that it is a nice step into the face of the media and all of the spin we have come to see as normal behavior. Time to bring a halt to the coverup, the corruption, and the lack of promised transparency........but that's just me:mad:.
I bet there's a new vacancy on the Clinton campaign staff for a social media manager.

Clinton's 'no individual too big to jail' tweet backfires | Fox News

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