Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

FBI Recommends indictment
DOJ Indicts
Obama Pardons

All without a bump in the campaigning

Yep/maybe. Her numbers against Bernie are tight, I think Obama/Biden are working this together, but they still have to be careful as the electorate could suddenly swing to Comrade Sanders making a brokered convention impossible.

Most political pundits agree Obama doesn't want Clinton to be president

Common knowledge that both camps hate each other. Most of my friends still in Chicago wonder what dirt the Clintons have on Obama (that is the accepted reason for offering her Sec State).

Yes, but the DNC owes her too much and don't forget that list of skeletons in the closet that she has from all the years in politics. If they do it the way that I suggested, everyone that's involved wins.

FBI Recommends indictment - clears the FBI of any fallout.
DOJ indicts - clears the DOJ of any chance of being called partisan (over this particular decision). It also avoids the threats of FBI going out of control.
Obama pardons/grants clemency - Repays the debt to Clinton, keeps her out of jail, but makes her unelectable. Win for Obama and the DNC. Clinton goes into retirement with her permanent salary from being a Senator. It also sets up a DNC debt to the Clintons to be cashed in later by Chelsea as part of the deal to keep that blacklist out of the public eye.

It really is a win for everyone involved.

I think this takes Chelsea out too as her fingers are already dirty (Clinton's "foundation")

I'd like to see some defenative ruling for the email security failures. There also needs to be a return to reality, and personal responsibility, that should have been there all long. This insanity of a front running candidate, with all the questionable past behavior is simply mind blowing. The other plus here is that it is a nice step into the face of the media and all of the spin we have come to see as normal behavior. Time to bring a halt to the coverup, the corruption, and the lack of promised transparency........but that's just me:mad:.

The Intel Community has to be concerned, if this gets a wink and a nod then future Defense Attorneys will use Government inaction here to successfully sway juries.

This is actually starting to reach Watergate Levels of corruption/cover-up which is ironic in so many ways.

I agree with previous posts that Biden wins the nomination via a brokered convention, he can't debate worth a shit so the only way to get him in is to nuke the competition (Obama's standard campaign tactic).

Obama has wiped out the party machines that put him in the White House (Daley Machine is dead), so wiping the Clinton machine would just add another scalp to the wall. He'd also be in position to take Wassermann-Schultz out by putting one of his people into the seat. He's not going away soon, and I don't see him being nice after he leaves the White House.
I think this takes Chelsea out too as her fingers are already dirty (Clinton's "foundation")

She's 20 years away from anything for which the DNC would need to support her. By then the Foundation's issues will be a faded memory. The DNC can afford to take the chance that they'll owe a favor in the far distant future if it means that they eliminate the threat of Hillary's Black Book.
For prison? Deportation? Where ya going with this?

I don't care if she had naked pictures of George Foreman and the Pope together. If the GOP does not quit candidate on candidate bashing the GOP will lose even if Ronald Reagan came back from the dead.
It's politics..
Don't care. The GOP wants to win this election, they have zero chance on the path they are headed down now. I will bet Trump is paying her, she is shallow just like me...if she wants me to be a Trump supporter she better start showing some more skin.
Don't care. The GOP wants to win this election, they have zero chance on the path they are headed down now. I will bet Trump is paying her, she is shallow just like me...if she wants me to be a Trump supporter she better start showing some more skin.

Remember, that the media is who is reporting what. This happens in both parties; the press shapes and spins to take followers down a particular path. Then they sit back and watch the bickering, to be further shaped, spun and reported. I so much replay the Watergate, and Mrs. Clinton cases side by side. The difference in coverage is huge.
Oh, that rascally scamp Hillary. I thought this was a humor piece.

Hillary Clinton: Cure for Citizens United is more democracy - CNN.com

As president, I'll appoint Supreme Court justices who recognize that Citizens United is bad for America. And if necessary, I'll fight for a constitutional amendment that overturns it.

A Constitutional amendment....no one with a brain will touch that one or any other amendment.

Meanwhile, we need more transparency in our politics. In the last three elections, more than $600 million in donations came from unknown, untraceable sources. That's a lot of secret, unaccountable money. As president, I'll require federal contractors to fully disclose their political spending. I'll call on the Securities and Exchange Commission to require that publicly traded companies do the same. And I'll fight for legislation requiring the disclosure of all significant political donations, no matter where they come from or who they benefit. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you should have to identify your donors.

I guarandamntee you she's taking money from those she decries and admitting to it? If you believe she'll open her books I have some things to sell you.

So that's what we need now: more transparency, more accountability, and above all, more citizens exercising their right to vote.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Transparency and accountability? Like the email server or any one of a dozen scandals she or her party were involved with since 2008? That's what infuriates me, she'll talk about accountability while actively working to avoid it for herself and party.
At this point, what difference does it make? (partly sarcastic).

All the entreaties will only harden the Pharaoh's heart. Her backers will not see the light.
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