Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

The common person has no idea what SCI or SAP is, and it sounds cooler.
And I get it to a degree.. but why play into the ignorance. I would think this would be a good opportunity to inform the people on what the classifications are actually for and how we determine "damage" if released. It seems it would give a people a better understanding of how this is actually really bad case of spillage and completely irresponsible. In our industry this ends careers.
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So DOS has stalled to release more emails until AFTER Iowa and New Hampshire. Transparency my ass!

The department asked the court to push the deadline for the full collection of documents back to Feb. 29.

A delay in the release of the emails would push the final batch even later into the presidential primary season, after the first four state nominating contests.

Republicans have repeatedly accused the Obama administration of coming to Clinton’s political aid, and said on Friday that the State Department’s move was just the latest example.

The delay “is all about ensuring any further damaging developments in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal are revealed only after the votes are counted in the early nominating states,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.

“The American people should be outraged at the Obama administration’s gamesmanship to protect someone who recklessly exposed classified information on more than 1,300 occasions, including highly sensitive top secret intelligence,” he added.

State tries to delay Clinton email release, blaming snowstorm
For someone as entitled as Hillary Clinton to so blatantly and massively violate national security, and then try and turn it into a partisan political issue and act like a victim is maybe expected, but infuriating nonetheless. What a fucking cunt.
I have no doubt--zero--that this gets spun, and spun well: "I didn't know, this was my staff's responsibility, my staff didn't tell me, it should have been marked better......"

I have no doubt--zero--that even if the evidence is abundantly clear AND she confesses to being the second gunman on the grassy knoll, there are people who will vote for her.
She would have to be caught eating babies for any of this to matter one squat.

I have no doubt--zero--that even if the evidence is abundantly clear AND she confesses to being the second gunman on the grassy knoll, there are people who will vote for her.

She could eat a live baby by ripping the flesh from its limbs and still pull 20% of the vote. She's scandal proof. She's done so much and had it blown off or away that people shrug at a new Hillary scandal. No matter how guilty she is the US has become numb to her criminal activity.
She could eat a live baby by ripping the flesh from its limbs and still pull 20% of the vote. She's scandal proof. She's done so much and had it blown off or away that people shrug at a new Hillary scandal. No matter how guilty she is the US has become numb to her criminal activity.

I stand corrected. :thumbsup::wall::wall:
FROM: Huma A.
TO: John K.
She could eat a live baby by ripping the flesh from its limbs and still pull 20% of the vote. She's scandal proof.
She's done so much and had it blown off or away that people shrug at a new Hillary scandal. No matter how guilty she is the US has become numb to her criminal activity.

That deserves to be an official e-mail in order to get it the widest dissemination possible.
I guess I'm still hoping that some form of justice is left in this country. I am hoping that Hillary is brought into the light, and given the trial she deserves, and than hopefully sent to prison where she belongs, for the rest of her life.
CBS has a story where her spox said this was over classification run amok and interagency infighting. Yep, that's what we need: a CINC who already bashes the IC.

Pfft...what am I talking about? This from the leader of the free world:

“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” He said it had been a mistake for Mrs. Clinton to use a private email account when she was secretary of state, but his conclusion was unmistakable: “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

A server, like guys riding around in the back of pickups, will not destroy this nation. :rolleyes: Perhaps not, but they damn sure can cause "exceptional grave damage" to these United States.

Same guy, who emailed her at least 8 times on her private email domain...not @state.gov like all other DOS employees, said:

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Clinton email scandal: how we got to where we are. Amazing history. Every voter should watch this...your White House may be in the balance.
