Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

FBI doesn't indict anyone......DOJ USAO does, AG going to have to sign off on any indictment process...wonder which way the winds of politics will blow on this issue. I think for POTUS, he needs to do the right thing.
FBI doesn't indict anyone......DOJ USAO does, AG going to have to sign off on any indictment process...wonder which way the winds of politics will blow on this issue. I think for POTUS, he needs to do the right thing.
The FBI may not indict, but their heads will roll the moment the recommendation is officially made to the AG. Can't have that kind of negativity when we appoint Comrade Hillary to the throne.
Interesting point. Winning the Presidency could turn out to be her own personal hell compliments of the FBI.
I still think the fix is in, and they indict her a month prior to the convention.
"Crazy Uncle Joe" gets the nomination via a brokered convention.
She would have creamed Biden in a no-shit debate and keeping him off the street ensures a minimum number of gaffes.
I still think the fix is in, and they indict her a month prior to the convention.
"Crazy Uncle Joe" gets the nomination via a brokered convention.
She would have creamed Biden in a no-shit debate and keeping him off the street ensures a minimum number of gaffes.

Bernie isn't out of it yet. He is tied as of now for delegates in Iowa which honestly surprised me.
Bernie isn't out of it yet. He is tied as of now for delegates in Iowa which honestly surprised me.
I think it surprised Bernie too.:ROFLMAO:
I think he'd be ahead (way ahead) if he had taken the kid gloves off during the first debate.:blkeye:
The email thing is starting to drag her down, plus she comes across as a shrill bitch (so does Palin IMO).
Wonder what dirt Obama has on him:hmm:
I'm skeptical of an FBI en masse bru-ha-ha if she isn't charged. A bunch of agents giving up their pensions over this? Not happening. A bunch of guys with their pensions, steeped in the system that promoted them? Not bloody likely.
There is no shortage of incidents whereby the Agents themselves were in 100% opposition to the USAO's refusing to prosecute cases. They simply drive on after they are rejected and move to the next case. At this point, it will fall on the AG and who knows at that point.
I have no connection to high places or the ears of anyone of significance or consequence. From a former career and through networking, though, I do have people who "hear" things (albeit of dubious value and veracity). A friend said he "heard" (in quotes because it is meaningless and not sourced and therefore not trusted) that were HRC to be "indicted" chances are charges would be plead, jail time avoided, maybe some fines. He also said there would be a reasonable chance that HRC could deflect the blame enough onto other people that they could be indicted instead. He claimed this was all based on politics and not the law.
He claimed this was all based on politics and not the law.

Unfortunately, in these days and times..."politics" have become laws in and of themselves. Those operating in the political realm at that level are "often exempt" from the laws governing the masses.
If it really gets too hot for Hil, obama will likely step in, and everything will grind to a halt. If the worst that can happen to Clinton happens, she will be only an hour or so away from a full obama pardon. This will wind up all show, and nothing worth while will happen. My $.02.
If it really gets too hot for Hil, obama will likely step in, and everything will grind to a halt. If the worst that can happen to Clinton happens, she will be only an hour or so away from a full obama pardon. This will wind up all show, and nothing worth while will happen. My $.02.
Obama granting a pardon becomes campaign fodder for the other side, DoJ doing nothing becomes debate fodder (Cruz or Trump will chew her up in a no-shit debate)
Obama granting a pardon becomes campaign fodder for the other side, DoJ doing nothing becomes debate fodder (Cruz or Trump will chew her up in a no-shit debate)

I hope you are right. My trust in the current administration is zero. There is no transparency, and underhanded actions seem all too common in DC; all of DC. Benghazi should have been campagin fodder last time, and no discussion/debate ever surfaced from the GOP; and the Democrates sure as hell were not going to bring it up. I can see the same thing repeating in this election cycle, over the former SOS treating classified information as "just some email stuff". The Embassy in Libya under direct attack, the Ambassador tortured, sodomized, and murdered, gets a , "who cares" response from the SOS. Having gotten away with that, hell the sky's the limit for Clinton; unless someone steps in and stops it. I just don't see that happening.
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I'm skeptical of an FBI en masse bru-ha-ha if she isn't charged. A bunch of agents giving up their pensions over this? Not happening. A bunch of guys with their pensions, steeped in the system that promoted them? Not bloody likely.

I agree that SA's are not going to toss their careers over this. However, the FBI is not an agency to fuck around with. From their inception, they have been dirt collectors and the amount dirty secrets they hold over many politicians and government people can be a huge driver of influence. DoJ, POTUS, etc are not exempt.

That said, if this was just politics it would be FBI dudes on TV breaking this shit down either for or against Clinton. The fact that nothing is "officially" being said, tells me they actually have a real investigation going and are going to drop a bomb on her so big that she has zero chance of becoming POTUS, as they are not going to chance backlash from her if by some crazy situation she still is elected.

I think Clinton knows she is fucked and is waiting for a parachute from POTUS, but I don't see how that benefits him. Benghazi and an ambassador being killed during his administration is a bad mark. If he can legally point the finger at all his failures at Hillary's mismanagement of classified information, corruption, etc. Its a win for him and his legacy, and we all know POTUS's in their last year all turn to the legacy aspects and try to cover the bad shit up or deflect it onto others.

To be honest, Obama has probably more interest in whoever becoming next POTUS failing than supporting his agenda's. He wants to go down as the guy who saved American, made it better, etc. In order to do that, he needs to be able to deflect his failures, and needs to be able to historically show that someone was far worse than him. I really think he will toss Clinton under the bus, and I don't think she will get a deal, I think they will want her locked away and kept quite.

Just my $.02
I hope you are right. My trust in the current administration is zero. There is no transparency, and underhanded actions seem all too common in DC; all of DC. Benghazi should have been campagin fodder last time, and no discussion/debate ever surfaced from the GOP; and the Democrates sure as hell were not going to bring it up.
Did you watch the debates? Benghazi was mentioned numerous times by Romney in every single debate. Ctrl+F the phrase "Benghazi" on the wikipedia page United States presidential election debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Ambassador tortured, sodomized,
It should also be pointed out that this didn't happen.
Did you watch the debates? Benghazi was mentioned numerous times by Romney in every single debate. Ctrl+F the phrase "Benghazi" on the wikipedia page United States presidential election debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It should also be pointed out that this didn't happen.

I did watch the debates. What I came away with at the time, was that Romney did not push the issue as much as he might have. To me, Benghazi was a pretty obvious misread, and mishandled across the board. It seemed to me that more could have been said about Benghazi.

I read more than one account of how the Ambassador was dealt with after his captue, and before he died. I will dig around some to see if I can find the reference. If I have it wrong, then I stand corrected.