Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I know what you mean, but it seems that often the LNs outnumber the Marines.

They can and do depending on manpower (numbers).

I was always under the impression that Marine MSG's were responsible for physical security of said embassy?
We have a lot of low security embassies that I'm tracking...those are in countries that are primarily about as safe as being at home. I drew that evidence from this bad article. If certain embassies only get 7 Marine Guards, I'm guessing that's somewhere like Canada, the UK, or Australia. With how shitty Libya was at the time, I cannot fathom there wasn't at least a platoon (-) of Marine Guards and a shit ton of DSS. But apparently that is not the case. This is more or less what should have occured:
Aren't we forgetting it was a small consulate, no MSG, only local and DSS for security. Ambassador believed his relationships in the area was good and felt comfortable there, this wasn't the first time the was at the consulate and had a false sense of security.
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Aren't we forgetting it was a small consulate, no MSG, only local and DSS for security. Ambassador believed his relationships in the area was good and felt comfortable there, this wasn't the first time the was at the consulate and had a false sense of security.

I'm not forgetting. I'm just saying this wasn't all on Washington. The Ambassador still had some personal responsibility.
And the newest update is?

3 marked Secret, a bunch marked Confidential. Fortunately, we learned why this batch was delayed. It has nothing to do with the elections, the State Department is too efficient!

15 percent of latest Hillary Clinton emails marked classified

In a filing late Friday, a top State Department open-records official took blame for his department breaking the end-of-January deadline.

Eric F. Stein, senior adviser to the deputy assistant secretary for global information services, said they got too good at meeting monthly deadlines that they pushed the toughest documents back, and only belatedly discovered they’d forgotten to run all the traps on them.

Oh, the Feb. 29 deadline is the day before Super Tuesday. I can't wait to see what they are hiding until the day before the biggest day of the primaries. Mad props for dropping this batch on a Saturday. Christ, anyone with a brain can see what's going on but nothing's being done nor will be done.
Is there a bus running in the obama garage with Mrs. Clinton's name on it? Or will he step up and stop everything with yet another White House order?
I still think this is a way for Biden to get the nomination without running the Primary gauntlet. She get's indicted on numerous counts a month before the democratic convention forcing a brokered convention.
How could you see it and not immediately realize it's classified? "C'mon man...." This is ridiculous and she needs to be charged.

Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said such unauthorized disclosures are “presumed to cause damage to the national security."
How could you see it and not immediately realize it's classified?

One of the saddest parts about this whole issue for me is the theory behind "the fish rots from the head down." This reverses the order if something isn't done about it. When the Boss is breaking the law, those beneath her...especially those "close" to her feel they can do it as well because they will be protected by her. However, when charges start coming down the pike -- if they do at all -- it's usually the followers that get the charges and not the "rotten head". I'm afraid that may end up being the case here.
How could you see it and not immediately realize it's classified? "C'mon man...." This is ridiculous and she needs to be charged.

Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says | Fox News
Agreed. But where's the national whistleblower hotline that doesn't serve as a travel agent to Air Siberia? Not saying I like Snowden! He's an idiot and a traitor.
BUT... trying to report a security breach ain't no easy thing especially if it goes through your boss or didn't happen in your AO. I've tried.