Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

That recent interview "I don't believe I've ever lied" is everything that is wrong with politics and the news in this country. She is full of shit, and the reporter should have hammered her on her response, but he played ball. Fucking corrupt motherfuckers make my skin crawl.
Unfortunately, I have come to expect politicians to lie because they have been allowed to since the beginning of time. I suspect that it will always be that way until we -- the US citizenry -- put a quick and final death to PC. Call a liar a liar and hold them accountable for the words they say and the deeds they do. They are no longer accountable to anyone and act with impunity. They change their stories and opinions like the wind changes direction. They simply will not change until they are forced to. We have the politicians that we have asked for as a nation.
I wondered if obama would step up and stop the bus from running over ole Hilary. I was actually pretty sure he would use his Executive power to shield his former SOS. This pretty well closes the door on that protection.

I assume that will be the case: she walks but her loyal subordinates face the penalties.
All politicians at her level have "disposable" people on staff to throw away when they need some cannon fodder to take the blame for their actions.
All politicians at her level have "disposable" people on staff to throw away when they need some cannon fodder to take the blame for their actions.

The NFL has them so we're fools if we think the real power brokers of this country don't have disposable employees.
Neither CNN nor Fox have this story on their "front pages" as it were. Short version, another batch of emails totaling 1500 pages dropped Friday night. The total so far across all releases?

The State Department's interagency FOIA review team has classified more than 1,800 of them, two-dozen of which were deemed to be Top Secret and 21 Secret, because intelligence officials who reviewed the communications said they contain sensitive information.

Hours Before South Carolina Primary, 1,500 Pages of Hillary Clinton Emails Are Released | VICE News

So basically if her staffers are willing to plead to felonies, Hillary will get a pass? Way to be a fucking leader, let all your minions fall on their swords for your misdeeds and preach to the nation that your "leadership" is what this country needs...for fuck sake, you would be hard pressed to believe this shit if it was written in a Novel, much less real life.
So basically if her staffers are willing to plead to felonies, Hillary will get a pass? Way to be a fucking leader, let all your minions fall on their swords for your misdeeds and preach to the nation that your "leadership" is what this country needs...for fuck sake, you would be hard pressed to believe this shit if it was written in a Novel, much less real life.

She has never been a leader. A manager at best, but never a leader!
So basically if her staffers are willing to plead to felonies, Hillary will get a pass? Way to be a fucking leader, let all your minions fall on their swords for your misdeeds and preach to the nation that your "leadership" is what this country needs...for fuck sake, you would be hard pressed to believe this shit if it was written in a Novel, much less real life.

Oliver North agrees.
Oliver North agrees.

Good point bro, and I am not stating that its something new or restricted to individuals or party lines. I just think it's disgusting and sad.

The fact that the American people (or mainly their representatives) would buy that a lone LTC Marine officer ran the Contras, gun trading and the like is mind blowing. The fact that Reagan/Bush and the Pentagon allowed him to take the heat for it, was just as disgusting as what Hillary Clinton is attempting to get away with.
Good point bro, and I am not stating that its something new or restricted to individuals or party lines. I just think it's disgusting and sad.

The fact that the American people (or mainly their representatives) would buy that a lone LTC Marine officer ran the Contras, gun trading and the like is mind blowing. The fact that Reagan/Bush and the Pentagon allowed him to take the heat for it, was just as disgusting as what Hillary Clinton is attempting to get away with.

Stepping beyond Hillary, there's a history of famous (note I didn't use "great") people using a fall guy when needed. Ray Lewis, Steve Jobs, Cris Carter (telling NFL rookies to use them), rappers I can't think of (nor care about), drug cartels and other criminal organizations, and who knows how many people have "resigned" to take the heat off of a politician or business. My memory's a bit thin, but I can Google if you want to find more names.

The reality though is the same regardless of the persons involved. You sacrifice one or more people to protect the big dog. "I didn't know" "I wasn't fully briefed" "He may have said that" and a sacrificial underling later...and the "leader" walks away.

I HATE Hillary Clinton. I am serious when I use that word because she's everything wrong on almost every level with our political process today, but if she weasels out of any prosecution by "killing" a minion, she won't be the first or last. She'll join a long distinguished list of guilty who escaped because of a ritual sacrifice.

It sucks, but that's the world in which we live.
The reality though is the same regardless of the persons involved. You sacrifice one or more people to protect the big dog. "I didn't know" "I wasn't fully briefed" "He may have said that" and a sacrificial underling later...and the "leader" walks away.

Nixon would disagree but I'm smellin' what you're feelin'.
Nixon would disagree but I'm smellin' what you're feelin'.

Very true, Nixon was caught, he didn't have room to wiggle out of his reckoning. I guess the question would be if Hillary has any possible deniability of receiving, releasing's and or failing to protect classified information. On face value, it would appear with her requesting documents be retyped to avoid classification protocol's that she would not. But yet again, if the prosecution says we'll hang these minion's to make this go away and the Clinton's history with use of presidential pardon's, I'm wondering now if this a rabbit hole of wasting tax payers money.
Very true, Nixon was caught, he didn't have room to wiggle out of his reckoning. I guess the question would be if Hillary has any possible deniability of receiving, releasing's and or failing to protect classified information. On face value, it would appear with her requesting documents be retyped to avoid classification protocol's that she would not. But yet again, if the prosecution says we'll hang these minion's to make this go away and the Clinton's history with use of presidential pardon's, I'm wondering now if this a rabbit hole of wasting tax payers money.

Don't forget that the investigation of Hillary's "serve her" has expanded to include public corruption. Personally, I think that the FBI has recovered some "deleted" materials off the server and this material is more damning (using her position to funnel money to the foundation in exchange for foreign policy changes) than any compromise of TS//SI.

Again, I have no knowledge of the investigation but it's just a hunch.