Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

That's the same video bro. It says the dude's named, Fahad al-Bakoush, in the first two seconds. I'm not really sure what your point is.
That's the same video bro. It says the dude's named, Fahad al-Bakoush, in the first two seconds. I'm not really sure what your point is.

My point is you are taking the word of the same people who said the attack on the annex was the result of an anti-Islamic video when the facts clearly show that was not the case. Based on that, anything related to that night in Bengazhi is merely speculation until facts are presented.

While you can present American press reports of how the Ambo was swiftly taken to the hospital there is also a Lebanese website that says his body was mutilated and dragged through the streets.

Any notion that a well-known US facility is attacked with SAF, overrun, and ransacked by Ansar al-Sharia elements and then suddenly peaceful locals occupy the site to render assistance...is...just...pure...fantasy. 6 "good Samaritans" miraculously appeared among the "hordes of looters and bystanders"? That idea totally defies "rioting mentality" let alone North African mentality ESPECIALLY in Benghazi in 2012.

I have never been involved in a firefight and then been welcomed by any locals. Quite the opposite actually.

I don't know what happened in Benghazi. I know that I do not believe the USG's narrative of the story.
If it really gets too hot for Hil, obama will likely step in, and everything will grind to a halt. If the worst that can happen to Clinton happens, she will be only an hour or so away from a full obama pardon. This will wind up all show, and nothing worth while will happen. My $.02.

If she gets indicted, goes to trail and found/pleas guilty and then granted a pardon....I'm fine with that....it's the best that I can hope for these days with politicians
What the fuck is going on within our government? DOS IG now comes forward that Powell and Rice had classified emails on their NIPR email?
I cannot believe this shit.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

Oh I can. This has got to be the "throw everyone under the bus so I don't get crushed" strategy. The State Department is now going to pile the bodies high so the emphasis isn't so much on HRC.
What the fuck is going on within our government? DOS IG now comes forward that Powell and Rice had classified emails on their NIPR email?

I cannot believe this shit.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

Article says:
"Unlike Clinton, Powell's emails remained in government computer servers."

How can said emails have been on "personal accounts" yet also "remain in government servers?" Sounds more like potential spillage (which happens to just about everyone, eventually) than malfeasance.
It seems like her defence is gonna be "Look, everybody else was doing it as well!".

There's no real accountability in politics, anywhere in the world.
If the media were impartial reporters of truth they would ask her why her story keeps changing. "I didn't do it" led to "a small amount" to "it isn't a big deal" to "other people did it" plus other stops I've forgotten about. Even Fox doesn't address this rolling barrage of ever changing excuses. The media in this country isn't just partisan, they are also grossly incompetent.
My point is you are taking the word of the same people who said the attack on the annex was the result of an anti-Islamic video when the facts clearly show that was not the case. Based on that, anything related to that night in Bengazhi is merely speculation until facts are presented.

While you can present American press reports of how the Ambo was swiftly taken to the hospital there is also a Lebanese website that says his body was mutilated and dragged through the streets.

Any notion that a well-known US facility is attacked with SAF, overrun, and ransacked by Ansar al-Sharia elements and then suddenly peaceful locals occupy the site to render assistance...is...just...pure...fantasy. 6 "good Samaritans" miraculously appeared among the "hordes of looters and bystanders"? That idea totally defies "rioting mentality" let alone North African mentality ESPECIALLY in Benghazi in 2012.

I have never been involved in a firefight and then been welcomed by any locals. Quite the opposite actually.

I don't know what happened in Benghazi. I know that I do not believe the USG's narrative of the story.
Forget the attack...how the hell do you allow an ambassador to role in a war zone without a deep PSD?
At some point the responsibility does come back to the ambassador himself.
Agree, with a maybe.
I have not followed this for awhile. Did he ask for extra protection and not get it?
I still think hiring locals for your main security element isn't the smartest thing Sec State could do.
Agree, with a maybe.
I have not followed this for awhile. Did he ask for extra protection and not get it?
I still think hiring locals for your main security element isn't the smartest thing Sec State could do.

Locals provide the main security element at every embassy I have been to.
You have to have trustworthy LN's, otherwise your Intel becomes limited and extremely hard to verify. Every good security crew, uses LN's in three ways, 1) first person interactions with locals (locals deal with locals). 2) informants, Intel collection and verification (from routs to community leaders to knowing/understanding the groups and players). 3) low profile security, intelligence gathering and personnel recovery (nothing better than a few LN's in the crowd feeding you info and able to act immediately, etc).

That said they have to be well vetted, completely trustworthy and well integrated into the team and very well compensated...otherwise they feed you to the wolves.

Ambassador Stevens had shit security, had bad Intel through the local community level and had LN's that walked. Honestly, whoever was AIC of that security team should have a lot to answer for. The fact that they bailed on him while he was alive should put them out of the industry for life. Keep in mind I'm talking about the DoS guys, not the CIA guys. The CIA security contractors should all be wearing the Congressional Medal of Honor for what they did. Someone must follow those guy's around with a wheelbarrow to keep their balls from dragging.
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Article says:
"Unlike Clinton, Powell's emails remained in government computer servers."

How can said emails have been on "personal accounts" yet also "remain in government servers?" Sounds more like potential spillage (which happens to just about everyone, eventually) than malfeasance.

Well, after research, the info appears to have had the NODIS caveat which is used with Dept of State info ONLY! SECSTATE has authority to declass the info since it would have originated by that agency. INR does not produce any SAP info.

Apples & oranges.
With Marines as the real security.
I have only walked into 4 Embassies, and once past the booger eater I had to show ID to a Marine.

Marines are not there to keep the embassy or inhabitants safe, they are there to safeguard classified information. The DSS people are responsible for personal security of the installation.
Marines are not there to keep the embassy or inhabitants safe, they are there to safeguard classified information. The DSS people are responsible for personal security of the installation.

My brother was a firearms instructor for DSS. He said his job, in some ways, was to scare the crap out of the embassy staff; all of them.