Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

On the couple of occasions I've fucked up and wandered into the comments sections of various articles on this subject, I have seen too many people declaring in all-caps that this is exponentially more of a nothing burger than Benghazi. I want to believe they're professional trolls, getting paid to lie and propagandize in the comments, but I have no faith left in humanity. They really are stupid enough to believe this is a right-wing snipe hunt meant to keep her off of the throne.
You're surprised?
Yeah, actually. I have a lot of respect for the NYT writers, and this just seems totally out of the ordinary. Their premise is correct - Hillary is without a doubt the most "qualified" (deliberate scare quotes there) candidate here. Insomuch as she has held several important positions both in and out of government. However, this email business is just waiting to blow the fuck up and knock her out of the race. We'll see what happens next week in Iowa.
Yeah, actually. I have a lot of respect for the NYT writers, and this just seems totally out of the ordinary. Their premise is correct - Hillary is without a doubt the most "qualified" (deliberate scare quotes there) candidate here. Insomuch as she has held several important positions both in and out of government. However, this email business is just waiting to blow the fuck up and knock her out of the race. We'll see what happens next week in Iowa.

When it pointed out they endorsed her three previous times, it was no shock to me. The whole piece read like she or her staff wrote it, right down to the little dig at Bill.

If she's charged I will be amazed, particularly if it is before the election. It is almost like the DOJ will hedge its bets. If she wins, drop it. If she loses, charge her.
...It is almost like the DOJ will hedge its bets. If she wins, drop it. If she loses, charge her.

Yep...the DoJ officials at that level of decision making are politicians. They will go with the ebb and flow of what they are told by their handlers.
When it pointed out they endorsed her three previous times, it was no shock to me. The whole piece read like she or her staff wrote it, right down to the little dig at Bill.

If she's charged I will be amazed, particularly if it is before the election. It is almost like the DOJ will hedge its bets. If she wins, drop it. If she loses, charge her.

I just hate that kind of stance, or lack there of. It just underscores the reality of life in the USA today. The laws on the books, apply to the people outside of the government, but not to the upper crust of America. If you are in office, or close to the power, you are untouchable. It seems that includes murder too, if you consider all that went on with Bengazi.
I just hate that kind of stance, or lack there of. It just underscores the reality of life in the USA today. The laws on the books, apply to the people outside of the government, but not to the upper crust of America. If you are in office, or close to the power, you are untouchable. It seems that includes murder too, if you consider all that went on with Bengazi.

The phrase "too big to jail" comes immediately to mind...
Yeah, actually. I have a lot of respect for the NYT writers, and this just seems totally out of the ordinary. Their premise is correct - Hillary is without a doubt the most "qualified" (deliberate scare quotes there) candidate here. Insomuch as she has held several important positions both in and out of government.

Other than raise money for the Foundation (offer access to Senate and Admin for payment), what DID she accomplish in either position? Don't focus on email setup or Benghazi but remember the FBI is investigating her for PUBLIC CORRUPTION!

The Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State
Bernie Sanders, Oct 13, 2015 at the first Democratic Party debate:

Bernie Sanders: Americans Are Sick Of Hearing About Hillary Clinton's 'Damn Emails'

"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails," Sanders said. The Democratic candidate then went on to list a series of issues including money in politics, trade policy and inequality that are more important than the former secretary of state's emails.

"Enough of the emails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America," Sanders said to loud applause in the debate hall. Sanders' campaign also quickly sent a fundraising email to supporters during the debate with a video of the Vermont senator's comments.

Bernie Sanders, Jan 31, 2016:

Sanders: Clinton emails 'very serious issue' - CNNPolitics.com

Asked Sunday by CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" whether voters should interpret his refusal to engage Clinton on the email issue to mean that Clinton did nothing wrong, Sanders replied with a firm, "No."

"Nope, nope. That is not, I think, a fair assessment. That is, I think, a very serious issue," Sanders said. "There is a legal process taking place, I do not want to politicize that issue. It is not my style."

Sure, he's her opponent, but even the party stalwarts have to be nervous at this point. If he's even bringing it up then it has to be a topic of discussion. I will still be surprised if anything's done, but FFS even her party can see this is a problem. I hope she attacks him and he drags this off the shelf...if the DNC will allow it.
I think Bernie was saying that it isn't an issue for the debate. I agree. If something comes of it, great, but if it doesn't, voters need to be informed about how people feel about policies.

So much of today's politics is just driven by scandal. I care much more about policies than tabloid headlines.
I think Bernie was saying that it isn't an issue for the debate. I agree. If something comes of it, great, but if it doesn't, voters need to be informed about how people feel about policies.

So much of today's politics is just driven by scandal. I care much more about policies than tabloid headlines.

This isn't a run of the mill scandal though. It's an extremely serious issue, especially considering she is running for President. I absolutely think it's a debate issue in the sense of getting the candidates views on what should happen, how they would try to prevent happening from a Cabinet member in the future, and what steps they would take to reverse any damage caused. This was SAP level stuff. It becomes its own policy issue if she is allowed to walk after such a blatant disregard for the rules.
This isn't a run of the mill scandal though. It's an extremely serious issue, especially considering she is running for President. I absolutely think it's a debate issue in the sense of getting the candidates views on what should happen, how they would try to prevent happening from a Cabinet member in the future, and what steps they would take to reverse any damage caused. This was SAP level stuff. It becomes its own policy issue if she is allowed to walk after such a blatant disregard for the rules.
Fair enough.
This isn't a run of the mill scandal though. It's an extremely serious issue, especially considering she is running for President. I absolutely think it's a debate issue in the sense of getting the candidates views on what should happen, how they would try to prevent happening from a Cabinet member in the future, and what steps they would take to reverse any damage caused. This was SAP level stuff. It becomes its own policy issue if she is allowed to walk after such a blatant disregard for the rules.

(EDIT: This is merely speculation as I have no knowledge of the facts but am keenly aware of how a reasonable person could go about defrauding the American public of information rightfully theirs. Either she acted as our SECSTATE or she was acting as a private person for the Clinton Foundation (if so, this was done via your taxes and was illegal).)

It's just the tip of the iceberg and WHY attention is being focused on the server setup.

As standing SECSTATE, she, by,with, and through her staff, conspired to set up private email system for the sole purpose to keep her communications outside Federal records controls and with the intention to subvert FOIA. There can be no other reason why her IT guy, Bryan Pagliano, who set up the server and THEN was employed by DOS, invoked his 5th Amendment protection: He knows everything and will surely be rewarded for his support to Clinton.

1) She did not have the authority to determine what was private and what was public correspondence. She or her staff destroyed 50% of her email correspondence...in violation of Federal law.

2) She or her staff conspired to send and receive classified information from both SECRET and TOP SECRET systems to her private server...in violation of Federal law. She then provided her server, which contained classified information, to an uncleared person who stored the server in an unapproved manner...in violation of Federal law.

3) She or her staff "wiped" the email server AFTER it was supeaoned by Congress...in violation of Federal law.

4) When her emails were finally provided, as required by law, they, 50K pages...not 50K worth of emails but PAGES...were delivered in paper form with the sole purpose of encumbering and delaying the search and discovery of the contents of the emails.

I suspect that the FBI has recovered some of her deleted emails and THIS is why they expanded their probe to include public corruption.

Every Federal employee is REQUIRED to have annual training regarding the Federal Records Act. Everyone with a clearance signs a NDA which clearly outlines the responsibilities for protecting classified information and penalties for violating those responsibilities. Every American knows that it is illegal to destroy evidence that is the subject of legal inquiry.
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The more I see the follow ups into what's been found and uncovered, and the more I read this thread, the uglier in my eyes, this woman gets....if that's even possible.

TLDR20 hit the nail on the head. So what if someone breaks the law, or doesn't have the makeup of what someone should have, regarding their personal good moral character, belief and values, who is running for any office and is corrupt....fuck all that non sense. It only matters so long as they're likable and how much free stuff and entitlements I'm going to get. :rolleyes:
If she get away with it....wonder what General Patreaus will say publically....or did the below buy his silence on the issue.

"Retired general, ex-CIA chief David Petraeus to receive no further punishment"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has decided not to impose further punishment on David Petraeus, a former U.S. military commander and CIA director who admitted sharing classified information with his mistress, according to a letter seen by Reuters

So no retired demotion of rank....O_o
DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary

The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

"They're ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they're going public."

Clinton is under FBI investigation for her use of a private server to conduct confidential government business while she was secretary of state. But some Republicans fear any FBI recommendation that hurts Clinton will be squashed by the Obama administration.