Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

It’s ALIVE!!!

BLUF: looks like the IC’s IG alerted the FBI during the Clinton email “exoneration” that Chinese hacked her server and got ALL the traffic. FBI seemed aloof

https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2019-08-14 Staff memo to CEG RHJ - ICIG Interview Summary RE Clinton Server.pdf

Whistleblower career employees within the State Department also reportedly notified the Intelligence Community that others at State involved in the review process deliberately changed classification determinations to protect Secretary Clinton.

First, according to one ICIG official, some members of the FBI investigative team seemed indifferent to evidence of a possible intrusion by a foreign adversary into Secretary Clinton’s non-government server. The interview summary makes clear exactly what information Mr. Rucker and Ms. McMillian knew regarding the alleged hack of the Clinton server, as well as the information they shared with the FBI team, including Peter Strzok, the Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division in charge of the Clinton investigation.

Article with multiple hyperlinks

FBI 'indifferent' to possible China hack of Hillary Clinton's server, as State Department fought to protect her, interviews suggest
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38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe

The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were "culpable" in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton's personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified.

Clinton email probe results in 38 people being cited
38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe

The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were "culpable" in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton's personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified.

Clinton email probe results in 38 people being cited

Pretty harsh findings since none of her email was marked classified. Guess State folks were held to the USG-standard that INFORMATION determines classification vice the markings.
Bigfoot has also been 'cited'
The Loch-Ness monster has been 'cited'
Aliens have been cited - hell Jimmy Carter even cited a UFO once

50+ years of being 'cited' yet there is still no proof that any of them exist - and none of them have done any time in captivity

...and so shall it be with the Clinton syndicate