Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

My point was it could have been a case of preparing both statements in advance.
I really hope that this is the case. Otherwise, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

EDIT: Reading the transcript excerpts, it seems as though Comey was reading the tea leaves and believed that a case could not be made against Secretary Clinton when he drafted the memo.

The interviewee is quoted as saying, "...the Director emails a couple folks - I can't remember exactly; I know I was on there, probably the Deputy Director, not the full, what I'll call the briefing group - to say say, you know, again knowing sort of where - knowing the direction the investigation is headed, right, what would be the most forward-leaning thing we could do...and he sent a draft around of, you what - what it might look like..."

That seems to suggest that Comey - an experienced lawyer - saw that nothing was likely going to come of the case after more than a year of investigation, and was being proactive about crafting a statement. I mean, it's not like he drafted it in secret. It seems that most of the FBI leadership was aware of the memo, and if they observed any impropriety they would have likely brought it up. It's a weird thing to do, sure, but it doesn't seem to suggest anything illegal or unethical.
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Yes exactly. I'm not trying to make excuses for anything, just that sometimes there are common explanations for things that happen.

And sometimes there isn't.
Do I think she broke the law? Yes
Do I think Comey and a bunch of other people mishandled the case? Yes.
Do I think we should drop this? Yes.

She isn't going to jail and most likely any evidence that pops up will probably come from a hacker. Try admitting that in court. Put that witness on the stand. That trial would make Casey Anthony's look textbook in comparison. We've wasted too much money and time on this for relatively nothing. Unless someone can produce credible information, something that would stand up in a court of law, this needs to go away. The GOP needs to move on, harping about this case going into the 2018 elections makes them look petty and vindictive. If they had anything she'd get served like she was in a Ruth's Chris.
At this point she's not going to jail. I'm just updating the thread. All we're going to get is a lot of "neener neener neener" going forward. But it would be nice if it got handled in a public Congressional Hearing like it is so that it is at least on the record.
There's probably about half a million FOIA requests pending for this investigation, so I'm sure the details are going to come out at some point. Perhaps this year, or perhaps next year. I can't wait to read the book.