Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

If true this may be the funniest < saddest > thing I read all day....

Julian Assange says a 14-year-old could have hacked Democratic emails | Daily Mail Online

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said a 14-year-old could have hacked into the emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman.

John Podesta's emails were made public by the whistleblowing website and proved to be a hammer blow to the Democrat's election campaign as she lost out to Trump.

In an interview, Assange revealed the campaign chairman's password was 'password' and that he had responded to phishing emails
The Russian info was given to Assange, and released by him, so the above is disinformation, in the Gospel According to CQB. But let's see where this goes as a counter INT strategy, for shits and giggles. Perhaps thinking more than 5 minutes in the past can pay off.
The Russian info was given to Assange, and released by him, so the above is disinformation, in the Gospel According to CQB. But let's see where this goes as a counter INT strategy, for shits and giggles. Perhaps thinking more than 5 minutes in the past can pay off.
Has that been verified?
If true this may be the funniest < saddest > thing I read all day....

Julian Assange says a 14-year-old could have hacked Democratic emails | Daily Mail Online

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said a 14-year-old could have hacked into the emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman.

John Podesta's emails were made public by the whistleblowing website and proved to be a hammer blow to the Democrat's election campaign as she lost out to Trump.

In an interview, Assange revealed the campaign chairman's password was 'password' and that he had responded to phishing emails

I'm surprised it wasn't this:


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I'm not sure you can call this iron clad verification but he is mentioned in this broadcast. This pretty much sums up my opinion on where this came from.
Is anyone else amazed by the fact that Podesta was using Gmail?

He turned every communication he made into the property of Google.

You'd assume a former presidential chief of staff, presidential counselor, and current national campaign chairman would know better.

Using Gmail would be bad practice for the owner of a local trash collecting business, I wouldn't think it would ever be a consideration for Podesta- but apparently, he's a idiot.
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When your password is password...I really couldn't care for anything you say, because you're begging to be hacked, that's gotta be one of the first tried by hacking programs every time for an intrusion.
When your password is password...I really couldn't care for anything you say, because you're begging to be hacked, that's gotta be one of the first tried by hacking programs every time for an intrusion.
I don't particularly believe the password story. You can't hack Gmail using a brute force hacking attempt because it locks you out after a certain number of attempts.

I do, however, believe the phishing attack story.

Either way, Podesta should have known better.
6 months ago I was your average stupid SysAdmin who paid attention to security but had kind of a "meh" mentality to the process. Now that I'm in Information Assurance I can say the whole case with HRC and her email plus the DNC's email hack makes me say "what the fuck."

We can blame Russia or Mars or James Bond but the fact remains this is all SysAdmin/ Security 101 level stuff and if a handful of people had done even the most basic of SysAdmin or User tasks, this wouldn't be a story.

IT security doesn't fail because your gazillion dollar firewall/DMZ crapped the bed or some dude in eastern Europe discovered a flaw in an Operating System's kernel, it failed because one or two people were morons. Period. Dot. End of story. Time to discuss if Eli Manning has a touch of Down's Syndrome (answer: he does).
His IT idiots should have known better.

IT *Idiots* often get overruled by those that have power in both the private and public sector. There's a balance between security and usability. Usually it's the IT people arguing security and the users arguing the usability case. Guess who almost always wins...
IT *Idiots* often get overruled by those that have power in both the private and public sector. There's a balance between security and usability. Usually it's the IT people arguing security and the users arguing the usability case. Guess who almost always wins...

I did IT for over a decade in the Army, including at a management level; I know what you mean but this was not the case. Podesta questioned it and sent it to the Chief of Staff; whom sent it to the IT "Idiot". Said IT "Idiot" forwarded it back stating it was legitimate. This is a perfect example of hiring idiots, which I'm sure you are well aware that there's to many of in the IT world.

How John Podesta’s email got hacked, and how to not let it happen to you
IT *Idiots* often get overruled by those that have power in both the private and public sector. There's a balance between security and usability. Usually it's the IT people arguing security and the users arguing the usability case. Guess who almost always wins...

Hahahahaha! John Podesta clicked a link from that email address???????

That's fucking rich!!!!!

My, "you deserved it," narrative lives on!!!

And the IT staff told him the original email was valid! That's a level of stupid I can't fathom. The guy who signed off on that should never work in IT again...but will probably do so and make twice my salary forever because of his connections. People are the cause of the non-hack hack" using one of the most basic and preventable methods possible.

I have no sympathy for anyone who lost their data because of those clowns.
Wait, I'm confused. It said "google mail". google mail equals Gmail, which is real. That means it was valid, right? I mean, hackers can't spoof legitimate email addresses, or use realistic looking ones. Can they? I thought there was a law against that. Should I not have sent that 5k to the Nigerian Royal Family? I am so confused. Dasvidaniya.