Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I smell a pardon.

Interesting! Whom would he pardon and for what?

Hillary (and her DOS senior staffers) for mishandling classified, potentially perjury before Congress, obstruction of justice,..

What about CGI? That list could be incredibly long.

IF Obama grants pardons, to me, that would indicate an admission of guilt AND criminal wrongdoing on the behalf of the pardoned...one of which potentially had the majority of votes in a Presidential election.

What a fucking nightmare: this notion of pardoning Clinton.

Instead of making history of spousal presidents, they'd go down as an impeached President and pardoned candidate.

It's been discussed a little bit on this board that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Trump would pardon her.

Now I'd prefer for Clinton to basically have her ability to make a dollar diminished. Because she has made plenty via the pay for influence schemes and the $250k per speech fees. I don't think she'll ever see the inside of a cell, even though it would be nice if she would sit next to another white collar criminal named Bernie Madoff.
Interesting! Whom would he pardon and for what?

IF Obama grants pardons, to me, that would indicate an admission of guilt AND criminal wrongdoing on the behalf of the pardoned...one of which potentially had the majority of votes in a Presidential election.

He could just grant her and her staff amnesty and publically call it a defensive amnesty because he doesn't want Trump to continue dedicating resources for something "she was found innocent of". (she wasn't found anything...they declined to attempt prosecution). There would be no debate and the whole matter would end up closed.
He could just grant her and her staff amnesty and publically call it a defensive amnesty because he doesn't want Trump to continue dedicating resources for something "she was found innocent of". (she wasn't found anything...they declined to attempt prosecution). There would be no debate and the whole matter would end up closed.
Disagree because Trump would be able to use it as an example of corrupt DC.
I hope he really doesn't pursue her for anything she did as SecState and sends DoJ/IRS after the foundation. Hit their wallet is the best punishment for either of them.
Disagree because Trump would be able to use it as an example of corrupt DC.
I hope he really doesn't pursue her for anything she did as SecState and sends DoJ/IRS after the foundation. Hit their wallet is the best punishment for either of them.

I don't disagree with you on any of your points. It would still put her off-limits to Trump's team. Then, if he still went after her it would be called vindictive by the friendly (to her) media. I'm not saying O should do it, just that he could.
The Trump administration is not going to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton
Trump won’t pursue charges against Clinton | New York Post


So, why not? Could be he has been made privy to information he had before which clearly shows it's not worth the political or legal hassle; could be he is taking the high road and acting presidential, rising above pettiness; could be he is leaving a door open just enough that should new evidence come to light the DoJ and/or Congress reopen the investigation; could be he really wants to just move on. But regardless, his move should be infuriating his detractors who swore he was going to railroad HRC.
He hasn't got anything cooking. He said it for votes and only for votes. Look at all the other stuff he's already pulled back that he said he would do.

He never, ever, intended to do it.