Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Over 600 requests for additional security..

Over 600..

If the situation was that bad, I would of popped smoke after request #100. Also, I would be interested in seeing if other consulates/embassy's/facilities around the world in various hotspots didn't have a similar issue. How many requests for additional security were they sending out? Was this just an issue in Libya or worldwide?
This morning CNN has one little blurb on their front page and Fox has a tiny, buried under the Lincoln Chaffee announcement, bit about the hearing. The vermin are already burying this event despite a day's worth of testimony.

Anyway, the two links on those "news" pages are the following:

11 Benghazi takeaways: One for each hour - CNNPolitics.com

I can save you a lot of reading, it says Hillary knocked it out of the park even as it admits, several times, that she was openly contemptuous of the proceedings.

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton and critics on Benghazi, emails

That link at least does some fact checking and comes from the AP. Unlike CNN it points out that some of her statements are wrong (it doesn't spare Gowdy either) whereas CNN defends her. This week Biden declines to run, the panel, and Chaffee and Webb drop out (never strong candidates to be sure)? This is the week that made her a president. :(

I'd like nothing more than to be wrong, but short of a miracle is there any other ending?
She's going to win, it's going to happen. If we were stupid enough to put the current POTUS in a SECOND time, then I have no doubt idiots will flock towards the voting booths just so they can help the first woman get elected.
She's going to win, it's going to happen. If we were stupid enough to put the current POTUS in a SECOND time, then I have no doubt idiots will flock towards the voting booths just so they can help the first woman get elected.

It is part of the downword spiral. We are in it, and Clinton will have no interest in, as she feels above the fray. This will be yet another GOP failure in it's long string of short shigted screw ups. The only real hope we have is The Donald, I think he could slow the fall, and perhaps bring about a reversal. The trouble is, that the media will spin for clinton, and the under informed will behave as lemmings headed for the cliff. With family and property in England, I have an out, the question is when to make the move.
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It is part of the downword spiral. We are in it, and Clinton will have no interest in, as she feels above the fray. This will be yet another GOP failure in it's long string of short shigted screw ups. The only real hop we have is The Donald, I think he could slow the fall, and perhaps bring about a reversal. The trouble is, that the media will spin for clinton, and the under informed will behave as lemmings headed for the cliff. With family and property in England, I have an out, the question is when to make the move.
Yup. All very sad but true. Looking for an island in Belize personally.

Dear America,
Hillary lied about Benghazi to grieving parents' faces. Don't you even want to know WHY? No, I don't suppose you do.
It is part of the downword spiral. We are in it, and Clinton will have no interest in, as she feels above the fray. This will be yet another GOP failure in it's long string of short shigted screw ups. The only real hop we have is The Donald, I think he could slow the fall, and perhaps bring about a reversal. The trouble is, that the media will spin for clinton, and the under informed will behave as lemmings headed for the cliff. With family and property in England, I have an out, the question is when to make the move.

Man I hate to break it to you but things are just as bad there if not worse because of the immigration... but I'm going to assume you knew that already:rolleyes::wall::(
As long as we don't lose the house and senate.
I think the republicans will be more willing to disagree with her than Jeb Bush.
I think split government isn't always a bad thing, and it allows more establishment republicans an opportunity to get voted out and replaced by a more conservative individual.
Man I hate to break it to you but things are just as bad there if not worse because of the immigration... but I'm going to assume you knew that already:rolleyes::wall::(

The England setting we have is very rural, rather old, and on substantial acerage; well south east of London. Public transportation is safe, very convenient and punctual. England is socialism that has been in place for a long time. It seems socialism is where the US is headed, and it is not going well at all. At least England has worked some of the problems out of their system. My biggest problem here is the MEDIA/POLITICO binding that seems to be deciding everything. I believe nothing from major media. I do not trust our President, or anyone from the House, or Senate. The USA is broken, and there is no fix in sight. To get to the heart of the matter, my impression is that no one gives a shit about it. I am ready to leave; the outcome of the November elections will help make my decision.
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The England setting we have is very rural, rather old, and on substantial acerage; well south east of London. Public transportation is safe, very convenient and punctual. England is socialism that has been in place for a long time. It seems socialism is where the US is headed, and it is not going well at all. At least England has worked some of the problems out of their system. My biggest problem here is the MEDIA/POLITICO binding that seems to be deciding everything. I believe nothing from major media. I do not trust our President, or anyone from the Congress or Senate. The USA is broken, and there is no fix in sight. To get to the heart of the matter, my impression is that no one gives a shit about it. I am ready to leave; the outcome of the November elections will help make my decision.

Why would they give a shit when they're getting stuff for free? All they need to do is get out and vote to get more free shit!
The England setting we have is very rural, rather old, and on substantial acerage; well south east of London. Public transportation is safe, very convenient and punctual. England is socialism that has been in place for a long time. It seems socialism is where the US is headed, and it is not going well at all. At least England has worked some of the problems out of their system. My biggest problem here is the MEDIA/POLITICO binding that seems to be deciding everything. I believe nothing from major media. I do not trust our President, or anyone from the House, or Senate. The USA is broken, and there is no fix in sight. To get to the heart of the matter, my impression is that no one gives a shit about it. I am ready to leave; the outcome of the November elections will help make my decision.
Marry me.
The England setting we have is very rural, rather old, and on substantial acerage; well south east of London. Public transportation is safe, very convenient and punctual. England is socialism that has been in place for a long time. It seems socialism is where the US is headed, and it is not going well at all. At least England has worked some of the problems out of their system. My biggest problem here is the MEDIA/POLITICO binding that seems to be deciding everything. I believe nothing from major media. I do not trust our President, or anyone from the House, or Senate. The USA is broken, and there is no fix in sight. To get to the heart of the matter, my impression is that no one gives a shit about it. I am ready to leave; the outcome of the November elections will help make my decision.

You mean this run-away train like a bat out of hell looney toon government doesn't provide you with enough entertainment to stay?O_o

Well if things don't work out to your liking just don't throw away your popcorn cuz I get hungry when things get crazy:D
@Red Flag 1 , an example of broken accountability...or is this just an unofficial extension of TARP? Seriously, how does a bunch of accountants "loose" $1.6 billion? Isn't there an email trail?

Missing Money? Report questions how states spent ObamaCare funds
If they are government accountants, I'm sure it is second nature for them. I would bet they are all still employed as well. This reminds me of how the government used healthcare spending that should have been applied to Q1 2014 GDP to boost Q3 2014 GDP.
Link: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-23/here-reason-surge-q3-gdp
In this administration, the "one" will call all the shots, and no one will dare/care enough to act. Remember, obama controls the media. The IRS lady got away with a slap on the wrist for breaking the law. Think of Nixion and what happened to him. obama makes Carter look like John Wayne, and Nixion a saint. I am so sick of this. I should probably stop putting my opinions out there. I may just loose my passport, and have black rotory winged aircraft overhead. Back to my wee cave in The Valley:-x:ninja:.
Remember, obama controls the media....Think of Nixion and what happened to him.

I think the problem goes beyond ownership though I'll touch upon that first. I recently read how Dan Snyder has basically co-opted the entire DC media establishment on behalf of his team. If he couldn't buy a media outlet or forum, he sponsored it. If he couldn't hire a journalist or talking head, he sponsored their radio or TV show. He spent money over the years to stack the deck around his team; negative local press is rare. Those who do speak out suddenly find they and their company's press credentials reduced by 80%.

The media also plays to ratings, so content takes a back seat to selling advertising. Remember Dan Snyder from the above? If you can't buy a media outlet then buy ad space. Problem solved. Still have a problem? Limit access. All of that is on top of the personal bias of the journalists, editors, producers, and owners involved.

You'd think social media could bridge the gap or offset the above, but it fails because of a common weakness: mankind. We're emotional but we lack emotional stamina. Regardless of the cause it burns bright, hot, and fast. Nixon would absolutely walk if it happened today because people are fickle and lack the discipline, energy, and passion to see something through.

Between money, personal beliefs, and personal weakness information doesn't stand a chance and causes are a flash in the pan.
I think the problem goes beyond ownership though I'll touch upon that first. I recently read how Dan Snyder has basically co-opted the entire DC media establishment on behalf of his team. If he couldn't buy a media outlet or forum, he sponsored it. If he couldn't hire a journalist or talking head, he sponsored their radio or TV show. He spent money over the years to stack the deck around his team; negative local press is rare. Those who do speak out suddenly find they and their company's press credentials reduced by 80%.

The media also plays to ratings, so content takes a back seat to selling advertising. Remember Dan Snyder from the above? If you can't buy a media outlet then buy ad space. Problem solved. Still have a problem? Limit access. All of that is on top of the personal bias of the journalists, editors, producers, and owners involved.

You'd think social media could bridge the gap or offset the above, but it fails because of a common weakness: mankind. We're emotional but we lack emotional stamina. Regardless of the cause it burns bright, hot, and fast. Nixon would absolutely walk if it happened today because people are fickle and lack the discipline, energy, and passion to see something through.

Between money, personal beliefs, and personal weakness information doesn't stand a chance and causes are a flash in the pan.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^, concur! It's all $$, and Sheepole, one half notch above lemmings.
The England setting we have is very rural, rather old, and on substantial acerage; well south east of London. Public transportation is safe, very convenient and punctual. England is socialism that has been in place for a long time. It seems socialism is where the US is headed, and it is not going well at all. At least England has worked some of the problems out of their system. My biggest problem here is the MEDIA/POLITICO binding that seems to be deciding everything. I believe nothing from major media. I do not trust our President, or anyone from the House, or Senate. The USA is broken, and there is no fix in sight. To get to the heart of the matter, my impression is that no one gives a shit about it. I am ready to leave; the outcome of the November elections will help make my decision.
Can't argue with that

"At this point, between 600 and 700 emails have been identified containing classified information. An intelligence official familiar with the review says there is no such thing as "retroactive classification," the information is born classified, and the State Department only has the right to declassify information it produced."

State Department emails conflict with Clinton’s Benghazi testimony